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  1. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    My jets aren't even fired up yet. But I'll be sure and let you know when they are so you can keep an eye on me, k? ;)
  2. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    LOL Anyone else notice the little wink, wink, semi-threats I keep getting? See that's what I'm talking about. You all throw crap like that out as a way to cover up your threats. I've seen it a lot. And I don't have a vendetta of any sort. I was just calling it as >>I<< saw it and thought I'd...
  3. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    You did too change it, Tori. Granted, you didn't change any of the words but the way you added onto it changed the whole tone of your comment. The way you had it the first time showed nothing more then an attitude on your part as if saying that I too was standing a chance of being sent to the box.
  4. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    Oh you changed your comment before I could make my last one....
  5. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    So, your little "tour" comment...should I take that as a threat?
  6. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    Oh and another question I have... Do you have to pay the 12 bucks (or whatever it is) to be accepted around here? I know you still stand a chance at being sent to the box but it seems to happen less if you pay. Just curious.
  7. B

    The Over-Moderation of this site...

    I have a question. I'm probably taking a chance at getting sent to the idiot box but whatever. I'm new here. I don't comment much but I do read. One thing I've noticed is that it seems like a lot of times, anyone that isn't in a certain group gets called out and sent to the idiot box. Or if...
  8. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    Nah Outlaw, I'm not interested in fighting with Sixes. It's a never ending circle of non sense. He told several of us that he has brain damage. I don't really know if it's true or not. From everything I've seen from him, I'm convinced something is wrong with him for sure. I just can't decide...
  9. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    LOL You poor thing.
  10. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    LMAO. And just think, you were so nice to me not even a week ago. I'm so totally crushed. I tried my very best to try to deal with you and you made it impossible. You know that I went against what 99.999% of the members wanted and tried to give you a chance. You just showed me that I finally...
  11. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    Actually Sixes, I doubt they would because they have enough sense to know it's useless to go "toe to toe" with you. Eddo's a little slower....
  12. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    I'm not taking up for either one of you. Eddo knows I think he's stupid to even waste his time fighting with you. You are the one throwing crap around about TAP so I thought I would join to be sure and call you on your bullshit. And you said you weren't going to lurk anymore. That's such...
  13. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    Outlaw, I didn't ban Hugo and I don't have a problem with him.
  14. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    Oh shut up, hugo! LOL
  15. B

    eddo .vs sixes

    I'm glad Sixes has found a site that suits him. Maybe now he will stay away from my "dead as hell" site. BTW Sixes, you didn't just were banned. If you really hate that place and think it's oh so boring...stop lurking all the time. I personally think the fighting between these two...