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Wisconsin, Hawaii Hand Victories to Obama; McCain Extends Sweep
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Barack Obama racked up two more victories Tuesday night, defeating Hillary
Clinton by a wide margin in the Wisconsin Democratic primary and Hawaii
caucuses and proving he can win big in a primary-style election in a state
with a small minority population.

Meanwhile, John McCain won both the Wisconsin and Washington Republican
presidential primaries, besting longshot rival Mike Huckabee. Washington
also held a Democratic primary, but it was merely a beauty contest, awarding
no delegates.

Speaking in Texas, where he had already traveled to get a jump on the March
4 race there, Obama briefly mentioned the 17-point victory in a 45-minute
speech that was raucously received by the estimated 20,000-strong crowd.

"We just heard we won tonight in Wisconsin," Obama said to catcalls and
applause. "I am grateful to the people of Wisconsin for their friendship,
and their support, and their extraordinary civic pride. You know, in
Wisconsin when you go to vote it's five degrees outside. But that has not
deterred people from Milwaukee to Green Bay to Eau Claire, all across that
state, from casting their ballot and exercising their civic duty."

Wisconsin offers 74 convention delegates and Hawaii awards 20. It takes
2,025 to win the Democratic nomination. As tallying continued through the
night, Obama held 1,316 compared to Clinton with 1,241.

FOX News exit polls showed Obama continued to gain ground among groups that
normally favor Clinton. Among women, a demographic group that normally
favors Clinton, Obama lost by just 3 points, 51 to 48 percent. While women
made up the majority of voters, she lost too badly with the men for this
margin to make the difference. Obama won 66 to 32 percent among men, a
stronger showing than he normally gets.

Clinton also won among seniors, but young voters made up the vast majority
of votes on Tuesday night. Obama won them, 59 percent to Clinton's 39

Obama won with voters who make more than $50,000 a year, which is typical
for him, but until Tuesday, he wasn't winning among those making less than
$50,000. He got 53 percent of that group compared to Clinton's 46 percent.

Voters seeking change also went overwhelmingly for Obama, 75 percent to
Clinton's 23 percent. He beat Clinton by 11 points among those who said the
economy is the most important issue facing the country, and he won among
voters who said their top issues were either the war in Iraq or health care.

While Obama has counted on large black minorities to help him with previous
victories, the Wisconsin population is only 6 percent black. Fifty-two
percent of white voters said they chose him as their candidate.

Results in leading counties in Wisconsin could offer some insight into the
Ohio and Texas contests on March 4, said political analyst Michael Barone,
author of the Almanac of American Politics and a FOX News contributor.

Clinton had hoped to carry Brown County, the heavily Catholic and ethnically
diverse home to the Green Bay Packers. But Obama was winning that county by
more than 10 points. In Milwaukee County, the biggest county in the state,
Obama was winning with 64 percent of the vote.

In Dane County, home to Madison, the state capital, and the University of
Wisconsin, Obama was leading nearly 2 to 1 over Clinton.

That is "relevant to Ohio, where you've got a big university community of
Franklin County, Ohio State, relevant in Texas, Travis County, Austin, the
University of Texas, a big left-wing vote there," Barone said.

He also noted that rural counties in the north and west portions of the
state, where Clinton was strongest, also did not provide her the margin of
victory that would have helped her reduce the widening gap.

The Wisconsin primary is a contest Clinton's camp has downplayed from the
outset, but polls showed the New York senator was at least competitive in
the state. The close polling led to some of the sharpest Democratic
exchanges in the primary campaign season so far. However, Clinton called
Obama around 10:45 p.m. ET to offer her congratulations.

Without acknowledging the Wisconsin defeat, Clinton held an election night
rally in Youngstown, Ohio, where she cast the election as an opportunity to
address the struggles of working class families and said she represents the
choice of experience.

"This is the choice we face, one of us is ready to be a commander-in-chief
in a dangerous world," she said. "I am ready to end this war in Iraq, end
this era of cowboy diplomacy. I will restore our leadership and moral
authority in the world, without delay, without on-the-job training, from day

Obama's campaign responded, saying he agrees the race is about choice.

