38, 45.


john f winston

Subject: What Were You Doing Before Adam And Eve? Nov. 18, 2006.

Here is a person's attempt to explain what all of us were doing before
we were talked about in the being of the good book. It's rather
complicated but it does answer a few questions.


Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? Volume 1
by Peter Farley
Perhaps the most appropriate expression to describe the history of mankind
upon this planet is a chaos or confusion. It is full of discontinuities and
the sudden, unexplained appearance and disappearance of entire ra-es of
people. Perhaps the major one of these discontinuities occurs in the
Chr-stian Bi-le in Ge-esis itself, Chapter 3, for it seems like everything
we know about the Universe comes somewhere after the fall of Adam.
What would happen though if the most influential occurrences happened, not
only prior to Adam, but prior to the story of Genesis itself--things so
major that they affect everything that has taken place since, and are still
affecting things going on at this very moment?
It is the humble intent of this book to trace the history of mankind right
from its roots in the heart of G-d to its very present dilemma amidst the
chaos of a world and a Universe run rampant. It is not, however, the
intention of this book to trace every minute detail of every event which
has occurred in that history. Rather it seeks to uncover those patterns
which give life and which give meaning to that history. Those patterns,
some of which lie buried beneath history like the underground stream which
is such a central metaphor to theme of the entire book.
It is important firstly, however, to understand the ubiquitous image of
the Tree of Life and the significance it plays to world history and to
all the world's relig-ons. It will then be necessary to that we take a
look at the major players involved in the Creation of this Universe
itself, as well as their subsequent roles in shaping the events of both
world and universal history.
Though we tend to think of world history from grade school and high
school days as being a disjointed series of events, where it was taught to
us that people such as Columbus, or Sir Isaac Newton, stumbled onto some
discovery or invention, thus causing a newer and better world to be
opened for the rest of us, let me assure you, in the beginning here,
nothing could be further from the truth.
History is a lie we have been fed to make us docile and keep us ignorant
of the true intent of those who have manipulated events from the start for
their own benefit, and for the benefit of those whom they serve.
In the process of unraveling this puzzle and fitting the pieces
together, it will be necessary for the reader to, as it were, suspend
belief in everything they know and have learned about both the Creation
and about history in general.
It will be necessary to digest the material and watch as the picture
grows before your eyes, and then to judge whether or not this picture
which has been formed is justly valid or not. No matter what racial or
ethnic background the reader comes from, no matter what level of education
or social strata they have achieved, or hope to achieve, and no matter
what reli-ion or denomination they were raised in or currently belong to,
any preconceived notions of how history or the universe were created,
will only prove to be a stumbling block to understanding the true story
unfolded herein, and to the resulting expansion of consciousness it will
obviously bring.
As author Machaelle Wright says in relation to her work: "During an
expansion of consciousness, our intellectual understanding of what
we are experiencing is challenged because it is new to us.
Like anything new, if we try to force an understanding of it through
the framework of what we already know, we end up confused and possibly
misinterpreting the experience. If we truly wish to expand our
consciousness, that expansion can only serve to render our old
framework obsolete. Any expansion we might have can actually be distorted
if we try to force it through our old intellectual framework, such as
would happen with a round handful of Play Dough squashed through a square
shaping hole. Some of the Play Dough may get through intact, but it is
distorted, while much has been left behind on the other side of the screen,
hopelessly lost for use in the new construction.
