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  1. K

    The Official **** list!

    ****........U :D
  2. K

    what is a redneck

    u are :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. K

    Favorite Simpsons Quotes

    Bart- "Eat My Shorts!"
  4. K

    First Names

    Lol i dont know what my name means but my dad named me after Jack Daniels becouse that was his favorite drink... :D
  5. K

    Gun control.

    Dude gun control sucks
  6. K

    The Official **** list!

    **** biggots but **** sand ******s...**** people that dont like the juggalos, **** cali and all the ****in retards there!
  7. K

    For everyone

    **** u u ****in *****
  8. K

    I hate cops

    Cops suck, my mom got arrested becouse a cop thought she was drunk drivin...She blew a 0.0 and got off.I ****in wanna cap em all!