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    Anyone ever hear of a band named Stars? They're more on the indie side. You should really consider taking a listen to this band. Here are two of their songs. Click to hear, save target as to save, etc. 1. You're Ex Lover Is Dead 2. What The Snowman Learned About Love My favorite song by...


    They're all that I've been listening to lately. They're kind of ambient/electronica-ish. You'd have to listen to them yourself to judge. But yeah, they're very very very good. :] Oh yes. A gift, on my part. By clicking this link, you get a FREE download of my favorite song by them, which is...


    Does anyone here go clubbing? I only went once. It was fun. I was the only girl wearing Converse. I wanna go again this weekend. I'll wear my Converse again (:

    MISS_JUSTYNA's Journal.

    Yeah, after 5 months here I finally decided to make a journal. (: I'll probably update this shizznet everytime I update my livejournal which is usually once or twice a week, depending on how I'm feeling. Today's been weird. Some ******* IM's me and goes "yeah, i saw your pics on myspace and i...

    The Pope

    I was watching Fox News a few minutes ago and they said that the Pope has died. & now I'm watching it again and they're saying that his heart is still working but he is brain dead. It's really confusing, but anyways...I think this is really sad. I can't stop crying. It really affects me b/c...

    Snoop Dogg

    Does anyone else like him? I have to admit, I never really liked him much but I heard a few songs off of his new album Rhythm & Gangsta and I was convinced. The album is really good, I def. reccomend it. I also love how he's signed to Geffen Records, which is mostly rock bands ( I think ).

    How Much Is The Fish?

    Has anyone heard of the song 'How Much Is The Fish?' by some guy named Scooter or whatnot. I LOVE that song! It makes me and my friends laugh soo much. I've gotten to the point where I made my own Myspace group on it, which is kinda sad. Join por favor :)...

    Another n00b =)

    Hey! My name's Justyna. I'm full-blood Polish, born there and all, but live in the USA -- NJ to be specific. I am NOT a new fan to Linkin Park. I liked them for a long time & have all of their cd's and almost all of their dvd's. Hmmm... dont know what else to write... oh yeah... I'm 14...
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