"If we attempt to use our old framework when tackling new material such
as is here being presented, we will tend to experience what we think we
are experiencing instead of what it is that is actually happening. Or,
worse still, we will tend to read into things what it is we want to hear,
rather than getting the truth from what it is we are reading. We need then
just to put the intellect aside--to just be. Let this new experience, this
new knowledge, integrate itself naturally into our being. Like a Zen ma-ter
would prescribe, if we just get ourselves out of the way, life will show us
what we need to know and what it is we need to be doing.
"In this way, we can allow the formation of a new and more logical or
intellectual framework. As a result, we will then gain a completely
different understanding. The experience itself will build its own new
framework. So, as you read this work, just let the expansion or processing
happen naturally. As you do, you will be surprised at how much easier it is
and how much more you really understand."
Let it be known first, that there are some prerequisites needed before
entering upon this particular voyage of expansion of your consciousness:
First, is the understanding of how language can be used to alter
perception.This is especially true when it comes to historical texts
which were written in one or more languages which have then been translated
into English or the language we understand. The structure of many a
languages allows for alternate meanings of a single word, or shades of
meaning that can vary so greatly as to throw off our understanding of an
entire event or reason for something happening.
Just as a teenager may use the word `cool' to mean something is
`wonderful,' so to might another person use the same word `cool' to express
the temperature of their bath water as being "tepid" or "not warm."
Language can also be used as a means of encoding certain information
with which we wish to transmit a message or idea, while still making
it impossible for those we do not wish to understand our true meaning not
to be able to understand it. During World War II, the BBC broadcast
innumerable such encoded messages into Occupied France and Europe
in this form, usually in the simple guise of a valid news story or
meaningless phraseology.
When setting out to write this book, it quickly became evident that
language would be the key to unlocking many of the clues to what was
really taking place in the history being uncovered. The word `G-d,'
for instance, is actually a relatively new term in the annals
of history for those beings some people wor-hip as their creator. It
has now become a generalized term in English speaking countries for
something "which was in the Beginning" and is responsible for both our
present and possible also for our current dilemma. As Zechariah Si-chin
explains in his works, the word most commonly used in ancient Sumeria for
these go-s was "lord," and this crops up again and again in various
translations of names used for the ancient -ods.
A serf in medieval England also called the owner of the estate, `My
Lord, and even though that owner may hold a great deal of power over
the life and death of the serf and his family, the lord was certainly
not a g-d to be worshipped. This is true of many places in history, and
many historic texts where the title used to indicate a person's role or
station in life has come down to us more commonly known as that person's
name, rather than as their title. Je--s Ch-ist is a good example of a
title being used as a name.
A second prerequisite before reading this book is an understanding that
everything in the universe is made up of atoms, tiny particles vibrating
at a certain frequency within a seemingly empty mass of space. As
explained in the chapters on creation, not everything which exists can
be seen with the physical eyes. Everyday we are getting more and more
confirmation of this very fact, both on an individual level, and in the
general area of public events.
Higher dimensional beings such as an-els and ascended m-sters simply have
a higher vibration which allows them to be "on Earth" without being
visible to the human eye. As we become able to `raise' our vibration
as well, many of these things become `visible' to us and more of the
other worlds can be known. (JW Could this be the reason why more people
are seeing the Shadow People now?)