"The choice in this election is between more of the same divisive,
say-or-do-anything-to-win politics of the past and real change that we can
believe in. That's the change that Barack Obama offers, and that's why more
and more voters across America are choosing him as our next president," said
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

But all the candidates appear to be moving toward the general election in
their language.
Speaking in Parma, Ohio, earlier in the day, Clinton argued that she's the
best candidate to go up against McCain in November.

"I've been through the Republican attack machine. You know I can take a
punch," she said. "This is going to be another brutal election. They're not
going to give up without a fight, (they're) going to make it about national
security. We need to nominate someone who can credibly, forcefully take them
on on national security. I believe I'm better equipped to do that."

Obama too addressed McCain, saying he is a hero for his service in the
Vietnam War, but represents the past.

"When he embraces George Bush's failed economic policies, when he says that
he is willing to send our troops into another 100 years of war in Iraq, then
he represents the policies of yesterday. And we want to be the party of
tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to having that debate with John McCain,"
he said.

McCain too appeared to be slowly shifting into general election mode,
turning his argument toward Obama, whose strategy McCain suggested - without
stating directly - is one of substance over style.

"Now comes the hard part and for America, the bigger decision, will we make
the right changes to restore people's trust in their government and meet the
great challenges of our time with wisdom, and with faith in the values and
ability of Americans for whom no challenge is greater than their resolve,
courage or patriotism? Will we do that or will we heed appeals for change
that ignore the lessons of history and lack confidence in the intelligence
and ideals of free people? I will fight every moment and every day of this
campaign to make sure that Americans are not deceived by an eloquent but
empty call for change," he said to applause.

With a win in Wisconsin and Washington, McCain now closer to clinching the
Republican presidential nomination. The Arizona senator had 939 delegates as
the vote tally continued Tuesday. Wisconsin offered 37 delegates total and
the GOP primary in Washington state, where half the convention delegates
were being chosen, was awarding 19.

"Thank you, Wisconsin, for bringing us to the point where even a
superstitious Navy aviator can claim with confidence and humility that I
will be our party's nominee for president of the United States," McCain said
at an election night rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Huckabee, who says he's in the race until somebody hits the 1,191 delegates
needed to seal the nomination, had 245 delegates before the Tuesday tally
while Texas Rep. Ron Paul had 14.

FOX News exit polls showed seven out of 10 voters in the GOP primary in
Wisconsin called themselves Republicans, and they went strongly for McCain,
53 percent to Huckabee's 39 percent. McCain also dominated among veterans,
who made up 29 percent of GOP voters on Tuesday. They chose McCain 51
percent compared to 33 percent for Huckabee.

The Arizona senator is still struggling with conservative voters. Among
voters who call themselves "very conservative," just 9 percent of the GOP
turnout, 50 percent went for Huckabee and 40 percent went for McCain. Voters
who call themselves "conservative" broke evenly at 45 percent for each

But with recent endorsements from former President George H.W. Bush and
former rival Mitt Romney, McCain has moved closer to being able to rally
conservatives and lock down the nomination.

For Wisconsin voters, electability was an important factor in their
decision. Most of them - 82 percent - said McCain is the guy who can beat
the Democratic nominee in November.

McCain also win among all issue groups, including economy voters and Iraq
voters. He even won among talk radio listeners. Overall three out of four
voters said they would be satisfied if McCain wins the GOP nomination. In
fact, two-thirds of Huckabee voters said they would be happy with McCain as
their nominee.

For Democrats, Wisconsin and Hawaii were stepping stones, but vital ones.
After Super Tuesday's 22 contests two weeks ago ended in a de facto draw,
Obama had racked up eight consecutive victories, notching the latest in
Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Tuesday night's victories
made it 10 straight.

In Hawaii, the contest drew record turnout. Clinton sent daughter Chelsea to
stump there over the weekend, and Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, made
daily appearances for his campaign.

Obama's victory is bad news for Clinton, who wants to jump start her
campaign in the March 4 primaries, when delegate-rich Ohio and Texas vote
alongside Rhode Island and Vermont.