Search results

  1. Allied

    Say goodbye to SNiPeRViRuS

    He's gone. It should be clear why. Insulting mods, members and minorities on several occasions. He's met the ban criteria before. Then was given a 2nd chance, But he couldn't live up to those promises. So we wave goodbye. Post all goodbye...
  2. Allied

    Fun with bbcode

    Just how much useless bbcode can you work into a sentence ?
  3. Allied

    Chad Kroeger and Chester Chad Kroeger the lead singer of Nickleback and Chester have started the School of Song Writing in Anaheim.
  4. Allied

    Linkin Park Loses Trademark on Posters Long story short, now anyone can make a poster with the words "Linkin Park" and sell it. Stupid Judge.
  5. Allied

    Can your car move like this?

    Click here, Click "download the tv ad" in the left bottom corner. Its the best reason not to flip during the commercials I've ever seen.
  6. Allied

    Call a celeb before its too late

    Paris Hilton's cell phone got hacked, here's her address book I havn't called any of these, yet. But Avril Lavigne's, Fred durst's, Eminem's numbers are all listed.
  7. Allied

    How to remove vocals

    You'll need to instal 2 things for this, Vocal Remover for DirectX Plugin, which is free. ACID Pro, which is $400. If you don't have 400 dollars, you can download the trial version and save as a wav. Then convert the wav into an mp3 with Audacity 1st open up ACID Pro. Select your track from...
  8. Allied


    This is truely "da shiznit". ;) Type the full url of a website into it and it'll add all the Snoop Dog slang into it. Bush's bio...
  9. Allied

    Banned commercial

    A while ago Ford was thinking up a ad campaigne for their new car the Sportika. This add was considered but it was decided that it was not in good taste. It was later leaked on to the internet. *Some viewers may find it offensive(the cat dies).
  10. Allied

    Ode to the Nice Guys

    An insite into the nice guy mind for the ladys of the forum. We know who we are indeed.
  11. Allied

    01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001

    01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01100101 01111000 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01101001...
  12. Allied

    Google Video Search Still in beta. Not very impressive actually... Mostly news in Real format. But BBC and CBC are working on puttingall their copywritten video material up on their sites. So in a few years it could be cool.
  13. Allied

    Forum Sigs

    I've seen more animated sigs here than any other forum. I think its great, most forums just have generic photoshop stuff. I don't want to change a thing. But I'm sure we don't have a consensus about the sigs here. What do you think?
  14. Allied

    Why do you like Linkin Park?

    *Remember this is the elite lounge, so your answers have to be really really good. "cause thy rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Mike and Chester are sooooooooooo cute" Not Acceptable Whenever I'm having a bad day I try to sleep off the rage. But sometimes I can't sleep. I get stuck in a circle of analysis...
  15. Allied

    The journey is more important than the end or the start.

    Click Here
  16. Allied

    ...ok stay with me here, You can read his full post here, After reading this, I went to the links and read the storys(most of them). It looks like is a tool of terrorists. I first learned about here so I thought we...
  17. Allied

    Points of Authority Crystal Method Remix

    Just got my hands on LPU 2. Its got my new favourite remix of Points on it, Its faster than any other version, Chesters voice doesn't lag on "you like to think you are someone". I like all the artificial sounds.
  18. Allied

    World Wind

    If you don't have a kick a$$ computer I wouldn't read any more of this thread. It'll just set you up for a dissapointment. World Wind is a free program made by NASA. Satellites are constantly taking high res pictures of the earth. Then they send them to a NASA server. World Wind takes those...
  19. Allied

    Posting and You

    Do you want to sound smart/mature/sane when you post a reply or topic? Then take a tip from Lunchtimemama of Steam Forums. > Posting and You!< ;)
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