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: What Were You Doing Before Adam And Eve? Nov. 18, 2006.

Here is a person's attempt to explain what all of us were doing before
we were talked about in the being of the good book. It's rather
complicated but it does answer a few questions.


Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? Volume 1
by Peter Farley
Perhaps the most appropriate expression to describe the history of mankind
upon this planet is a chaos or confusion. It is full of discontinuities and
the sudden, unexplained appearance and disappearance of entire ra-es of
people. Perhaps the major one of these discontinuities occurs in the
Chr-stian Bi-le in Ge-esis itself, Chapter 3, for it seems like everything
we know about the Universe comes somewhere after the fall of Adam.
What would happen though if the most influential occurrences happened, not
only prior to Adam, but prior to the story of Genesis itself--things so
major that they affect everything that has taken place since, and are still
affecting things going on at this very moment?
It is the humble intent of this book to trace the history of mankind right
from its roots in the heart of G-d to its very present dilemma amidst the
chaos of a world and a Universe run rampant. It is not, however, the
intention of this book to trace every minute detail of every event which
has occurred in that history. Rather it seeks to uncover those patterns
which give life and which give meaning to that history. Those patterns,
some of which lie buried beneath history like the underground stream which
is such a central metaphor to theme of the entire book.
It is important firstly, however, to understand the ubiquitous image of
the Tree of Life and the significance it plays to world history and to
all the world's relig-ons. It will then be necessary to that we take a
look at the major players involved in the Creation of this Universe
itself, as well as their subsequent roles in shaping the events of both
world and universal history.
Though we tend to think of world history from grade school and high
school days as being a disjointed series of events, where it was taught to
us that people such as Columbus, or Sir Isaac Newton, stumbled onto some
discovery or invention, thus causing a newer and better world to be
opened for the rest of us, let me assure you, in the beginning here,
nothing could be further from the truth.
History is a lie we have been fed to make us docile and keep us ignorant
of the true intent of those who have manipulated events from the start for
their own benefit, and for the benefit of those whom they serve.
In the process of unraveling this puzzle and fitting the pieces
together, it will be necessary for the reader to, as it were, suspend
belief in everything they know and have learned about both the Creation
and about history in general.
It will be necessary to digest the material and watch as the picture
grows before your eyes, and then to judge whether or not this picture
which has been formed is justly valid or not. No matter what racial or
ethnic background the reader comes from, no matter what level of education
or social strata they have achieved, or hope to achieve, and no matter
what reli-ion or denomination they were raised in or currently belong to,
any preconceived notions of how history or the universe were created,
will only prove to be a stumbling block to understanding the true story
unfolded herein, and to the resulting expansion of consciousness it will
obviously bring.
As author Machaelle Wright says in relation to her work: "During an
expansion of consciousness, our intellectual understanding of what
we are experiencing is challenged because it is new to us.
Like anything new, if we try to force an understanding of it through
the framework of what we already know, we end up confused and possibly
misinterpreting the experience. If we truly wish to expand our
consciousness, that expansion can only serve to render our old
framework obsolete. Any expansion we might have can actually be distorted
if we try to force it through our old intellectual framework, such as
would happen with a round handful of Play Dough squashed through a square
shaping hole. Some of the Play Dough may get through intact, but it is
distorted, while much has been left behind on the other side of the screen,
hopelessly lost for use in the new construction.
