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  1. Amokster


    Regardless of whether Anarchism itself is political or not there are certain issues that need to be dealt with. One I already mentioned, the strong preying on the weak. How about basic sanity needs? Power, from other countries that may want to take advantage? Anarchism solves...
  2. Amokster


    Take your time with this one guys...I'm out! See ya tomorrow!
  3. Amokster


    You guys know I have to argue the other side of it now right? Anarchism is marked by exactly this sort of utopian, unrealistic argument - a diatribe based on the principle that the grass is always greener on the other side. Far from freeing people, anarchy allows them to be dominated by...
  4. Amokster


    Since me and AITUK are having so much's one for him: Is Anarchism a valuable political ideology? On 1st May 2000, the London May Day Carnival against Capitalism, a peaceful demonstration against capitalism, turned into a riot that led to the defacing of the Cenotaph and millions of...