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  1. V

    I am a total ****** ****

    I am a pathetic fool from sucksbbs. See how sad I am, I even try to rip off Vortex - The Gay Mafia *****'s username. What a loser I am. I should go jump off a bridge somewhere. :(
  2. V

    Me and builder on our buggering arsefuck tour

  3. V

    My life is ******* worthless

    It's true. I'm a total loser. Everybody from sucksbbs is. All we have is each others stupid company. How pathetic we are. :(
  4. V

    I got totally owned by WPYO because I am a sucksbbs idiot.

    It's true. I sincerely hope someone slashes my throat I also hope that a barracuda bites off my *****. The pain is such a sudden rush for me. It makes my **** harder than a fresh brick. Please, give me the satisfaction I need by stimulating my tiny insignificant **** with a cheese grader.
  5. V

    This is the face I make...

    ...when my ***** get crushed by GF .
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