"If we attempt to use our old framework when tackling new material such
as is here being presented, we will tend to experience what we think we
are experiencing instead of what it is that is actually happening. Or,
worse still, we will tend to read into things what it is we want to hear,
rather than getting the truth from what it is we are reading. We need then
just to put the intellect aside--to just be. Let this new experience, this
new knowledge, integrate itself naturally into our being. Like a Zen ma-ter
would prescribe, if we just get ourselves out of the way, life will show us
what we need to know and what it is we need to be doing.
"In this way, we can allow the formation of a new and more logical or
intellectual framework. As a result, we will then gain a completely
different understanding. The experience itself will build its own new
framework. So, as you read this work, just let the expansion or processing
happen naturally. As you do, you will be surprised at how much easier it is
and how much more you really understand."
Let it be known first, that there are some prerequisites needed before
entering upon this particular voyage of expansion of your consciousness:
First, is the understanding of how language can be used to alter
perception.This is especially true when it comes to historical texts
which were written in one or more languages which have then been translated
into English or the language we understand. The structure of many a
languages allows for alternate meanings of a single word, or shades of
meaning that can vary so greatly as to throw off our understanding of an
entire event or reason for something happening.
Just as a teenager may use the word `cool' to mean something is
`wonderful,' so to might another person use the same word `cool' to express
the temperature of their bath water as being "tepid" or "not warm."
Language can also be used as a means of encoding certain information
with which we wish to transmit a message or idea, while still making
it impossible for those we do not wish to understand our true meaning not
to be able to understand it. During World War II, the BBC broadcast
innumerable such encoded messages into Occupied France and Europe
in this form, usually in the simple guise of a valid news story or
meaningless phraseology.
When setting out to write this book, it quickly became evident that
language would be the key to unlocking many of the clues to what was
really taking place in the history being uncovered. The word `G-d,'
for instance, is actually a relatively new term in the annals
of history for those beings some people wor-hip as their creator. It
has now become a generalized term in English speaking countries for
something "which was in the Beginning" and is responsible for both our
present and possible also for our current dilemma. As Zechariah Si-chin
explains in his works, the word most commonly used in ancient Sumeria for
these go-s was "lord," and this crops up again and again in various
translations of names used for the ancient -ods.
A serf in medieval England also called the owner of the estate, `My
Lord, and even though that owner may hold a great deal of power over
the life and death of the serf and his family, the lord was certainly
not a g-d to be worshipped. This is true of many places in history, and
many historic texts where the title used to indicate a person's role or
station in life has come down to us more commonly known as that person's
name, rather than as their title. Je--s Ch-ist is a good example of a
title being used as a name.
A second prerequisite before reading this book is an understanding that
everything in the universe is made up of atoms, tiny particles vibrating
at a certain frequency within a seemingly empty mass of space. As
explained in the chapters on creation, not everything which exists can
be seen with the physical eyes. Everyday we are getting more and more
confirmation of this very fact, both on an individual level, and in the
general area of public events.
Higher dimensional beings such as an-els and ascended m-sters simply have
a higher vibration which allows them to be "on Earth" without being
visible to the human eye. As we become able to `raise' our vibration
as well, many of these things become `visible' to us and more of the
other worlds can be known. (JW Could this be the reason why more people
are seeing the Shadow People now?)

