10 year old gives birth in Spain


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Wow....10 years old. Would you allow your ten year old to undergo childbirth? I'm not sure I would.
Let my child give birth? How about not letting my child screw at the age of ten? I'm sorry, she is ten now, so she could have been 9 at the time the parents were letting her screw. Maybe nnot letting young children screw could be the first lesson to be learned?

Where were the parents of this child having a child? Where were the parents of the little boy who got her pregnant? Sounds like a lot of child abuse and neglect needing to end up with a bunch of adults going to jail and the kids having kids getting new people who will take care of them.



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Yeah. I was going to say, Emily is ten right now and boys are really not even top three in the interest department. What is going on that *** is so prevalent? Curiosity? Makes me sick to my stomach. However..provided your ten year old got pregnant (how bizarre...seems weird to even say) would you want her to have it? I'd be afraid she'd die. Not real big on abortion either but I'd be awfully afraid.

This sort of reminds me of something that happened here in Calgary. A twelve year old was videotaped having *** in a park with a 16 year old boy while 8 "spectators" watched. Everyone was sure this was a rape etc. etc... later on it turned out the twelve year old said it was consentual. What the **** is going on? I was feeling bad about having Emily swimming four nights a week for two hours. Thought it may be too much...now I'm wondering what else I should put her into lol.

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The concept is pretty bad but in the worse case situation where I would have to make that choice, I would not kill her unborn child. I would get her the best medical care and have her monitored closely for any problems but I would not have her grow up knowing she was responsible for the death of a life she created. Many people risk great harm and death every day, even children sometimes fight on battlefields but deciding to kill a baby just to escape "possible" harm is not something I could ever do.

Rape maybe, that to me has always been a difficult exception for me. Many women believe each day the child is growing inside them is their being raped again and again, and again. In that situation I can see a slim possibility for me to do something so bad, because the daily suffering of the woman/girl is also very bad, I would have to be in that situation to really make that decision, but I would not see that decision as bad in anyone else.



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Yeah I don't know if I would want her to have it. Maybe by C-section...maybe. I'm just not sure that most ten year olds could carry it to term never mind undergo natural childbirth, The risks are just too great in my opinion.

I believe that choices begin with how they are raised, but I also can't place blame squarely on the parents either because I don't know the situation. It sounds bad to be sure, but I never deal in absolutes. Just makes me sad. Who knows how the situation played out. I keep a close eye on my kids, but they are allowed some freedoms. They can ride their bike and they can go to the park provided they have the walkie talkies...I just wonder when this girl was being allowed to play with this boy unsupervised and also...kinda says something about the early development of girls. This girl must have had her period already...that's awfully scary too. i wonder if added hormones in our meat, milk and produce are possibly upping *** drive in young kids too. Interesting questions.



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Holi!! That is crazy & twisted!! A child of ten shouldn't even be thinking about ***, much less having it!! She is obviously being brought up in a twisted, unconventional way. I'm betting they're gypsies....

The authorities should also make sure that the minor boy is really the one who so-called impregnated her. It's already rare for a female child to become pregnant at that age, but add into the mix an underaged boy. It makes this even more rare.



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This girl must have had her period already...that's awfully scary too. i wonder if added hormones in our meat, milk and produce are possibly upping *** drive in young kids too. Interesting questions.
There are cases where girls/women don't have their periods and they can/still become pregnant. I'm thinking this is a case more to do with how these particular children are being brought up more than anything added to food... There has been sick bastards around even before anything has been added to any food, setting bad examples for children or taking advantage of them.



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I agree..I think the home life is probably messed up..but I'm not comfortable just laying blame without hearing the whole story. My first thought was that she was being abused at home and that a possible relative impregnated her. Still think it's possible. I'd be paternity testing. The food comment isn't where I'm going. Just thinking out loud. Seems kids are much more young getting involved sexually. I'm just wondering if it's all home life, or if some environmental factors are seeping in.


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You know, I have to think back to a lot of history books and stories of how early Americans lived and even before that how early Europeans lived and one thing is pretty clear, our modern world where everyone has seperate bedrooms and bathrooms and such was not the norm for most of the human existence on planet Earth.

