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  1. Commander

    anything anything, covered, mashed up

    just found this... thought i show you
  2. Commander

    Stck'n'Move = Runaway?

    well, i just recognized that thse 2 songs have the same BPM, so i tried to mix them... then i saw that they even have the same Riffs :eek: that´s new or am i just a little... stupid?
  3. Commander

    WTF? Tupac and biggi

    i saw those lyrics on the Inet. it says túpac and biggi tribute. the guy who wrote that actually said it´s by LP yo september 13 1996 tupac in da mist of some midnight bullshit nobody saw it coming nobody knew wut hit its been almost seven yrs since u been gone we all miss u dawg thats why...
  4. Commander

    Don´t Stay (with Intro known from RaR04)

    just listen, you´ll see Big Thx to Chesterchaz (the trader) for giving the poem to me :thumbsup:
  5. Commander

    Lyrics of POA Demo

    does anyone have it? (not the vertical Limit thing)
  6. Commander

    piano notes?

    ok, i´m looking for the piano notes of Numb and In the end. a friend who can play Piano, heard "the ken-pianos" (this cover of LP) and now she wants to play it by herself. does anyone have it or can give me a link? Big thx for help
  7. Commander

    "closed street" (first one i´ve posted)

    these lyrics are not by me, it´s written by a very good friend. the original text is german, so there are maybe some faults or it doesn´t rhyme. anyway, i translated it: why did it have to become like this? My Dreams are broken In the sun of the reallity just this ****** reallity They...
  8. Commander

    Believe me!!!

    hi, don´t know if there´s a thread about it, but "believe me" is on the FM-producer player. i riped it and have to say "sounds cool" If noone did another rip (i don´t think so) i could upload it
  9. Commander

    Lyrics of Untitled

    hi, i´m lookin for the Lyrics of Untitled (in the end demo). does any1 have it? please write it into this thread!
  10. Commander

    Beats and drumlines

    hi, i´m lookin for a free programm for makin beats and drumlines. does anyone have something like that?
  11. Commander

    Plaster (OSC Demo)

    hi, I´ve listened to the demo of OSC and now i think its a fake. OSC and Plaster have the exact same Lenght. Plaster is only a bit deeper and has this Old Radio Sound. Test it, Im not sure
  12. Commander

    Enth e Nd A Capella

    hi, i´m lookin for an enth e nd Acapella. i know there´s no "real" one, but maybe someone extracted the voices with a prog. HELP :(
  13. Commander

    Remix Programm

    hi, I always heard Remixes and i love them. but now, i wanna make Remixes by myself. is there an Programm to do this for free? maybe a test version or something. You know, something like Protools or anything like that. i got Cooledit, but this prog i only can copy and paste part of songs. it...
  14. Commander

    Tamoto, anyone know them?

    ..if not, these guyz make awesome music. they´re newcomers from germany. check theire music out. really cool strong sounds. link to theire homepage
  15. Commander

    enjoy the silence?

    I´ve heard something abuot Depeche Mode- Enjoy the Silence reinterpreted by Mike Shinoda. does any1 have it or know where i can get it?
  16. Commander

    Ultimate "IN THE END"???

    hi, I heard something about a remix of "Untitled", "In the end" and "Enth E Nd". I know its fake but i´m very interessted in remixes. does anyone did (can do/ have) it. if, send it to me or link it. please (My english is bad, but i hope you understand me)
  17. Commander

    old frontman

    hi, i´ve got a question. where there a frontman of Linkin Park (hybrid theory or xero) before chester. if, who was it? (I´m sorry for my bad english)
  18. Commander

    need a short remix

    hi, i need a short remix of some lp songs. about 20 seconds but it should have the typical LP"style". if someone can do it, make it and help me. ps: the songs don´t matter, but they should be from lp
  19. Commander


    I suppose that there´s a guy on this forum who can make remixes. the story: I was sittin in my room and heard LP songs first one step closer then points of authority. I was surprised, this two songs are very close to each other. I got the programms to mix it, but I´m not a big talent. @...
  20. Commander

    High Voltage vs. Numb?

    hi, i´m from germany and my english insn´t very good. so i hope you understand me... in the internet i saw "High Voltage vs. Numb" under unrealesed Titles. please helb me if you know something about it. maybe you got it or you know where i can get this song. it might be a live perfomance...
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