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: Man Predicts Space People Will Show Themselves Soon. Nov. 21,

Many times people say the that the Space People will do this or that
a certain time period. It appears to me that they do things if and when
get around to doing it, in the fullness of time. Here is some information
from a person who says the space people will show themselves during a
time period. I hope it happens but don't hold your breath.


Aloha all, I just received the following message to the world UFO
community from A.J. Guevard who is the editor of Brazil's UFO Magazine. In
it he announces the prediction of a Brazilian spi-itual teacher and
con-actee, Jan Val Eliam, that extraterrestrial contact will occur some
time between November 16, 2006 and April 30, 2007. What got my attention
was the manner in which he described extraterrestrials showing up and
ending the Cosmic Watergate: "It will involve many huge spacecrafts that
will be seen by everybody all over the world. The sighting will last only
a couple of hours and the ETs will not perform any direct contact with
the gove-nments, but only with selected people here and there". Freitas also
claims that the UFOs will be seen and largely registered by media, in such a
way that the sighting will be undeniable by any means. "They will go away
after a few hours but will be back after some months, and repeat it over
and over, until we are prepared for their landing". The above contact
scenario matches in my opinion the optimal way for extraterrestrials to end
the prolonged UFO/ET coverup by minimizing societal disruption and potential
gov-rnmental opposition. Guevard maintains a neutral position on Eliam's
prediction and describes the great controversy it has generated in Brazil.
Guevard is one of Brazil's most competent UFO researchers so his neutrality
suggests that one should not simply dismiss Eliam's prediction. While there
have been many predictions of extraterrestrials showing up in mass landings,
we should pay special attention to the method described by Eliam's
prediction which is pretty close to how it will eventually occur. This
prediction is something to definitely keep in mind over the months ahead.
Aloha, Michael S. Countdown to an official and open contact with ETs
??? Dear colleagues of the World UFO Community: Jan Val Ellam, a Brazilian
prominent author as lecturer about Ufology and Spirit-ality, says that
several ET r-ces are coming to Earth for an official and open contact
with the human ra-e. The meeting should take place anytime from November
16, 2006 to April 30, 2007. Today is the first day of the predicted
event and the many members of the Brazilian UFO Community are in countdown
waiting for the alleged arrival. Jan Val Ellam is the literary pseudonym
of the executive Rogerio de Almeida Freitas, from Rio Grande do Norte, one
of the states of the Brazilian Northeast region. With 15 books published
and over 200 lectures per year, he is regarded one of the most serious and
reliable sources in the vast segment of Spiri-uality in Brazil. Freitas is
also a recognized businessman and represents several European tourism
companies in the country. He started in Ufology under his 20s as a prolific
field investigator who used to cooperated with Irene Granchi, Brazil's UFO
pioneer, and American writer Bob Pratt. Freitas soon started his research
into Sp-rituality and eventually got it overlapped with Ufology in a
way and with very coherent conclusions, as noted by distinguished
representatives of both fields. This is when he started what he alleges to
be a "continuous daily contact with space and spi-itual beings, sometimes
apart from each other, sometimes operating together". The contacts have
lasted two decades, according to him. He kept it private for several years
before started writing his books. Freitas had a very close encounter with
aliens back in November 18, 1999, in Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande
do Norte, in a night at the Ocean Palace Hotel, just after a meeting
between technicians from N-SA, ESA and Brazilian Space Agency at that
facility. By that time, he was the general manager of that hotel. It was
then, as he claims, that he was told that the so expected contact between
the human race and other species would happen in 7 years from that date.
As from March this years, he claims that he was contacted again and was
given the information that the alleged contact will happen anytime from
November 16, 2006 to April, 30 2007. The clock is ticking for him. He was
also given specifics of such meeting: "It will involve many huge spacecrafts
that will be seen by everybody all over the world. The sighting will last
only a couple of hours and the ETs will not perform any direct contact with
the gov-rnments, but only with selected people here and there". Freitas also
claims that the UFOs will be seen and largely registered by media, in such
a way that the sighting will be undeniable by any means. "They will go
away after a few hours but will be back after some months, and repeat it
over and over, until we are prepared for their landing".
Last August, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas, or Jan Val Ellam, gave an
exclusive interview to the Brazilian UFO Magazine where he explained in
detail his contacts, visions and most importantly, his predictions of an
official and open contact with ETs and what they are based on.
The Brazilian UFO Magazine carried the long interview in 13 pages in its
October edition, number 126. The Magazine is neutral about the Freitas
story and served only as a channel of communication of his story to its
readership, as any other specialized UFO magazine would do, especially
considering who the source is and what information it is giving.
Soon after the magazine reached the newsstands, and even prior to that,
Freitas has gained a lot of support from people who share his visions but
also a lot of criticism from those who won't accept his predictions and
what they are based on, which are his alleged personal contacts with
"space and spi-itual beings". There has been a great debate over Freitas
claims that nearly divided Brazilian UFO Community in two polarized groups.
And because of that, both the Brazilian UFO Magazine website (www.ufo.com.)
and its December edition, number 128, already in newsstands, are
publishing the opinions of those UFO researchers who oppose and those who
support the predictions, and still keeping a neutral position.
Upon request of a few colleagues outside Brazil, we are publishing this
message and attaching to it some of the editorial and parts of the interview
with Rogerio de Almeida Freitas translated into English. They follow these
lines and are been sent to overseas with the sole purpose of communication
the rest of the world of what is going on.
As Freitas says that such official and open contact with ETs is scheduled
for anytime from November 16, 2006 to April 30, 2007, we are spreading this
info. And again, the Brazilian UFO Magazine is neither supporting nor
rejecting his claims, but informing them to the Worldwide UFO Community.
Best regards to everyone.
A. J. Gevaerd, Editor da Revista UFO

The Brazilian UFO Magazine 126 (October 2006). Drawing by Luca Oleastri
Val Ellam or Rogerio de Almeida Freitas. Photo credit: Brazilian UFO
Note: Below is the introduction of the interview given by Jan Val Ellam
to the Brazilian UFO Magazine and his three first answers to our questions.
The whole interview has 32 questions and is 13 pages long. Links are
available in the news found at the magazine's website (www.ufo.com.<WBR>br).
Jan Val Ellam: The date for the official contact is set and it will be
for the next few months.
Interview given to A. J. Gevaerd, editor. With collaboration of Nelson
Vilhena Granado, Reinaldo Prado Mello, and Miriam Heder, consultants.


