01.07.2007 issue: Burma & her Big Brother Neighbors

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A Magazine Specializing in Human Rights Affairs of Burma



Burma & her Big Brother Neighbors

Contents [ Read more on http://www.burmadigest.org.uk ]

I. " Mao's heirs dominate Burma"_ Editorial: Tai Samyone

_ Mao's 26 years of misrule were characterised by
terror, famine, torture and state-slavery ....... The Communist Party
of Burma (CPB) followed Mao's hard-line policy and adopted his
terrorizing purges to the extreme. The CPB sought to impose a
Stalinist/Maoist regime on Burma which didn't match the needs of the
country .. ... Mao's dream is coming to pass, not militarily but by
economic stealth. ......

II. "The ploy and the gimmick of National Convention "_ Letters to

_ the ploy and the gimmick of his reviving the oft-
stalled National Convention which is dubbed the SHAM SHOW for lack of
freedom and spirit of democracy and moreover, participated by
handpicked lackeys, drug warlords and some ethnic renegades
only. ... .........

III. " A Fiery Dragon Appearing to be a Cuddly Panda " _ Policy Paper:
Prof. Kanbawza Win

_ The Burmese democrats predict that Burma will soon
become the "Autonomous Region of China" like Tibet. This is a peaceful
Chinese colonialism without an empire. .. ...China's only trustworthy
and truly anti-American ally in the region is Burma, Rangoon has
become increasingly important to Beijing and seen as pivotal to its
relationship with Southeast Asia as a whole. .......

IV. " Spotlight on Neighbours" _ Feature Article: Dr. Tint Swe

_ After the end of Cold War and the 9/11, India and China
become globally more influential and as the result Burma happens to be
more strategic in the region than before. It is unfortunate that the
junta has been in power and two new superpowers do nothing for
democratic change in Burma. .. ..........

V. "Myanmar to remain India's strategic partner " _ Feature Article:
Nava Thakuria

_ The international communities may continue condemning
the Burmese regime as a worst violator of human rights and press
freedom, but India reiterates its stand that Yangon (now Nay Pyi Taw )
will remain a strategic partner for New Delhi... .. .India has earned
brickbats from international communities for maintaining strategic
ties with the military junta of Myanmar. ........

VI. " A Business Idea for Burmese Diaspora" _ Opinion : AKS

_ Burmese who have experience in overseas could set up a
human resources related business with solid footings in Yangon or
Singapore and beyond, finishing raw Burmese human resources to real
talent before exporting to job markets with migrant labour friendly
countries.. ..........

VII. "Burmese Education for the future " _ Opinion: Min Khin Kyaw

_ Future education plan of Burma must be the plan to shape
the future of Burma toward reasonable development of both students and
the country. ........

VIII. " To My Shan Angel " _ Prose & Poem: May K Ng

_ We have left behind our thoughts, our dreams, our love,
and desperate feelings, with our footsteps and wounded reflections, in
the Shan state of Burma; you and I.. ........

IX. " Burnt Fingers" _ Cartoon: Feraya

Video Diaries

" Satire Performance in hounour of Daw Suu Birthday" _ Thandar Lwin

" NLD LA Japan Conference" _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

" Protest on China" _ Nanda Kyaw

" Burmese Women Symposium in Japan" _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

Photo Diaries

" NCUB Strategic Meeting" _ Dr. Win Naing

" NLD LA-UK meeting" _ Dr. Tayza

" NLD LA Japan 12th Conference" _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

" Prayers for Daw Suu in London" _ U Uttara

" Prayers in Fort Wayne for Daw Suu" _ Nanda Kyaw & Aung Htun

" Protest in Washington for Daw Suu freedom & Against China" _ Nanda
Kyaw & Mohammed Sadek

" Late Celebration of Daw Suu Birthday in London" _ Kyaw Zwa

" Women Symposium in Japan" _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

Burmese Language Section
( Burmese Fonts http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/fonts.htm )

I. " Neighbours"_ Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. "Speaking with Madam Anwar Ibrahim, 2" _ Interview : Dr. San Oo
Aung (& Tun Aung)

III. "Just for a Laugh" _ Satire: Pascal Khoothwe

IV. "Parliament with 25% Military Officers, 2" _ Commentary: Lwin Aung

V. " Foreign Experts & Domestic Lorry" _ Commentary: Khun Sai

VI. " The Reality inside SPDC Army, part 39" _ True Story: Capt. Nay

VII. " Real Road to Democracy, part 3" _ Opinion: Ko Ko Lin

VIII. "Daw Suu Birthday Prayers" _ Commentary: Sayar Mg Swan Yee

IX. "People's Desire" _ Commentary: Dhamma Dattha (Gisspa)

X. "Shameless Faces" _ Poem: Thiha Min

XI. "Alert" _ Opinion: Aung Naing

XII. "Burma Child Soldiers under UN Scrutiny" _ News Report: Thaung

XIII. "NLD LA Japan Conference" _ News Report: Ko Sonny


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