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  1. S


    aren't there any mods here anymore? and how about registration codes and stuff? we had the same problem over at etp, but it's all good now... anyone?
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    Albuquerque 8/6 makeup show

    that's kinda what i thought, too... :p
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    Dead By Sunrise Album Question

    sorry, i didn't mean to unsult you, it was just a general observation.
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    Dead By Sunrise Album Question

    some people won their brains in a lottery...
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    shadow of the day-cover from the german american idol-imitation "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" yesterday here. any thoughts/comments/critique?
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    Battle of the Songs 5

    little things. it blew me away the first time i heard it, and it still does. eventhough it's kinda misplaced at a live show imo... >.>
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    hey there! ^^

    you guys crack me up...
  8. S

    hey there! ^^

    haha, yeah, that'll be fun :p
  9. S

    hey there! ^^

    and it will go on for all eternity... muhahahahaha. a dutch thread, huh? would be fun. i need some practice in reading dutch XD (and understanding it, of course :p)
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    Battle of the Songs 4

    that's easy. apfmh is the best track EVAR, hands down. :-P
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    hey there! ^^

    thank you very much. T_T and yeah, serious and us just doesn't fit... at least we got our own thread... and don't spam the others... :-P
  12. S

    LOATR new single

    haha, yeah, i had problems during the registration... so "harakiri" is my account also, but it's not activated cause i never received an activation code T_T
  13. S

    hey there! ^^

    T_T so you want me to prostitute myself for you? pah! :-P
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    LOATR new single

    hey, so you did join! :D didnÄt you say something about being in too much forums already..? :-P
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    A request of you beautiful people. (FTI, Summer Sonic)

    helpful as always :D
  16. S

    hey there! ^^

    hmm, that's a problem indeed... >.>
  17. S

    LOATR new single

    yeah, but seeing as they had a space of four years with meteora and mike saying they won't be taking so long to get another album out i guess it's okay they're releasing them so fast (considering they wanted to release five songs from the very beginning). i mean, they'll have the summer-tour and...
  18. S

    hey there! ^^

    >.> uhm... no. XD but i'd give you shelter if you came to berlin... :p hello, fella! ^^
  19. S

    Battle of the Songs 3

    uhm... uhm... uhm... argh, it's too hard! >.< *votes for wake and gu intro* jeez, that was a tough decision. and i only voted it cause i really like wake... :ok:
  20. S

    LOATR new single

    meteora had 5 singles too... >.> i'm really looking forward to the video, sounds awesome to me XD