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    The Rebel Flag!

    I get ****** the **** off! Every time i hear somebody saying the confederate flag is a hate flag. Because for one why would a prime time show like the dukes have it on their program? Second of all why would the state of Georgia have the rebel flag on the right corner of their state flag? Third...

    What happened to Garth ****** me off!

    This is for those of you who dig country like me. What the **** happened to Garth Brooks! He was the greatest country aritist in the 1990's. That was up until 2001. When he came out with his second to last album. His new album is a tribute to cowboy poet and country singer Chris Ledoux. But his...

    Jeff Gordon Hater's **** me off!

    I hate it every ******' time i here some punks talking **** about Jeff. Because he's a great driver. He's even right up there with the best pro stock car drivers of all time. I my self should'nt like the guy because i'm a die hard Dale Earnhardt fan. But why? The man's a stand up guy and a...

    Why are they country?

    COWBOY TROY- I don't know about you folks. But i'm a huge fan of traditional country music and i've been really ****** off to here about this guy mixing rap with country. I don't even know why they even classified him as country. The son of a ***** is a disgrace to great music like cw. BIG...

    There are white victims!

    I'm getting sick and ******* tired of these stupid ******s trying to throw the race card at President Bush. I keep listening to the news and T.V. about how the NAACP and other black organizations are trying to say that Bush is a racist because he did'nt take care of the Katrina victims fast...

    They make that choice!

    I hate it when some folks complain about our troops getting killed in the middle east and say we should have never gone to Iraq. Just like this woman who's camping out in front of the Bush ranch in Texas, trying to talk to George. Come on idiots, those men made that choice to join up.

    Strange folks and thier beliefs!

    I know a dude at my work who thinks in the year 2010 aliens are going to come down and take us out. Not just that but i tolled him i'm moving down to Texas in a few months and he said don't do that because the great lakes are gonna over flow and wipe out all the mid west and south west states.
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