Few people in the World and Brazilian Ufological Community share the
reputation of Jan Val Ellam, pseudonym of the executive from the State
of Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas.
With a similarly easy transit among Brazilian spirit-alists, we can say
that Ellam is renowned among them as well. Author of 15 books approaching
pure spiri-ualism and mixed ufological and spirit-al studies as well as
several others yet to be published, he excels for making strong and
revealing statements in both fields. Ellam seems to have a very precise
notion of where ufology and sp-ritualism meet one another and gives a
practical sense to this view by giving lectures that face alien
demonstrations in our planet in a unique way. He sees and narrates with
exceptional assertiveness the way our visitors interact with the terrestrial
human ra-e, which to him is only a small and dormant portion of a broad
species of cosmic beings that inhabit countless planets but has no idea of
its importance inside this set. "I don't ask you to believe me, but
only to think about what I'm saying. I ask you to think if I'm doing this
because I believe to have revelations passed on to me by those many of us
call 'cosmic brothers', which they really are: beings very similar to us,
though much ahead in evo-ution, like elder brothers", states the
sp-ritualist ufologist. This is not simply rhetoric. He confesses many
times to be surprised with the information he receives or "accesses" as he
prefer to say, just like someone who finished reading a book and tries to
digest what the pages contain. Ellam is far from being a guru or having a
mystical profile. Graduated in business administration, he holds a position
as executive at the Feder-tion of Commerce, Services, and Tourism of the
State of Rio Grande do Norte, besides being a consultant for foreign groups
that invest in that State. In order to add credibility to his figure, we
should also say that Ellam, while still Freitas more than 20 years ago,
was an affiliate field ufologist always ready to go out and investigate
cases of ETs attacking humans in the Brazilian Northeast region. He worked
with the pioneer ufologist Irene Granchi (president of honor of Brazilian
UFO Magazine's Editorial Council) and with the late US journalist Bob Pratt.

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: Man Predicts The Space People Will Show Themselves Soon.
Part 2 of 2. Nov. 22, 2006.

One of my friends warned me against this mans material and says it
comes from the Reptiians and he may be correct but I figure I might
as well post it anyway.


