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  1. W

    GI Guilty in Iraqi's Suffocation - Read the link and then vote...

    You seem to be scared by EVERYONE, CES... There is a stark difference between DELIBERATELY cutting off the fingers, hands, HEADS of people who are CLEARLY not combatants (on either side of the conflict) and using EXTREME "interrogation" techniques on KNOWN combatants. Let me be clear
  2. W

    Letter to Europe

    Agreed... I'll have to poke around and/or ponder what else is yankin' my chain today... But first, I better make an effort at earning that paycheck... TTFN
  3. W

    Letter to Europe

    That's the wonderous thing about our form of Government... Not only do YOU (and I) have a right to profess our opinions, but WE get to elect our representatives (including the President of the United States)... It is HIS judgement (with our support and/or dissent) which dictates our Foreign...
  4. W

    Letter to Europe

    CES and I are having a GREAT time... What's YOUR opinion?
  5. W

    Letter to Europe

    God, can't you come up with something original? You've asserted the same lame praise of CES, yet you, obviously, have not been reading his feeble responses... CES has been shown to be FLAT OUT WRONG on the 17 United Nations Resolutions (he asserted only 10) - Buzz... Thanks for playing...
  6. W

    Letter to Europe

    So, Mad-Hatter... What's YOUR brilliant solution? If 1.3 BILLION Chinese are headed to San Francisco, armed and ready for combat against the
  7. W

    Letter to Europe

    Oh, and there are PLENTY of monarchies in the world
  8. W

    Letter to Europe

    Well, let's see if I can straighten you out on these simple points (since you've obviously given up [rightly so] on your other erroneous assertions)... ANY nation (Nation-A) that poses a threat to its neighbors AND SIGNS AGREEMENTS TO DISARM IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTIONS...
  9. W

    Letter to Europe

    Well, FINALLY, you're beginning to see the error of your previous statement ("no WMD"). But you're still side-stepping all of the previous statements of the U.N. Inspectors (that Iraq DID have WMD [chemical and biological])
  10. W

    Letter to Europe

    Again, YOU say so, so it MUST be true! The only EVIDENCE I
  11. W

    Letter to Europe

    Exactly! Why, then, is so much credibility given to the "insurgents" who, it would appear, are ba'athists and al-Qaeda simpathizers? Clearly, the MAJORITY of Iraqis are just fine with the creation of a democratic form of Government. Personally, I don't know why the "insurgents" are taking up...
  12. W

    Letter to Europe

    We're going around in circles, but if you want another round... So? Google also has 96,700 hits for "Elvis is alive" - does that make it true? NO! All that proves is that 19,800,000 kooks believe as you do. Ha! Now you're spinning your own arguments against yourself... At least you agree...
  13. W

    9/11 Controversy

    I'm NOT
  14. W

    9/11 Controversy

    Tell you what... Get somebody who believes that the World Trade Center should have survived the crash of a 767 (becauase it was designed to withstand the crash of a fairly [statistically] similar 707) to build an EXACT DUPLICATE and fly a 707 into it (THEN we'll see if it really COULD have...
  15. W

    Letter to Europe

    I thought there was that crack group "the Republican Guard" protecting Saddam... And, correct me if I'm wrong, they WERE in UNIFORM, wern't they? THAT, according to the Geneva Convention, is what differentiates a "Prisioner of War" from an "Enemy Combatant"... Neither "insergents" nor members...
  16. W

    Letter to Europe

    Maybe CES can shed some light on the training he recieved... How do you tell the difference between a happy-go-lucky Iraqi driving down the road, and a car full of explosives (on its way to another funeral, perhaps)? And how many milliseconds are there between the picking up of the AK47 and...
  17. W

    Letter to Europe

    Just as you state that you're no fan of Saddam, neither am I a fan of Saudi Arabia. However, your suggestion that because we are engaged in military action (you not I do not use the phrase "invaded Iraq", because we did not INVADE an otherwise innocent nation), that we are, therefore, entited...
  18. W

    Letter to Europe

    Yes, I WOULD (in the appropriate uniform of the United States Armed Forces). I doubt that such combat would be conducted from mosques, churches, synagogues, or from behind the skirts of women and children. NOR would expect to consider it advancing the cause of liberating my country from the...
  19. W

    Letter to Europe

    I can cite selective passages too... "Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" "authorized Member States to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution" "Iraq has failed to comply with its commitments" "full and...
  20. W

    Letter to Europe

    Not a problem. However, when insulted for pointing out the obvious (as C.E.S. did when I first mentioned the color issue), I WILL bring it up (just as I will continue to CORRECT the record when I make a mistake). Likewise, when opinion or unthruths are promoted as FACT, they, too, will be...