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  1. D

    Hey, guess what! Some people don't believe in ***!

    I am shocked at how many people really have no idea that there are people out there that can actually believe there is no ***. I was talking to a group of people today and one woman actually said "Well, everyone believes in SOME kind of ***..." She had apparently never even heard of the term...
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    The Pledge of Allegiance: Forced patriotism for kids?

    The Pledge of Alligiance. At first glance, it seems to be a nice way to show your pride for your country. But when you really think about it, isn't it a bit odd to have children standing to attention every morning, facing a flag, repeating words they really have no true consept of? Kinda brings...
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    So...yeah, other sites you go to like this one?

    So yeah... um... awkward question here... What other debate/discussion sites do you frequent? If you don't want people advertising other sites, please send me a message letting me know about some good places to go. I came here because I thought it was a great escape from some of the idiots at...
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    Should he be fired for hating christians?

    While I was looking for something else, I ran into a news article from June about a Sociology professor whose comment in a paper he wrote got him into a bit of trouble. The New York teacher stated something to the effect of Christians being fundamentalist morons. Don't professors have a right...
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    Conservatives trying to get liberal professors fired

    At a college in the state where I live, there is a group of Young Republicans who are considering taking action against the professors that they deem too liberal. This ****** me off. While I am obvously liberal, I have no desire to get the overly conservative professors fired. I feel that as...
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    Are demons real?

    After seeing the preview for "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" for the millionth time, I have to ask this question: Do demons exist? If you think so, why? If not, why? Do you believe that people can be possessed by demons? I want to say I don't believe that things such as demons exist, but when I...
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    Pictures of our members?

    Is there a thread here with pictures of members? I looked through this section and didn't see any, but since there is a post talking about what a couple of chicks here look like, I thought maybe there was a place with pics of ya'll.
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    The AGE of CONSENT

    A couple debates here: Do you think that the age of consent should be the same all across the country? What do you think the age of consent should be? At what point should the elder of the two in a relationship be punished for being with a person underage? (I wasn't quite sure how to word...
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    Movie previews misrepresenting the MOVIE

    I have HAD it with companies misrepresenting their movies in previews. I went to see a movie tonight that I HOPED would be at least somewhat decent. The beginning of the movie was fine, it started slow, but I assumed that was the "build-up" to the story. Well, when they got to the main part...
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    School won't despense pills because of catholics

    A couple of you may recognize this from another site I posted it on last year, but I am reposting it for some new views: The health center on my college campus is affiliated with the local CATHOLIC hospital, and I was told by a nurse that they are unable to dispense birth control pills for this...
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    College Students don't care about world issues

    How can we make people stand up and take notice of the things that are going on in the world today? What will it take to make people take a stand and use their citizenship before their rights slip away? I am a college student in my mid twenties, and I am so annoyed at the lack of interest my...
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