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  1. S

    05 mx build

    well finally got to work on the 450 again this the frame coated with both the base layer and the blue final you can see the fame is about all our oven can handle.
  2. S

    05 mx build

    To hinder my 450 progress abit more, we are going on a little riding trip at hatfield mccoy this weekend so we were doing some 400 prep work.....
  3. S

    05 mx build

    I'm not sure how you guys do your rebuilds but I get some amusement out of the fact that almost my entire quad fits on one set of if I can only get time to work on it.
  4. S

    05 mx build

    Sorry about the lag time on response I only get home like one or two days on the weekends and I went to supercross so been super busy. I got the head everything looks good, not really sure what was the deal but I have it now and it looks good. I got some more work done as well, started to put...
  5. S

    05 mx build

    I am currently in the process of building my 05 into my ideal mx machine. I have been waiting to do a build like this for seems like ever. I finally have the cash to pull it off so here goes. I'll kinda give an update as to where I am now. I have been working on it when I'm home on the...
  6. S

    05 450r long travel opinions

    Hey I'm looking into going long travel on my quad in the next couple of months and was just looking for some opinions and experience with what you guys are running. I'm leaning towards new equipment so that I can have it all built for my needs right out of the box. I'm also kinda thinking...
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