2012 Presidential Poll:


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
It’s not that I would be fired up if RomneyCare, Huckabee or Gingrich were the GOP nominee (actually I’d be quite pissed), but let’s be serious, any one of them would be a massive improvement over Captain Kickass…

(PPP)- With his approval numbers hitting new lows it’s no surprise that Barack Obama’s numbers in our monthly look ahead to the 2012 Presidential race are their worst ever this month. He trails Mitt Romney 46-43, Mike Huckabee 47-45, Newt Gingrich 46-45, and is even tied with Sarah Palin at 46. The only person tested he leads is Jan Brewer, who doesn’t have particularly high name recognition on the national level at this point.

….There are two things driving these strong poll numbers for the Republican candidates. The first is a lead with independents in every match up. Romney leads 48-35 with them, Gingrich is up 50-39, Huckabee has a 46-40 advantage, Palin’s up 47-42, and even Brewer has a 38-37 edge.

The other thing causing the Republicans to do so well is that their party is unified around them to an equal or even greater extent than Democrats are around Obama. Huckabee’s getting 85% of the Republican vote to Obama’s 82% of the Democrats, Romney’s at 82% in his party to Obama’s 80%, Gingrich and Obama are each getting 83% of their party vote, and Palin and Obama are each getting 81% of theirs.


As Ed Morrissey points out, this poll is via the Democrat-leaning Public Policy Polling…

Of those candidates above I have to go with Gingrich. His Contract with America was about the last time congress did something right.


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I hope Palin runs. I'll change my party to Republican and vote for her in the primaries. :woot:

Same thing the Republicans did to Obama when a bunch changed over just to vote for Clinton, just like Rush commanded his flock to do. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
I hope Palin runs. I'll change my party to Republican and vote for her in the primaries. :woot:

Same thing the Republicans did to Obama when a bunch changed over just to vote for Clinton, just like Rush commanded his flock to do. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

I still love to see how uninformed even people like Bender are on the facts.

In "some" States, party affilitation does not keep people from voting for the other party in primaries, Rush thought it funny to play with that a little, so did a lot of other people like Democrats who were already on record for doing it long before Rush mentioned it, in fact that is where he got the idea.

Rush is a radio personality, a paid Commentator who tells jokes and makes a lot of money with it. Sure, a lot of what he says is true, but he tells it with humor and sarcasm for "entertainment purposes". Rush commands nobody to do anything, Rush does not speak for the party and is not a leader in even the most crazy of examples. You guys need to learn that while the vocal few may run the Democrats, that is not the case for Conservatives.

Independents put Obama in the Whitehouse, those same Independents now understand that Obama is nothing like the Obama they voted for. They feel betrayed and lied to, and there will be a negative result to that fact.

But, after the Socialists lose their control in the next elections, I predict Obama will pull a Clinton and divert away from his radical Socialist posturing and this will gain him some support back. Most Americans don't hate Obama, they simply reject his crazy Government power grab and out of control spending.
This country needs a financial miracle. Romney will be the man who can turn this country around. My vote will go to Mitt Romney.
This country needs a financial miracle. Romney will be the man who can turn this country around. My vote will go to Mitt Romney.
What this Country needs is for the Government to get out of the way of success.

Every industry that has been lost to other Countries is because of Government interference. The more the Government meddles, the more harm they cause.