12 Reasons Mitt "Flip Flop King" Romney Sucks

  • Thread starter 9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio
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9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio

12 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Sucks:

1. He supports torture: Romney is an outspoken supporter of "enhanced
interrogation techniques," or as the layman calls it, torture.

2. He wants to enlarge Gitmo: Romney stated at a 2008 Republican
primary debate that he would double the size of the prison at
Guantanamo Bay if elected president. Would that be before or after he
dissolves the Supreme Court, which has ruled that the indefinite
detentions of terror suspects at Gitmo was unconstitutional?

3. He supports teen torture camps: This shouldn't come as a surprise
if you read the two items above. Romney has been linked to WWASPS
camps for troubled teens, which has had several lawsuits filed against
it alleging that teens were "locked in outdoor dog cages, exercised to
exhaustion, deprived of food and sleep, exposed to extreme
temperatures without adequate clothing or water, severely beaten,
emotionally brutalized, and sexually abused and humiliated. Some were
even made to eat their own vomit."

4. He dodged the draft: Mitt Romney spent the height of the Vietnam
War working as a Mormon missionary in France, thanks to a draft
deferment his Mormon handlers gave him as "a minister of religion."

5. Gun control flip-flopper: Romney recently changed his opinions on
gun control when he realized he would need to suck up to gun owners if
he wanted the Republican vote. When endorsing the Brady Bill in 1994,
Romney declared it was "not going to make me a hero of the NRA." In
August 2006, he joined the NRA.

6. He's a "life-long" hunter: By which I mean a liar. An NRA cap-
wearing Romney told New Hampshire voters that he had been a hunter for
"pretty much all" in April 2007. The truth soon came out that Romney
had only gone hunting twice in his 60 years. If you're going to suck
up to gun owners, at least spare them the BS.

7. He tricked voters with a fake pro-life stance: Romney ran for US
Senate in 1994 pledging to keep abortion ''safe and legal in this
country." As a 2002 candidate for governor, Romney said he would not
change the state's abortion laws. He is now running on a pro-life
platform. As his top political strategist said in 2005, "He's been a
pro-life Mormon faking it as a pro-choice friendly."

8. He uses goons to intimidate his opponents: The security staff of
the Romney campaign is well known for pushing around people they don't
want near their campaign events. They've also been placed under
investigation for impersonating police officers to make threats
illegally stop cars belonging to activists working on behalf of other

9. His campaign spreads lies about his opponents: The Romney campaign
has been implicated in a dirty behind-the-scenes whisper campaign
aimed at spreading a lie about John McCain's views on abortion. If
that fails, maybe they'll claim he fathered black children?

10. He opposes stem cell research: While governor of Massachusetts,
Romney tried to veto a bill that would have promoted stem cell
research in the state. Luckily, state legislators were not living in
the dark ages, and they overturned his anti-science veto.

11. He abuses animals: While moving driving his family from Ontario to
Boston in 1983, Romney strapped the family dog to the top of their car
for the entire drive. WTF?

12. He's Mormon: Even if you like Mormons, you have to admit that his
religion, which has a very negative image, will make Romney
"9 Illegal Aliens packed My Ass Today" <icadserve2@yahoo.com> wrote in
> 12 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Sucks:
> 1. He supports torture: Romney is an outspoken supporter of "enhanced
> interrogation techniques," or as the layman calls it, torture.

That gets my vote already!

> 2. He wants to enlarge Gitmo: Romney stated at a 2008 Republican
> primary debate that he would double the size of the prison at
> Guantanamo Bay if elected president.

No cite = presumed lie.

> 3. He supports teen torture camps:

2nd good reason to vote for Mitt!

> 4. He dodged the draft: Mitt Romney spent the height of the Vietnam
> War working as a Mormon missionary in France, thanks to a draft
> deferment his Mormon handlers gave him as "a minister of religion."

100% legal. False accusation. When did you serve?

> 5. Gun control flip-flopper: Romney recently changed his opinions on
> gun control when he realized he would need to suck up to gun owners if
> he wanted the Republican vote. When endorsing the Brady Bill in 1994,
> Romney declared it was "not going to make me a hero of the NRA." In
> August 2006, he joined the NRA.

1st reason NOT to vote for Mitt.

> 6. He's a "life-long" hunter..

Irrelevant rhetoric.

> 7. He tricked voters with a fake pro-life stance: Romney ran for US
> Senate in 1994 pledging to keep abortion ''safe and legal in this
> country." As a 2002 candidate for governor, Romney said he would not
> change the state's abortion laws. He is now running on a pro-life
> platform. As his top political strategist said in 2005, "He's been a
> pro-life Mormon faking it as a pro-choice friendly."

3rd reason to vote for Mitt!

> 8. He uses goons to intimidate his opponents

No cite = presumed lie.

> 9. His campaign spreads lies about his opponents

No cite = presumed lie.

> 10. He opposes stem cell research

4th good reason to vite for Mitt!

> 11. He abuses animals: While moving driving his family from Ontario to
> Boston in 1983, Romney strapped the family dog to the top of their car
> for the entire drive. WTF?


> 12. He's Mormon: Even if you like Mormons, you have to admit that his
> religion, which has a very negative image, will make Romney
> unelectable.



1) 1 reason to against Mitt.
2) 4 reasons to vote for Mitt.
3) You were caught LYING 4 times.


1) You're a fool.
2) You should see a octor about your ass fetishes.