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  1. EOAChameleon

    hey isaac make me a sig

    i need a sig. one with dragons and fighting and war chaos all taht junk. make me one bro your the best i know. have it say "Gramzon" for the name. thanks amigo.oh and make shur there is a dragon on it. here is a pic. if you could make the dragon green. thx again ;)
  2. EOAChameleon

    Good Job Sig Makers

    just wanted to say good job to the lp sig makers here. they willingly make everyone sigs, even tho we all know they dont have to. thanks again. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  3. EOAChameleon

    What Is Your Dream Car?

    Mine would be a Lamberginie Diablo (if thats how you spell it). or a Dodge Charger with a 440 Hemmy. Im starting to drool.....
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