He was mentioned in his book Brazil: UFO danger Zone. Powerful forces
approaching His inclination for a spiri-ualist interpretation for the UFO
phenomenon began with his personal experiences. "It was a series of events
that transcended the common pattern of human view, which took me to isolate
myself even more in my attempts to understand what was happening.
I believe I didn't go mad because I have enough good humor to carry on
with facts in life", he said to Brazilian UFO Magazine in an interview
published in our issue # 103, September 2004. The impact of these events
were so strong on Freitas that he chose a pseudonym Jan Val Ellam in order
to write under these "cosmic brothers'" orders the news perspectives
through which he became to see the actions of our visitors on Earth.
When questioned about such a strange pseudonym, which made many think of
an esoteric nature in his choice, he explains that it was a personal choice
saying that in case the messages were of any use it would not matter under
which name they would come. Some Brazilian and foreign spirit-alist sectors
already mentioned that it is neither Freitas nor Ellam who writes the
books, but really strong forces that constantly instruct him. The electrical
engineer and Brazilian UFO Magazine's consultant Reinaldo Prado de
Albuquerque Mello even compared Elam's activity to a "broadband internet
connection with other realities", through which a constant symphony and
perfect integration is kept between Ellam and the cosmic intelligences he
always quote. He makes no sec-et on that and admits to be really in constant
contact with advanced cosmic intelligences, while seeing them with the
spontaneity of a person who has been living with this for years. While more
orthodox ufologists question his statements, the fact is that few human
beings have the knowledge to write so many books with such a vast, rich, and
profound content in such a brief period of time as he did. Ellam writes them
during the night since he works full time as every mortal and still needs to
share his professional activities with presentation of lectures in Brazil
and abroad. In other countries, he is also known as the mentor of Projeto
Orbum, a manifesto dealing on planetary citizenship (www.orbum.org)<WBR>.
In one of his books, Fator Extraterrestre (Extraterrestrial Factor),
Ellam discusses on the origin of life, the understanding called "missing
link of the human genesis", the cosmic isolation of our species, the
abductions and psychological barriers that impairs a transparent study of
the extraterrestrial themes.
In a recent conference in Campo Grande he condemned the insistent
scientific, and gov-rnment deny on the alien presence on Earth, giving
reasons why after so many decades of evidence there is still a strong
resistance against such reality. "The human being lacks knowledge of his own
past and also humbly enough to understand minimal facts that happen since
the dawn of ages and links us to the extraterrestrial issues and indicate
the broadness of life in the Universe". His lectures and books greatly refer
to the figure of Je--s whom he calls a Master and who would be closely
linked to the UFO phenomenon. This attracts many of his admirers and a lot
of misunderstanding from those who want to set Ufology apart from rel-gious
matters. Radical changes on Earth "This interpretation of the facts is a
mistake", says Ellam. "Since Jes-- has absolutely nothing to do with any
relig-on. A study of pre-Bible times shows us that the UFO phenomenon
already existed in our planet with great comprehensiveness much before
J--us had come to Earth. And he came as one of our own species, though
from other `room of the Father's house', to show that we were wrong in
almost everything we were doing". Ellam is not afraid of attracting the
rage of orthodox and doctrinaire sp-ritualists who see --sus in an almost
rel-gious manner. He calls him an "Authority from the Skies" and believes
he came to Earth with special powers and a well-defined and clear message
that could not be understood to anyone, not in that time neither today.
"J--us has never asked us to raise re-igions to him or to the Creator, but
only to respect and to love one another, concepts that are an absolutely
normal living condition in his world of origin and also in the places he
visited, and that only on Earth seem to be senseless".
Jan Val Ellam is a daring man and yet reasonable and known for the
seriousness with which he treats all ufological and spirit-alist themes
without any appeal to sensationalism. Now, he gets totally out of the
prudent stance from the previous weeks by surprising everyone with his
serious statements concerning facts that are to come to the planet. "I never
wanted to show up. I work to spread the information I receive because I find
them important to many people. Now, what I've been receiving since last
March is so heavy and incisive that I need to reveal to any who wants to
listen". In his most recent lectures, Ellam has crossed a barrier
untouchable even to the most daring pro-hets in order to convey facts he
says to have made known through his chan-els. And these are really shocking.
Ellam states that he was informed that the moment for an official and formal
contact with our extraterrestrial visitors is not only near, but has its
date set to happen within the next months, between November 2006 and April
Yes, Jan Val Ellam states his cosmic inspirers the same that guided him
to write his rich contented texts informed him that a global and undeniable
presentation is to finally happen and has its date set.
"It'll be something for nobody to question. Not the media, nor scientists
or governm-nts. There will be no way to question. And after that they will
come many other times, always to fill the skies with their gigantic vehicles
not to land but to interact with us until the right time comes". The
interview (only 3 out of 32) Brazilian UFO Magazine Many others made
similar statements before concerning an official and ultimate contact with
ETs, but none of them was so emphatic. Nobody established such a near date
for the contact fearing it could not happen. Why are you doing exactly the

Jan Val Ellam: This is actually one of the issues in my personal drama. If
I were spreading a "warning" from my cosmic friends saying that something
would happen in a distant future, that would be great for my mind since my
personal responsibility would be softened. However, all that's been
happening with me since 1986 promoted by these spir-tual beings and entities
who work together no matter how orthodox ufologists and sp-ritualists think
has the power to make me realize that the moment so long announced may
finally come into place in the present days. More than this: "they" asked
me something they never did before. They asked me to convey the announcement
of an official and ultimate contact with extraterrestrial beings by means of
the fulfillment of the promise made by Je--s when he was among us, the
promise of returning to Earth in his natural condition of an authority
from the skies. This will be the first official contact that earthly beings
would have with beings from other worlds in the present days. His return
would happen a little later in a time between the second half of November
2006 until April 2007.

