Search results

  1. Z

    I need help.

    I'm makin a Meteora remix called [мєтєσяα] andd on the SiB track, I sped it up and I want a new rap o it. So whoeveris a good rapper and can write a couple lines, andd have a good voice, hitme upp and well work together. ucansend me tghe files and ill put it on the track .Ill send u a sample of...
  2. Z

    In search of unsinged rappers (or singers)

    Sup peepz, Young Zeek hurr. I waz wondering if any of uhave any talents or abilities at which ur really good at cuz if u contact me, I'll consider making u a FREE full record of urself complete with 15 tracks and free album art. even a music video is possible. so be sure to contact me if u...
  3. Z

    Z Is In Da House!!!

    Yo. Z herre. I've been gone for I dunno how long, and I might still be away for long, but I juzt wanted to stop by and say hello to my bud's I met herre. It's been so long since I visited. So, just sayin'. CHEERZ!!! -Z. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  4. Z

    Manah-Manah Video?

    Any1 have it? I've been looking for it long. :D lol. I saw once around here on the forums. So, any1 got it, or know where 2 get it? :thumbsup:
  5. Z

    The Remix Competition!

    Hey guyz! Z herre. :D Listen, the succesfull LPFA gave me the idea of having an LPF remix contest. The way we would do it is that we would pick some judges. If we chose them, i dun wanna offend any1 or start anything but i would have 2 say that the best LPF remixers r Agent2594, Reflectionist...
  6. Z

    MK-PSP!!! Help!

    Hey, i was wondering if any of u guyz have or have played any game of Mortal Kombat, cuz i love it. And if u do, do u know if there's any version for PSP? Thanx. :) -Z.
  7. Z


    I juzt wanted 2 know, y do most ppl here hate Limp Bizkit so much??? :confused: It juzt so happens that I luv their muzik. Any comments? -Z.
  8. Z


    I juzt thought this LPF might be k00l with a "Tabs" forum or section. i dun think there is. Any thoughts?
  9. Z

    If LP Asked U to... sumthin' would u do it? lol. This is a game where u post sumthin' extreme about LP asking u 2 do sumthin' mayB deadly. So: U ask a question[such as-If LP told u 2 kill ur mom, would u do it?] not 2 extreme[like mine, lol :) ] The next person answers and makes up0 a new 1. on, and on and...
  10. Z

    SIG Request From Z!!!

    I have a Kute k9 advantix sig but i think it's time 4 another, and wherei make my sigz got screwed up. any1 willing 2 make another, 4 Z? lol. Thanx in advanz3, -. :) :) :)
  11. Z

    HELP!!! [plz, lol.]

    Any1 who has a Machintosh Computer know where 2 get a vokal extraction[notice, EXTRAKT, not remove] program 2 get accappellas? Thanx in advanz3, -z. :) :) :)
  12. Z


    Y do mods and admins always have a lil' title under their username? :)
  13. Z

    Linkin Park Font

    Any1 know where i kan get it? Thanx in advanz3. -z. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  14. Z

    How 2 Bkum a Mod

    Any1 know??? :(
  15. Z

    The Ring 2 Companion

    Hey guyz, do u know wut that movie iz that comes with the original ring movie? thanx in advanz3. :thumbsup:
  16. Z

    K9 Advantix

    HAVE U GUYS CN THE NEW CAMP COMMERCIAL 4 K9 ADVANTIX??? IT'S SOOOOO KUTE!!! another thing, u kan go to http://www.k9advantix.comthis site 2 d/l the commercial. if u kan't get it kontakt me at or AIM linkindude41 !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  17. Z

    Hawtezt LP Video Chik!!!

    Which iz the hottezt?
  18. Z

    Your Own Reanimation Videoz.

    wazzup guyz???!!!! :) C, I'm wurking on this new projekt where i'm making my own reanmation videoz, soundz hard[it really isn't, lolz.]. i'll be linking them here when they r dun. but in the meantime, i thought of making a thread where u kan make UR own videoz[any LP album.] and post it here...
  19. Z


    I know there's a Projekt Revolution Remix Album. whoever has it, kan u please kontact or AIM linkindude41? PLEASE??? i really want it! :p
  20. Z

    Z.44's Remixez Thread

    Here, I'll post all my latest remixes 4 download.
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