2nd McCain Official to Face Federal Charges



"The accomplice to the crime of CORRUPTION is frequently our own
---- Bess Myerson

2nd McCain Official to Face Federal Charges
February 22, 2008 1:53 PM

Justin Rood Reports:

When Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., was indicted today on fraud,
conspiracy and money laundering charges, he became the second official
for the John McCain presidential campaign to face federal charges.

Renzi, a co-chair of McCain's Arizona campaign, joins Bob Allen, a
Florida state representative who was busted last July for soliciting
sex in a public bathroom, on the short - but growing - list of
volunteer officials to Sen. McCain's White House bid. Allen, co-chair
of McCain's Florida effort, was convicted in November and sentenced to
a fine and six months' probation.

Together, Renzi and Allen appear to put McCain in the lead of White
House contenders with support from federally indicted officials.
McCain's competitor for the Republican nomination, former Arkansas
Gov. Mike Huckabee, has not been reported to have any campaign
officials or major fundraisers facing federal charges.

The Democratic challengers are hardly crime-free, of course. An
apparently tireless fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's bid, Norman Hsu,
was revealed last fall to be a wanted felon. Hsu had reportedly
raised over $1 million for Hillary, and lesser amounts for Barack
Obama and other Democrats.

Obama has in the past enjoyed the generous financial support of
indicted businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, although the Chicago-area
entrepreneur has reportedly given no money to Obama's presidential
campaign. Obama has given back nearly $150,000 in earlier donations
from Rezko and his associates.

For Congress-watchers, Renzi's indictment is a separate milestone: He
is the fourth lawmaker since 2005 to be indicted or plead guilty. He
was preceded by former Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif.; Bob
Ney, R-Ohio; and William Jefferson, D-La.

Click Here for Full Blotter Coverage.
On Feb 22, 2:57 pm, Raymond <Bluerhy...@aol.com> wrote:
> "The accomplice to the crime of CORRUPTION is frequently our own
> indifference."
> ---- Bess Myerson
> 2nd McCain Official to Face Federal Charges
> February 22, 2008 1:53 PM
> Justin Rood Reports:
> When Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., was indicted today on fraud,
> conspiracy and money laundering charges, he became the second official
> for the John McCain presidential campaign to face federal charges.
> Renzi, a co-chair of McCain's Arizona campaign, joins Bob Allen, a
> Florida state representative who was busted last July for soliciting
> sex in a public bathroom, on the short - but growing - list of
> volunteer officials to Sen. McCain's White House bid. Allen, co-chair
> of McCain's Florida effort, was convicted in November and sentenced to
> a fine and six months' probation.
> Together, Renzi and Allen appear to put McCain in the lead of White
> House contenders with support from federally indicted officials.
> McCain's competitor for the Republican nomination, former Arkansas
> Gov. Mike Huckabee, has not been reported to have any campaign
> officials or major fundraisers facing federal charges.
> The Democratic challengers are hardly crime-free, of course. An
> apparently tireless fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's bid, Norman Hsu,
> was revealed last fall to be a wanted felon. Hsu had reportedly
> raised over $1 million for Hillary, and lesser amounts for Barack
> Obama and other Democrats.
> Obama has in the past enjoyed the generous financial support of
> indicted businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, although the Chicago-area
> entrepreneur has reportedly given no money to Obama's presidential
> campaign. Obama has given back nearly $150,000 in earlier donations
> from Rezko and his associates.
> For Congress-watchers, Renzi's indictment is a separate milestone: He
> is the fourth lawmaker since 2005 to be indicted or plead guilty. He
> was preceded by former Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif.; Bob
> Ney, R-Ohio; and William Jefferson, D-La.
> Click Here for Full Blotter Coverage.http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2008/02/renzis-record-s.html


A Normal day in American politics

Political Fixer Rezko Arrested
January 28, 2008 10:45 AM

From The Blotter:

Illinois political fixer Antoin "Tony" Rezko was arrested by federal
agents early this morning outside of his Wilmette home.

"Tony Rezko was arrested without incident at his home in Wilmette,"
FBI spokesman Tom Simon said. "It was pursuant to a warrant issued
following a government motion to revoke his bond."

Rezko was taken into custody for an alleged bond violation, and the
Chicago Tribune, who first reported the arrest, cites a source who
said investigators had become concerned about "the movement of some of
his finances."

Rezko, who is scheduled to go on trial on federal corruption charges
next month, has numerous ties to Democratic presidential candidate
Sen. Barack Obama who, as a lawyer, worked on several Rezko real
estate deals and later received large campaign contributions from
Rezko and his associates.

In addition, Rezko played a role in Obama's purchase of a new home in
2005, at a time when Rezko was already reported to be under federal
investigation. An ABC News analysis last week found Rezko and his
associates had donated a little more than $185,000 to the Obama Senate
and presidential campaigns. A spokesperson for Obama said $85,000 of
that had been given to charity. Over the weekend, Obama said any
additional funds found to be linked to Rezko would also be contributed
to charity.

This post has been updated.
Antoin " Tony" Rezko, 51, a millionaire businessman in Chicago area
was indicted on allegations that he used his influence with governor
Rod Blagojevich

The Rise and Fall of "Tony" Rezko
Rezko's rise to prominence in the past two decades is something of an
American dream success story. Born in Halab (Aleppo) Syria and moved
to Chicago after high school and graduating from Illinois institute of
Technology in degree in Engineering.

Rezko's businesses and interests are wide and far, from communication
company, to inner city rehab company that renovates buildings in low-
income areas to Pizza. He reportedly owns between 25-30 Pizza
restaurants named Papa Tony's Pizza, after Papa John Pizza franchise
terminated its affiliation with him.


Click Here for Full Blotter Coverage.