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  1. W

    Letter to Europe

    Sure, I'm not some conceded ideologue - if I'm wrong, I'll admit it (too bad the same can not be said of you)... I
  2. W

    Letter to Europe

    I stand corrected... You did NOT use the word "only". Glad to see you know when to admit you are wrong. - C.E.S. However, you DID state, "The result of non-compliance of UN resolutions is never war, but rather sanctions". That is your exact quote, is it not? The assertion, then (or rather...
  3. W

    Letter to Europe

    Oh, forgive me... I guess President Bush and I are the ONLY two people in the entire world who mis-interpreted "serious consequences" (as stated in United Nations Resolution 1441) - oh, NOW I get it... "Serious Consequences" meant MORE sanctions - how silly of me! Oh.... Wait, Sanctions were...
  4. W

    Letter to Europe

    Who's twisting WHOSE words (just as you did with Mr. Hanson's - Ha, full circle, back to topic!)? Hey Font for Brains... In the words of President Reagan, "there you go again..." I'm sure all the pretty colors just fascinate the hell out of you, but your choice of COLOR=black really screws...
  5. W

    Letter to Europe

    Oh my GOD! Stop the presses! You and I AGREE on something... I WAS locked out... Other than that, we don't seem to agree on much of anything... Keep trying, though!
  6. W

    Letter to Europe

    Oh, and a big FYI... I WAS prevented from logging back on, smart guy... Also, you remember your FONT COLOR issue some time ago? That, too, WAS because YOU had set the font color, NOT because of any lack of knowledge on my part (which you also asserted). You've GOT to stop this regrettable...
  7. W

    Letter to Europe

    Okay, let's see if I get this... You DIDN'T say "only sanctions", is THAT what you're saying NOW? I DIDN'T show you a quote from the U.N. Secretary-General in which HE discusses the need for the U.N. "peace-keeping" forces to be prepared for "FULL COMBAT"? That's what YOU mean by ME twisting...
  8. W

    Letter to Europe

    Listen, you little Dervish... You can TRY to twist and twirl your way out of your mistake, but that was NOT your assertion... YOU said, "The result of non-compliance of UN resolutions is never war, but rather sanctions" (go re-read post #12). Again, "full combat" is NOT "sanctions" (game...
  9. W

    Letter to Europe

    Again, let's state the FACTS, shall we? Would you like to cite EVEN ONE of the paid articles which was factually inaccurate? (I'll give you a hint, they were ALL factually correct)... YOUR point goes more to MY assertion than to yours - the "Main Stream Media" is NOT accurately reporting what...
  10. W

    Letter to Europe

    Okay, I'll see if I can find your name in the "who's who of 'Great Moderates of the World'" (after all, there's been such a long and distinguished list of moderates [aka "free thinkers"] who have made such a name for themselves in World History... Let's see, there's.... Umm.... Errr.... Hey...
  11. W

    Letter to Europe

    BUZZ! Thanks for playing! As I expected, you CAN'T point out where the Secretary-General said "DEFENSIVE", because HE DIDN'T. Your feeble attempt to INFER that "peace-keeping operations" means "DEFENSIVE", does NOT change the FACT that he did not SAY it! Hell, I can assert that EVERY...
  12. W

    Letter to Europe

  13. W

    Letter to Europe

  14. W

    Letter to Europe

  15. W

    Letter to Europe

    Hey, nice title for a book - "It takes an apple tree". Perhaps that better analogy would be, "Let's tax the **** out of those who produce and give it to those who sit on their asses, complaining that the rich get all the breaks, then complain that the rich are the only one's getting tax...
  16. W

    Letter to Europe

    Well said! There are so many "politically correct" terms being thrown out with the hopes that they will alter the impression by the general public. The term
  17. W

    Letter to Europe

  18. W

    Letter to Europe

    Again, my reference to the 17 United Nations’ resolutions is to demonstrate YOUR hypocrisy! The United States HAS the authority (even without the United Nations, N.A.T.O., and The World Court) under the Constitution, but we DID have the backing of the United Nations (it is YOU who simply...
  19. W

    Letter to Europe

  20. W

    Letter to Europe
