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  1. jokersarewild

    A birthday boy!!!!

    Happy birthday, ya geezer :D
  2. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    I work at one of the local Wal-Mart Supercenters, and I see people who've never worked a day in their lives come in and spend their food stamps on sh t you can barely consider "food", besides that it's edible (cookies, snack cakes, etc). It's bullshit, and it's annoying. And yes, Unemployment...
  3. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    I don't agree with that, but it's not a factual point that can be proved or disproved, so we're at a stalemate.
  4. jokersarewild


  5. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    I wasn't speaking legally. He has the right to call them all of bunch of ****suckers, if he so chose. I was saying his complaints would be asinine because he made many times his salary in bonuses, an amount that is itself asinine. But what can you do, eh?
  6. jokersarewild

    Linux Vs. Windows

    I was curious, to those of you who have used both systems, why do you like or dislike them?
  7. jokersarewild

    Happy Birthday, GF

    Happy Birthday. Get smashed :)
  8. jokersarewild

    Palin gets people killed

    Well yeah. She sounded good at the time to some people, but it's like with many decisions you'll make in your life: Something sounds good (eating all of the ice cream you can) but after you start realizing what the outcome would be (vomiting), it just seems like a really bad idea. And yes, I...
  9. jokersarewild

    Conservative Youtubers PWNED

    I did not. I will rewatch it and get back to ya.
  10. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    My point was, Hugo, that if you get 11 million dollars in bonuses, you have 0 right to complain that the people under you get food stamps because they can't afford to eat.
  11. jokersarewild

    Conservative Youtubers PWNED

    Wow, the Tea Partyers toward the end are ****ing idiots. Also, I do agree with pretty much everything the guy said. The last two or three minutes are really spot on. However, I'm not 100% sure what the union protests in Wisconsin entailed, so I can't agree nor disagree on that part.
  12. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    You didn't justify his salary. You gave me a number the CEO doesn't control divided by his income. It was actually probably the most ridiculous "justification" of anything I've ever seen. You did absolutely nothing for your argument. Tell me what he DOES. I'm talking about what he DOES. If...
  13. jokersarewild

    Computer slowing down?

    I'm mildly envious!
  14. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    Oil companies and the like pay well because their business plan doesn't involve screwing the little guy to get their cash. I do believe that you shouldn't get paid as much as the people with more skills (there would be no reason to improve and do better otherwise), but the people getting many...
  15. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    It's because TJ is stuck in his conservative mindset that poor people are bad because they didn't make themselves independently wealthy with good business plans and such. Mind you, that "independent wealth" is ALWAYS made by working said poor people like slaves for meager wages so they have...
  16. jokersarewild

    The Progressive Domino's Start to Fall

    Son of a bitch, it's 1984, but for modern times!
  17. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    Good quote. And that sounds about right.
  18. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    You're still assuming my family isn't full of assholes. Anyway, the programs you're referencing have a purpose, and were created for those who fell on hard times (see Great Depression). Just because they're misused and abused now doesn't dismiss their helpfulness. Also, there are times that...
  19. jokersarewild

    Progressive Paradise?

    Anybody who hadn't stopped paying doctors anything close to what they're used to? But you can still work if your transmission is broken. Then you have to bum rides for a bit (or get a bike), but you can save up to repair it. If someone can't work while they're sick (or injured), then bills...
  20. jokersarewild

    Rush can't defend Reagan

    Haha, Rush is a moron. Plain and simple.