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  1. S

    Remember The Name CD Rip

    god damn dial-up... it wont load quickly!
  2. S

    help with live 8 in the end please

    i wouldnt be so sure... my comp would easily win that award or at least be runner-up!
  3. S

    My Photo Montage Of Chester Bennington

    the chester and coloseum pictures are awesome! yeh you can tell it is transparent but to me that still cool coz i cant figure out how to do it. i did a transparency picture ages ago for school but that was last year and a friend was helping me.
  4. S

    LP won a Fuse Viewer Choice

    thats great! at least their winning something this month (need i say viewers choice awards... god when they were up against my chemical romance i voted for them bout 40 times!)
  5. S


    lol thanks heaps i feel so welcomed!!! :D im looking forward to being part of this community/forum... :thumbsup:
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    hey all! im pretty new, since ive only posted bout 2 times on here. ive been a fan of lp for bout 3 or 4 years. at 1 stage i was seriously obsessed, though luckily ive passed that stage. i stopped listening to lp for bout 1/2 a yr because i got sick of their old stuff. you see, during my...
  7. S

    If u could name the new album?

    Erection? what are you thinking about! im thinking of another landmark like meteora... hmm i can only think of the three sisters, which obviously, doesnt work for 6 men. well just leave it to them i think. though it'd be cool if they took 1 of the suggestions from here if they happened to...
  8. S

    Chaz Solo Album Confirmed

    why does it have to take so long to do a proper lp album! couldnt chester do his solo album after the groups next album comes out. at this rate, their next album wont come out for another 2 yrs! ohwell, ill still buy chesters album when it comes out, as long as it isnt "poppy" like what gwen...