22 greatest bands


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2004
Stalkers Want To Know
MTV2 put on a show maybe a week ago. It featured the 22 Greatest Bands of all time and what not. Radomly... POD, Green Day, Nirvana, The Rolling Stones, etc..
Linkin Park came in at number six. (they beat out Greenday and POD)
The show played clips of the band members comments on the band. The same clips on the Pankake Festival video. They were said to be "Everyone's favorite closet band they love to listen to, but don't always admit it" or something among those lines.

Anyways, my point to this. I didn't see it anywhere on here so I figured I'd just let you guys know about it. I'm looking for it and if I find the entire list I'll post it up on here for you.
yeah, a couple years back i saw it and was like "omg, i need to put it on my site" and then realized it was a couple years old. So, easy mistake.
my blokey saw an article in a paper that was listing top bands for diffrent genres of music, linkin park were top of the list for alternitave progressive rock. it said that there was no one who sounded like LP and that they would go down in history as one of the greatest alterntave progressive rock bands ever!!!
I don't think Nirvana should have gotten the top spot. They're cool and all, but they are waaaayyyy over rated. I saw the program like 2 years ago.
If there was a new top 22, Green Day would beat LP easily. Thats because LP didnt bring out an album the last year and Green Day had a couple videos out.
I love linkin park, but 6th??!! I don't think they should even belong in the 100 greatest bands of all time...There are many many many many many more other artists who were/are far more successful that our LP!
This is a not-very-well-thought-of list of bands who I feel are way better than LP:
The beatles, Rolling stones, Pink Floyd, NIN, Nirvana, Tool, AC/DC, RHCP, Blink 182, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Zeppelin, Queen, The Who, The cure, the eagles, van halen, B sabbath, backstreet boys, KISS, Iron maiden, spice girls, the beach boys......LP and P.O.D. do not belong in a list like that....That must've been a stupid program...They really must be stupid to leave out such great bands.
I wouldnt think that Blink 182, BSB and the Spice Girls are better than Linkin Park though :p But the rest are much better.
Lmao, SPICE GIRLS and BSB?!?! Uhh ok, I admit I use to listen to them as a KID, but c'mon, they shouldn't even be considered in the Top 22 "greatest" bands:D
*Btw, *cough* why did you put BSB on there and not N Sync? Don't forget Westlife!:(:p*

Go Lp =) I agree that if the list was updated and done now, they probably wouldn't have gotten as high as they did then, but they deserve the spot for whatever year that list was compiled:D