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  1. Soylent Green

    New Member Logging In

    These people are very friendly.
  2. Soylent Green

    Congratulations to De Master Yoda of on shutting down rahstyles

    Rahstyles, was a web discussion forum where pinoy hackers congregated and discussed ways and means of hacking to other people's computers and email accounts. They then used the information so gained to divert payments intended for other people. De Master Yoda, admin of...
  3. Soylent Green


    Do you bite?
  4. Soylent Green

    Admin gets butthurt, sells house and goes underground

    It sold already The asking price must have been a bit too low. He is flush with cash. he is throwing money away.
  5. Soylent Green


    Hello. Welcome, look around and have a seat over there.
  6. Soylent Green

    Admin gets butthurt, sells house and goes underground Nice house.
  7. Soylent Green

    Admin gets butthurt, sells house and goes underground

    The house is blurred out in Google street view. Something fishy going on.
  8. Soylent Green

    Scam Baiters Thread

    Here is De Master Yoda explaining how he learned about a scammer who was about to receive $4000 from a victim, and how it was intercepted so that the intended recipient did not receive it. Accessing someone else's email is illegal, so discussions of this sort are kept in the hidden forums.
  9. Soylent Green

    The it sucks thread

    I have a vacuum cleaner that used to suck.
  10. Soylent Green

    Scam Baiters Thread

    "Baiting" is pretending to fall for the scammer's story, and pretending to be on the threshold of sending him money, without ever doing so. Meanwhile, the scammer's email passwords get phished and his computer gets a Keylogger. Any other victims he might have are warned off. It is illegal in...
  11. Soylent Green

    The IT Guy

    Dats' cool n ****
  12. Soylent Green

    Hello. I'm Soylent Green.

    It is a site where they obtain access to people's email accounts and keep reading all their messages. If they are going to receive money from somebody these people will intercept it. Posting screenshots of such discussions make them unhappy and post illegal threats.
  13. Soylent Green

    I'm Not New

    uh ... okay, I guess.
  14. Soylent Green

    Hello. I'm Soylent Green.

    This thread might be referring to me. I'll know when their lawyer contacts me :
  15. Soylent Green

    Hello. I'm Soylent Green.

    And I'm from India. Always glad to be posting at a new forum, and getting to know new people.