2012 Previsited


Musky Lure

In article <1191237195.623472.212900@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,
collection60@googlemail.com wrote:

> On Sep 30, 11:09 pm, Musky Lure <muskyl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > In article <1191170079.680142.230...@n39g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
> > collectio...@googlemail.com wrote:
> >
> > > And the most likely answer about when we "hit the galactic plane", was
> > > around 3 million years ago. Or 27 million years in the future.

> >
> > > Of course, 3 million years ago... is not a problem for wiping out
> > > Earth, because it just needs an asteroid in the oort cloud to be
> > > disturbed, and that asteroid may take 3 million years to get here.

> >
> > > That's why this whole "galactic plane" business is not so clear cut,
> > > it's a very ambigious date. More like a probability curve than a
> > > specific moment.

> >
> > "Hitting the galactic plane" has nothing to do with the anticipated
> > conjunction of the intersection of the galactic plane with the plane of
> > the ecliptic by the rising winter solstice Sun on 12/21/2012. Stop
> > harping on this as if it is what everyone who has "looked into this" is
> > talking about. You are mindlessly desecrating the Sacred Cross.

> Man you talk such crap. It is what everyone who looked into this is
> talking about. You are mindlessly being evil ****ed up and worthless
> and need to die immediately to stop your evil lies.
> Sorry but you can't even explain yourself properly. When you are able
> to explain yourself in words that make sense perhaps I'll listen. But
> I have the feeling that even then... it'll just be wrong.

Wipe that monstrous simian brow of yours and take a few deep breaths,

I'll dumb it down for you. The Sun will eclipse the core of the Milky
Way galaxy on 12/21/2012, on the same day as the solstice. This event
occurs once every ~25,700 years. The most agreed upon date for the
start of the Mayan Long Count calendar is in 3114 BC, making the end
date of the 13 baktun (~394 years) cycle which the Long Count describes
lie in 2012. Most scholars have narrowed down the date to late
December, most popularly the 21st. The Long Count defines the age of
the Maya, with its beginning corresponding to their creation myths. It
is not as well understood what the end date of the Long Count may
signify. But with their keen understanding of mathematics and
astronomy, it's certain they would choose, with remarkable precision, a
date on which a very rare celestial event would occur which would define
their (our) denouement.

Artifacts depicting the Sacred Tree (or Crossroads) have fairly recently
been deciphered to reveal their astronomical significance, which centers
on the intersection (apparent, not literal - is that where your dim ass
got confused?) of the plane of the ecliptic and the Milky Way. The
event to occur on the December 2012 solstice was of such profound
importance to the Maya that they didn't deem it necessary to define the
structure of time beyond its occurrence. Many of us believe that this
event will not result in the end of time, but a rebirth of time into an
unpredictably new paradigm.

That the Maya were able to predict this key celestial event some 2100 or
more years ago strongly suggests that they were intimately familiar with
precession prior to its "discovery" by the Greek Hipparchus around
120BC. There is increasing evidence that ancient Egyptians were
profoundly influenced in their mythology by the precession of the
equinoxes. The strange, sad fact of the matter is that astronomical
events and cycles which were recognized and codified into myths and
legends by prehistorical civilizations are blatantly obvious in even the
most modern versions of the sacred texts of the World's great religions,
but woefully ignored by the vast majority of those who purport to
"follow" them and "believe" in their literal "truth". Understanding the
genuine roots and purposes of modern religion requires a deep awareness
of allegory emerging from symbology relating to fertility cults,
entheogenic plants and mushrooms, extraterrestrial intervention and
astrological events. More importantly, in order to evolve spiritually,
one must determine how the Truth in religion has been twisted and
obscured so as to control and confound the masses and confer an
extraordinary advantage on the power elite.
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On Oct 1, 10:08 pm, Musky Lure <muskyl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> In article <1191237195.623472.212...@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,

>CB wrote:
> > Man you talk such crap. It is what everyone who looked into this is
> > talking about. You are mindlessly being evil ****ed up and worthless
> > and need to die immediately to stop your evil lies.

Then Musky Lure began:
> Wipe that monstrous simian brow of yours and take a few deep breaths,
> Knuckles.
> I'll dumb it down for you. The Sun will eclipse the core of the Milky
> Way galaxy on 12/21/2012, on the same day as the solstice.

Knuckles will be my new pet name for....That Someone Special......
DAMN we've missed you!