Search results

  1. J

    Internet Addiction Test.

    Alright, alright...I took the damn test again, lol. 72. Honest answers this time.
  2. J

    Internet Addiction Test.

    Only on a few!
  3. J

    The Better Bond.

    I've seen it twice, and it's amazing. Excellent story line, great cliff hangers, great action sequences and no over the top gadgets. One thing I didn't like about the Brosnan era was the crazy gadgets. I understand that Bond has always had the cool weapons and great car with special...
  4. J

    Internet Addiction Test.

    42. Average user. But I gave myself the benefit of the doubt on a few of those questions. ;)
  5. J

    The Better Bond.

    Connery will always be the best Bond because he was the first and set the bar really high. And let's face it, he's a freakin' legend. However, having seen the new Casino Royale twice, I really think that Daniel Craig has to take second place. Something about his attitude made me really like...
  6. J

    Bad Habits.

    Thank you. You've given me another argument to use when one of my roommates says something about it.
  7. J

    Bad Habits.

    Alright it is a little odd, but I can't stop chewing toothpicks. I'm chewing one now. If I don't have one, then I feel weird. And I've been told it is disgusting, especially when the end gets all chewed up and I leave it somewhere, like the arm of the couch when I get up. How bad is it...
  8. J

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hey everyone. I've been looking for a decent forum for awhile. From what I've read so far, this is definitely a cool forum. Ranting...raving...just talking about whatever....yeah, sounds like my game.