wez - Ohhhh, wezley and I would definitely go to a Vikings game together!
IWS - I want IWS to teach me how to shoot a gun! Then I would spend the rest of the day admiring his glorious side ****.
hugo - First I'd have to punch him in the face for having a polar bear skin rug in front of the fireplace. After that, I'd call a truce PezBo style by bringing him a case of Shiner and before the evening was over I'd be his favorite fatso again.
RaE - Hot, fat, stinky armpit *** ALL DAY LONG!!!!!
eddo - We'd start out by admiring one another's GMC's. Then we'd go to a corn field maze! Then I'd make eddo a fruit pizza and sit and sweat while he complained about how chilly it is and cry.
hack - We would get SO BAKED!!!!!!!
RoyalOrleans - We'd watch obscure 70's movies. Then I'd make him sit in his recliner while I sat at his feet and force him to tell me stories until he passed out from exhaustion and his lips fell off. (P.S. I would wear my Vikings jersey)
Old Salt - We would drink fine, exotic liquor and I'd make him show me his photo albums from days gone by. I'd enjoy that!
TJ - My best guess is I would wind up banging on RO's door at 2:14 am covered in blood and begging him to smuggle me into Mexico under the veil of darkness to escape the Feds.
snafu - Fishing! Definitely fishing. And he could play his Kelly Clarkson cd's, too.
Builder - I don't know Builder, but the idea of hanging out on the beach in Australia sounds intriguing!
Bender - I'd make him teach me some of his top secret recipes. Then we'd talk about politics over drinks because I think his views are interesting.
Cloaked - We'd try to take over the e-world before eddo destroys teh internets all together.
emkay, mercury, chi, Tori, Anna, keth, atlantic, MrsK, TheJenn - We would take that much needed spa day together. Hair, waxing, nails, **** bleaching, massage, pedicures, champagne and fancy hors d'oeuvres would take up the majority of our afternoon. Then we'd get all dolled up and go see the male strippers together that evening and act like a bunch of oversexed hooligans. We deserve it!