

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
Scientists predict that around the years 2012-2013 the earth, sun, and center of the milky way (a tremendous ****ing black hole) will perfectly align, this only happens once every (i think) 25,800 years.

And you thought an eclipse was cool ;)

OH! i almost forgot, the scientists also say that this might cause the crust to roll around the core and mantle of the earth as the alignment shifts the poles causing nearly every volcano to erupt, massive earthquakes all over the world, the icecaps melting, flooding, and general climate shift and hell-on-earth.... also the Mayans, ancient Chinese (before Egypt) Merlin (not the king Arthur guy, but the same name and geographical location) and perhaps the holy bible, as well as many other 'oracles' of ancient times predict that in 2012-2013 the earth will be destroyed by nature.

so, are we ****ed? or is this just another Y2K scare and the year 2014 will be celebrated by a happy planet drunk on champaign?
I have one question on this.

You say it occurs every 25,800 years. Well....heres the Mr Obvious question of the century.

How come nothing at all like this occurred 25,800 years ago the last time this alignment took place?

Because......errrr ......it didn't. What makes this time special?

Where in the **** did you hear this garbage?

I would say that Y2K was far more of a threat then this is.
I've also heard it will cause infertility, constipation, dry eyes, insomnia, anorexia, addiction to pop tarts and long lasting orgasms. I'm building a bomb shelter as we speak.
NazzNegg2 said:
The environment is changing that is obvious. At the very least we will experience diminished food production globally.

The earth goes through cycles in its orbit as well as internally. it builds up and then snaps back to our disadvantage. In the end nature wins. Most of you, your children or your children's children will be extinct, your DNA removed from the gene pool, high past time the human herd was culled of the stupid and weak... natural law wins in the end. Of course most of you will be displaced and or killed by the illegals long before that as the battle for food and resources heats up, again natural law at work.

SO. . . . . What does this have to do with a rare galactic alignment that is reportedly going to cause the upheaval of the earth's magma?
Yeah with my luck, just because I can retire in the year 2012, it will probably be the year of the apocalypse.
Phantom said:
2012 is also when the Mayans predicted this "cycle" would end.

i said that.

And for the record, i don't think the world will end, yes there will be some serious changes, the MAGNETIC poles will swap, it is recorded to happen once every 25,000 years or so, so the weather will change, but i don't believe the Apocalypse will occur.

i think the reason the Mayan calender ends in 2012 is because it's based on astrology, and since the poles will change and the earth might shift a tiny bit, the calender cannot be accurate (stars are hard to read when you don't know where they will be) so they just ended the calender and probably figured on some wayward **** going wrong and ending the world.
Phantom said:
2012 is also when the Mayans predicted this "cycle" would end.

Oh well **** me running. If the Mayans said so then we are certainly doomed. After all the Mayans invented the.......wait, their vast understanding of the ummmm.... lead to the discovery of the......no. Hold on, oh ya didn't they cure the sickness known as .... no that wasn't them. Hmmmm. ****ing useless Mayans.
Jhony5 said:
Oh well **** me running. If the Mayans said so then we are certainly doomed. After all the Mayans invented the.......wait, their vast understanding of the ummmm.... lead to the discovery of the......no. Hold on, oh ya didn't they cure the sickness known as .... no that wasn't them. Hmmmm. ****ing useless Mayans.

Didn't they have something to do with maze? Oh yeah they ate it.
Msixty said:
i said that.

Oops. You sure did. I didn't read the post past the first paragraph. Busted! :eek:

Jhony5 said:
Oh well **** me running. If the Mayans said so then we are certainly doomed. After all the Mayans invented the.......wait, their vast understanding of the ummmm.... lead to the discovery of the......no. Hold on, oh ya didn't they cure the sickness known as .... no that wasn't them. Hmmmm. ****ing useless Mayans.

I don't really believe in all that junk but it is interesting that modern scientists are now saying something would happen around the year 1212. Just thought it was interesting and that I would (re)point that out.
Phantom said:
Oops. You sure did. I didn't read the post past the first paragraph. Busted! :eek:

I don't really believe in all that junk but it is interesting that modern scientists are now saying something would happen around the year 1212. Just thought it was interesting and that I would (re)point that out.

So what happened in 1212?

uhhhh ohhhhhs. Typo much? :D
Jhony5 said:
Oh well **** me running. If the Mayans said so then we are certainly doomed. After all the Mayans invented the.......wait, their vast understanding of the ummmm.... lead to the discovery of the......no. Hold on, oh ya didn't they cure the sickness known as .... no that wasn't them. Hmmmm. ****ing useless Mayans.

although i don't think they predicted the end of the world, they did begin the domestication of animals, crops, were the first to cultivate corn, had EXTREMELY advanced mathematic skills, erected a pyramid building civilization in the middle of a ****ing rain forest, developed sophisticated up-hill water systems that irrigated giant cities and their crop fields, they also had a calender so advanced that they could predict a solar eclipse hundreds of years in advance. they also developed very effective antiseptics and herbal medicines from the plants in the rain forest. and they had advanced highways linking their possibly hundreds of large cities. modern economy structures, kept tax records, the list goes on.....
The mayans were a bunch of barbarbic sacks of **** who butchered people in the name of a bunch of false gods. We need to build a time machine and send a few thousand marines to level their asses and charge them for crimes against humanity
Maybe Jesus will time his return around the catastrophic events predicted and miracle my ass out of here.

That would be the penultimate clash between science and religion. The proposed end of civilization, realized by the rational and the irrational respectively.

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Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
The mayans were a bunch of barbarbic sacks of **** who butchered people in the name of a bunch of false gods. We need to build a time machine and send a few thousand marines to level their asses and charge them for crimes against humanity

the spanish took care of that already
M60 said:
although i don't think they predicted the end of the world, they did begin the domestication of animals, crops, were the first to cultivate corn, had EXTREMELY advanced mathematic skills, erected a pyramid building civilization in the middle of a ****ing rain forest, developed sophisticated up-hill water systems that irrigated giant cities and their crop fields, they also had a calender so advanced that they could predict a solar eclipse hundreds of years in advance. they also developed very effective antiseptics and herbal medicines from the plants in the rain forest. and they had advanced highways linking their possibly hundreds of large cities. modern economy structures, kept tax records, the list goes on.....

Well if you like the Mayans so much why don't you marry them?

M60 loves the Mayans....M60 loves the Mayans....M60 loves the Mayans....M60 loves the Mayans....M60 loves the Mayans

M60 and the Mayans sitting in a tree K I S S I N G. First comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.

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