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  1. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    No I'm not a ****** lover, I just hate prejudice and wankers like you. Hope this helps. BTW I won and Dave seems upset. LMFAOffypoos.
  2. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    The twitter feud was nothing to do with me and no matter how many times I told you I wasn't Ray Peter Hewitt you just kept on and on so that was your ****ing fault. Never written any letters to your police commissioner, someone else has got it in for you m8 Never called your parents, looks like...
  3. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    Dave couldn't handle me and shut Sucksglobal down. He must have been upset.
  4. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    Someone seems upset, and it's not
  5. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    You lying twat I have never stalked you, you run a totalitarian Nazi administration that bans members who don't adhere to your perverted views, unlike the original SUCKAGE where free speech reigned
  6. ChrisMuttonshutter

    Welcome RantsBBS Users

    I'm here at last
  7. ChrisMuttonshutter

    It's raining in the UK

    Pissing down
  8. ChrisMuttonshutter

    My new Blog

    Is it OK to post a Blog here, don't want to upset any ****er
  9. ChrisMuttonshutter

    iPhone Battery

    Wind up phones are the future
  10. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What Happened Dems?

    You have no ****ing idea about running a forum m8 so that's nothing new.
  11. ChrisMuttonshutter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hiya davey jr, I care m8
  12. ChrisMuttonshutter

    I'm new here looking for friendship....

    ....with males or females or animals.
  13. ChrisMuttonshutter

    What the **** is this?

    Your gay site is a travesty to the great Suckage tradition fat boy, you don't even allow posters the ability to post images davey jr. This site is shite as well but at least you aint ****ing it up. Hope that helps, see back at your place.