06+ Left side Crank case


New member
As above, in good condition please, prefer no broken mounts / striped holes etc , but will consider anything if priced accordingly.




New member
Not yet Fred.. Got kind of a lead on one but nothing definite so far.. You got one for me? You're a darling if ya do.... lol


New member
No, I don't have one. I did see a set on ebay at a fair price, but they sold. I'm looking for you. :gr_wink:


Active Members
its so hard finding good halfs for a fair price. theres just some ppl that think they have a case half made out of gold and want 200+ for a used piece of aluminum.. i found one cheap eventually. good luck.


New member
Yeh that about sums it up BCD.. They are $235 new from service Honda... I'll happily pay around half that.. But most people want $200 for a used one with broken bits on it.. It's a waiting game now..


New member
It took me 10 months to find a good right side for my 04. And got that one for $60.00 on ebay. I needed a left also, ended up biting the bullet on that one. Dave Hung had a new in box $175.00.

I know it's frustrating, hang in there Stewart! :wavey:

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