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  1. S

    VIRUS! Please Help!~

    Ok, I downloaded a file and it gave me a bad virus. It installed this Anti-Spyware **** on my computer. Everytime I'm online it auto sends messages with **** to my contacts (Or trys to). My Desktop PIcture is Black and it won't le me change it. I deleted every single file on my comptuer that...
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    Mark Will Be Deeply Missed.

    I have really bad news...Today Mark (Hahninator) may have commited suicide. He has been telling me this that he is going to for about a couple hours. Me and Vash have tried everything in our ability to stop him. I tried tracking his number down and everything. So I just don't know what to say...
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    Need To Know Name Of This Song!

    Ok, I have been trying to figure out the name of this song for like 5 years now. I heard the intro of it on the Rock Phenomenon Mixtape. It's on "Mike Interlude 3" if anyone has the Mixtape Tracks please listen to that track and tell me if you know what song that is plaing in the backround...
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    MSN Messenger Conversation Monitors! O_O

    Ok, I am worried that my mom is invading my privacy by putting types of programs like this on my computer. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can find out? Or prevent this? They have two other computers and I checked to see if any unusual programs were installed on there that would link...
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    Do you still like Linkin Park?

    Ok I'm making this thread, because I suddenly feel like I don't like them anymore... o_O I don't know why though. It just happened. I hope I'm just being stupid today and tomorrow I will like them. But I haven't listened to any of their CD's for a couple months. So who on here still likes...
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    Ok what do you do that makes you "Lazy"? Pile your clothes in a corner, have tons of trash in your room, nothing is organized? etc Ok well... I have about 10-15 water bottles on my desk Pile my clean clothes on my chair Throw my trash on my other desk Have tons of Empty Glasses and Bowls...
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    Ok I need this really bad.I have a powerpoint project due on Monday and I dont' have Powerpoint. Can anyone please supply me with a download? If you have Powerpoint just go to Program Files > Microsoft Office > Powerpoint and then fine the EXE file. Which is the setup for it. Zip it up...
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    RIP Eddie Guererro..:(

    Ok as many of you might know, the Pro Wrestler "Eddie Guerrero" was found dead in his hotel yesterday morning. Many sources have claimed he died of steroids. This is so depressing..I can't believe he died.... I hope I don't cry tonight during Raw.. :( R.I.P Eddie Guerrero...We will all miss...
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    How To Delete The MSN Virus!

    Ok I found this Document on a forum like an hour ago. I finally fixed the stupid *** virus! So if anyone needs to fix the virus. PM me for the "Host" file. But here's the instructions... Start of document "How to remove that stupid MSN Messenger virus. I’m not 100% sure of the name of the...
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    My Bootlegs

    Ok there is a list of all my bootlegs that I have collected so far.... If anyone wants to trade PM or Email me. WARNING: Some of the bootlegs I might have put the wrong dates for. Audio Bootlegs 2000 8/16/00 9/20/00 10/1/00 10/3/00 10/11/00 10/31/00 11/10/00 11/11/00 11/30/00...
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    ****!! Virus!

    Ok, what the **** is going on??? My friend IM's me saying "Is this your profile" and then there's a link. I clicki on it and download the file becasue you know.. I want to know what it is. Turns out I got a VIrus. Everytime I log on on MSN it IM's all my contacts trying to give them that virus...
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    Leaving For Good.

    Ok, as many people have probably noticed I haven't been posting on LPF much like the old days. Maybe about 1-5 posts per day. Nothing big. So I have decided to leave LPF forever. No coming back. No returning in the future. I'm done. Thanks for all the friends I made on here. Hahninator Vash...
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    Desktop Help

    Ok I sometimes go to my friends or familys houses and they have this thing on the bottom of their screen. It's instead of having like 30 Icons on your desktop to acsess stuff. They are all just stashed in this interactive scroll threw thing. You just drag your mouse to the bottom of the screen...
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    Butter Or No Butter?

    Ok, this is a weird thread obviously... But when you go to the movies do you get your Popcorn with butter or without butter? Hmm..... For me I do lots of butter! :D Popcorn tastes like **** without it. What about everyone else? EDIT: AH S***! I ACCIDENTALLY CHOSE "I hate popcorn!"...
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    Buttered Or Not?

    Ok, this is a weird thread obviously... But when you go to the movies do you get your Popcorn Buttered or without butter? Hmm..... For me I do lots of butter! :D Popcorn tastes like **** without it. What about everyone else?
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    What is everyone on here doing for Halloween tomorrow? I am dressing up as Joey and Chris from Slipknot. I made Joey's mask and I bought Chris's for 50 bucks. I am just switching off and on on masks. I am also being my favorite wrestler Sick Nick Mondo. I am dressed as him under the Masks and...
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    Emulator Help!

    Ok I am working on trying to get an N64 Emulator to work finally. But it's not cooperating. I am using Project 64. Problem is everytime I try playing a game the screen is black instead of the game showing up but the sound works. Been working on it for hours and hours! Just 2 days ago I stayed up...
  18. S Help..

    Ok, I recently just got a pop up saying Nortons stopped an intrusion attempt. I looked at it and found out all the info from the IP Adress. I went to the site and I am confused.. Why would they send me an introsion or whatever.. Can someone explain what an Introsion attempt is and I don't know...
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    Murdy Baby Primetime Hour

    Ok I video tape my friend Murdock being stupid and acting like a ******. So we have decided to make a show of it. Lol Here's the first episode...Enjoy.....;4282454;;/fileinfo.html I LIKE CHEESE MOTHER ******!
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    How Much TV?

    Ok how many hours on an average a day do you usually watch TV? Ok for me, even though my TV is about 3 feet from my computer I still don't turn it on while I am on the computer usually.. No idea why. Lol I usually start watching TV at about 10 or 11. Weekends = 3-6 Hours Week Days = 2-3...
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