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  1. Hyper

    untitled for Elite!!

    lol, i wondered if this place still existed. i got an email this morning wishing me happy birthday; looks like it's still... not what it used to be six years ago lolol.
  2. Hyper

    Do bans mean ANYTHING?

    hmm; so what's going on with the site? it seems every thread i go into (that's completely public) has some sort of spam for shoes, something nike, or penis enlargement pills. i realize i've been gone for a grip; but holy crap. anybody care to shed some light on this?
  3. Hyper

    Riss'z Journal

    so i didn't reply to your text today, sorry. you'll figure something out though i promise.
  4. Hyper

    Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

    So it seems I missed v3 of my journal lol. Oh well, I'll skip to v4 next year. Anyways, I'm back. Not in full style like I used to be, but I'm around. I do have a bit of a dilemma. I want to get a tattoo, I don't know of what or where. Hence my problem. Any suggestions?
  5. Hyper

    Voting: Week 22

    Azem. 1 word. Boobs.
  6. Hyper

    z0mgawd i heart t3h l1nk1n!

    Yeah yeah, I'm back ish. It's been like a year since I posted around here coherently. Or coherently enough to get repped for it lol. Anyways, yeah, probably a lot of new faces around and whatnot. Little bit of an update with me.. I've been dating Felicia for over a year now. We've had our...
  7. Hyper


    You don't have to download it. They stream all the episodes on the NBC site. [] or, if you really want to download it, PM me and I'll tell you where/how.
  8. Hyper

    Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

    Just posting something for an English assignment about the Harlem Renaissance. Pay no attention to it lol.
  9. Hyper

    MTM Tracklisting REVEALED !!

    but it's not.. being that it's linkin park lyrics in response to the question of linkin park songs on a linkin park forum..
  10. Hyper

    MTM Tracklisting REVEALED !!

    why is it that nobody ever gets it when i make a joke pertaining to ITE?
  11. Hyper

    MTM Tracklisting REVEALED !!

    because in the end, it doesn't even matter. :D:lol:
  12. Hyper

    Linkin Park Street Team *Main Discussion*

    So, I was just accepted to be an Offline LPST member! w00 ****ing 00t
  13. Hyper

    Linkin Park Street Team *Main Discussion*

    MM; so when do you find out/do they tell you if you're an offline member? I live in the U.S. so any foreign restrictions wouldn't apply to me.
  14. Hyper

    Linkin Park Street Team *Main Discussion*

    It took four days for mine. I just got mine today!!
  15. Hyper

    Chester Interview with KUPD Radio

    I actually got to talk to him off air today. It was ****in sick. Hooooray for working next to the KUPD studios lol.
  16. Hyper

    SOTW 10 Voting

    I'm voting for Diana. Simply because she's the only one that chose to not do the new album. I think reworking brand new album art is unnecessary.
  17. Hyper

    Sparkling Wiggles

    I'd seen this before, and to be honest, I found it absolutely friggin hilarious.
  18. Hyper

    Hyper's [JouRnaL] v3

    okay, so this is a bulletin i wrote on myspace. so if something doesn't make sense [ like i refer to it as a bulletin ] you now know why. This is my rant about how wonderful my girlfriend is. if you want clarification on anything feel free to ask. I feel like ranting, not quite sure why, but...
  19. Hyper

    Hyper's [JouRnaL] v3

    Okay, I've decided every year I'm going to make v[current v+1] of my journal, yes, I know I'm a month late on this one. I'll repost this same message, only edited to fit me at that time accordingly. So let me begin by completely introducing myself. I am Isaac. I'm seventeen years old (I'll be...
  20. Hyper

    Site upgrade!

    Meh, my bad for bein self centered and thinkin everything is directed at me :D