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  1. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    Libertarians are a growing party! Look at that poll!!!! Maybe one day..........**** I can dream can't I????? :D
  2. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    by the way PW...I wasn't sure where to post this.....thanks for moving it to the right place! :D
  3. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    I have know for awhile now....but I was surprised when I discovered I was... LIBERTARIAN LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence...
  4. Spleefman

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    Short might be surprised! <---this is a LINK, DIPSHIT Just for shits & giggles! :D