3000 Members!


New member
Been Googling Linkin Park over the last week. LPC's number 1 with 300,000. LPU's number 2 with 70,000. We're number 3. Number 4 is Linkinpark.fr with 1000.

All the other LP forums that I found have under 500 members.

WE'RE NUMBER 3!!!!!!!



Active Members
#3 Linkin Park Forum on the net...makes me proud to be an Elite member. Congrats to ATLien and the mods for making this one heck of a forum! :D


New member
#3 thats AWESOME! I dont think we'll beat the other ones though, because they're offical but 3rd place is totally wicked!


New member
Congrats ATlien, you made an **** of a great forum :thumbsup: and congrats to all of us, the proud members :D #3 is great \m/ LPF rocks!


New member
i was kinda wondering, ATlien, will this forum ever be closed to more members? will there be a certain limited number of members? like 10000 or something?
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