The fronteer west had the average home being a big single room structure, so it stands to reason that kids would see a lot more then than they do now......at least there was the possibility and not only that but most kids grew up around animans and they definately knew what made babies.

Today *** is more 'flashy' though. It is in your face all the time and not just an expression of love anymore, I think that is why we see more sexual activities at younger ages these days. I personally thought it was close to the end of the world when I found out kids were sending each other naked pictures of themselves on their phones, there was even a couple cases of it in my home town recently so kids are definately getting way out there on the edge of sexual behaviors.



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Naked pictures are light compared to what kids are doing these days. Rainbow parties, young boys taking ****** and engaging in something called power-f ing, **** *** because you can't get pregnant, color coded bracelets that let boys know what you will and won't do. The *** is much more depraved. I am concerned. For that reason I am determined to keep my kids busy. I think that when they are involved in team sport etc...there is less time for that kind of behavior and also self-esteem gets stronger. I'm a BIG advocate for extra things to do.

Back in the day, *** was a lot more functional, and prudish. I doubt seeing anything back then made *** too appealing lol.



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I am glad I live in a more conservative setting, it sounds like the "modern" peopel are aut of control, lol.

Rainbow parties? Not sure I even want to know what that is, all that stuff sounds pretty scary to be honest. Most of the kids I am around stay pretty busy too.

You know, thinking of the early days also reminds me that kids worked their behinds off on the farms to survive too so when they were done the biggest thing on their minds was most likely sleep, lol. We need to keep them exausted ;)



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Rainbow parties entail the boy collecting as many colors of lipstick as possible on their penises from numerous blow jobs. Every time I think I've heard it all..something else comes up. My dad used to say "all work and no play keeps my daughter from being knocked up". I hated that saying..it's crude..but kinda true. I started working my summers from the time I was 10 years old. I think it's good for them to have jobs..but for the time being I want school to be most important. I worked a lot, and never had time for friends, fun or anything really. I don't think that served me that well either.

A good kid is a tired kid lol..



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I had never heard of the rainbow parties nor the power ******* before. Supposedly the rainbow parties thing is just an urban myth that spread and got around by the fear of scared and over protective parents. I didn't research the power ******* thing too much. Although concerning the rainbow parties thing, just because no proof by law enforcement has been established doesn't necessarily mean it never happened/happens.


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Holi!! That is crazy & twisted!! A child of ten shouldn't even be thinking about ***, much less having it!! She is obviously being brought up in a twisted, unconventional way. I'm betting they're gypsies....
I knew they were probably gypsy!! My link Also that it was probably how these children were raised, they're environment. The mother sees nothing wrong with this and in fact is happy.... Of course, most gypsies are nothing but a bunch of roaming, free-loading, baby-making thieves...



New member
Holi!! That is crazy & twisted!! A child of ten shouldn't even be thinking about ***, much less having it!! She is obviously being brought up in a twisted, unconventional way. I'm betting they're gypsies....
I knew they were probably gypsy!! My link Also that it was probably how these children were raised, they're environment. The mother sees nothing wrong with this and in fact is happy.... Of course, most gypsies are nothing but a bunch of roaming, free-loading, baby-making thieves...



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Ok that was my morning cup of terror. My little one is 11 yrs old and well developed already. It's like fighting of a pack of horney wolves. They call, I ask them not to call, I'm rude I tell them her age (in case they don't know already) threaten. I just want to get a big bottle of bleach and start spraying. I blame the media in part. They sexualize girls at such a young age. Many times I've sent Paige back in the bathroom with a wash cloth and told her to wash her face off. So far she's a good girl but it's **** keeping up. She tells me I'm a stalker and I tell her I'm just doing my job. I think as much as we want to get along with and be friends with our children we need to be a parent first. It's really hard sometimes but I keep telling myself when she's not a crackwhore on the street, she'll thank me I hope.

As far as the topic. 10 is way too young and I agree with the sexual abuse theory. 10 yr olds cannot make and informed choice nor have consentual ***. I feel bad for the poor girl.

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