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  1. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Bret Michaels has emergency appendectomy in Texas

    Quick! While he's out! Spray him down with Lysol!
  2. RoyalOrleans

    Is it constitutional?

    “We have constructed a governmental welfare scheme, which has been a machine for producing poor people.” - Milton Friedman
  3. RoyalOrleans

    Politics - Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

    As long as they do it at Palin headlined parties, I should be able to sleep tonight.
  4. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Conan O'Brien to make TBS his new late-night home

    Ditto! I've always loved Conan. Any other late night host is just a hack.
  5. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Wrong video of health protest spurs N-word feud

    Of course they "heard" the word. Race pimps all over go through great lengths to descry racial epithets in the language of this administration's opposition.
  6. RoyalOrleans

    Is it constitutional?

    I have not received a refund on my income tax since 1997. I do not believe in giving the government a loan on money that I earn until they come knocking. Let the little children, welfare queens, and other parasites wait a while before my wealth is redistributed. If my business continues to...
  7. RoyalOrleans

    Is it constitutional?

    Paul Rosenberg is a goon. Getting value traded services for the taxes you pay IS NOT socialism. And all of these services are provided for by the local government. Not the federal. Not even the state in most cases. The local government, no matter how urban or how rural, contains a wealth of...
  8. RoyalOrleans

    Nanny State

  9. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Potential Obama nominees for the Supreme Court

    Shudder I don't doubt the prediction at all, IWS. I will be mortified to see the iconic black robes turned into a pantsuit. ------- Side question: You sound like Obama is a lock for a second term? I'm not making accusations or assertions that you're going to vote for Obama, directly or...
  10. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Potential Obama nominees for the Supreme Court

    I guess I could want in one hand and sh!t in the other... we'll know which one will fill up first.
  11. RoyalOrleans

    AP - Potential Obama nominees for the Supreme Court

    No goddammed activist judges.
  12. RoyalOrleans

    Is it constitutional?

    Eek! Right wing extremists! Eek! Thanks, comrade. I will send this link to
  13. RoyalOrleans

    Politics - Obama to address West Virginia mine explosion

    More fuel on the fire, so to speak, for Obama's plan to put an end to the coal industry.
  14. RoyalOrleans

    Tea Party Target Stupak Won't Seek Re-Election

    That is a worrisome scenario, IWS. More progressive than Dingell or Conyers? I guess so, we got one in the White House now.
  15. RoyalOrleans

    Canadian college students threaten Ann Coulter

    Dually noted, Em.