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  1. P

    A talk about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church

    That man is NOT a Christian and he is giving us a bad rep.
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  3. P

    Americans want Democrats in power

    What percent of the world's oil comes from Iraq? 3% Now, if we were in this for oil, wouldn't it make much more sense to go after Jordan? (Which has 30% of the oil?) WE'RE NOT IN IRAQ FOR OIL AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVES SO IS A MINDLESS FOLLOWER.
  4. P

    Americans want Democrats in power

    You see, the only way we can get teh bush-bashers to shut up is to get a democrat in the white house. Then they can see how much he/she sucks at leading a nation at wartime and we'll go back! Yay!
  5. P

    Gas prices!!! PS. **** Bush!

    You get the moron of the day award!:D
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    Big Bang= Impossible Evolution=Stupid

    You see, that's part of the beauty of our God. He loves us so much that he gives us a marriage-type relationship instead of a boss/employee-type relationship. He still had the power to make people realize that this was in fact God (Jesus) when He was down here on earth. He didn't just kinda walk...
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    you are not funny
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    The Internet is For Porn?!?!

    Porn is for people who can't get any. :)
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    TRUTH... just for JAW

    If the truth is manipulated into a lie, doesn't that make it a lie?
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    What Can America Do To Improve It's Global Reputation?

    Why do we need to improve our rep? We're the most powerful country on Earth!
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    Illinois moves towards impeachment of Bush

    They just hate bush because he had to make the decision to go to war. They hated Roosevelt for join WWII too. It's just the liberals and the media getting into mindless americans and corrupting them.