Brazilian UFO Magazine: If this really comes to happen that will be a
moment of great commotion for the humankind indeed. What do you think such
fact would cause to the planetary population?
Jan Val Ellam: This fact is to mark the first moment of the so long
reintegration of our planet to the cosmic interchange. This would be the
end of the isolation experienced by us for so long since we live on Earth
under some kind of "cosmic quarantine".
After all, we are the "unwanted companions" in this part of the Galaxy,
since we commit all sorts of crimes against the dignity of life. After this
first visit which would be objective, clear, unquestionable, filmed and
reported, yet very brief, maybe lasting for a few hours or even less
others will happen in order to make terrestrials even more used to
resuming their communion with humankinds of other planets. That should be
followed by future contacts with many other extraterrestrials species, all
of them linked to what I call "cosmic brotherhood ideals".

Brazilian UFO Magazine: Aren't you afraid of being seen as a guru or even
a lunatic when presenting these facts in your lectures and to UFO readers?
Wouldn't that jeopardize all the credibility you've acquired along two
decades of ufological and spiritual work?
Jan Val Ellam: No, I'm not. I'm doing this because I can't find another
way to live with these facts. It would be comfortable or even a good
strategy to stay quiet according to human standards without exposing
myself by setting a date only to say I knew it before. If it were only for
my convenience, you can be sure that this would be my choice. However, to
my despair, there is an explicit demand from these beings I call "cosmic
brothers" which makes me clearly understand what was performed by them
along these 20 years of shared experiences. It's as if every other option
planned by them had failed and the appeal "from the other side" had the
objective of creating another option that didn't exist before once they
insist in telling me that I had taken a commitment with this process. I
don't know. What I know is that it would be dishonest on my part towards
them to refrain in my human condition when the invitations tells us to
grow stronger in love, regardless of any price the world my charge for
such a daring attitude. What I got from the whole story is that my spi-it
might have committed itself with them in order to accomplish the task in
case they ask me to. Now they came to ask me and I have to find forces
to carry on with the orders presented to me. As I'm not a believer and
not moved by rel-gious faith, I can only rely on myself, on the
philosophical code of behavior I developed as a master rule in my life. I'm
now dealing with facts and not with issues arising from spir-tualist
experiences. There's nothing I can say against facts. I can only watch and
live with them while increasing my levels of intellectual reasoning as
highly as possible. That's what I've been doing. The complete interview
will soon be made available in English language.

Part 2 of 2.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: New Star Kids On The Block. Nov. 25,

This is an interview of Richard Boylan, a person I have met before at one
of his lectures in Sacramento. I believe he is on the level. He was at
lecture with a person who had been steward aboard Air Force One when
President Ken-edy was in office. He also was aboard when many Con-ress
persons, mi-itary and VIPs were taken to a remote air field and shown some
aliens who were Grays. Their craft was there and they were talking with our
Earth people.


The saga of Star Visitors' contacts with humankind is the greatest
unpublished headline of the Millennium, and the most important missing fact
in our history books.
Richard J. Boylan,
The offspring of "experiencers those who have been taken or influenced in
some way by extraterrestrials have a unique and crucial role to play in our
As a researcher, behavioral scientist, anthropologist, author, and
university associate professor, Dr. Richard Boylan paves the way in
a nurturing and exceptional educational environment for these
gifted children.

Paula: How did you first begin to work with these special children?
Richard: In 1989, I began working with experiencers people who have been
contacted as part of my clinical practice. By 1992, quite a number had
crossed my door, many of whom were parents who talked about the unusualness
of their children. In some cases, the parents actually brought their
with them. For the most part, they wanted to get some clarity about what was
going on.
Even though my clinical skills and anthropological studies were of use,
overall there were, and continue to be, no roadmaps for dealing with
But over time, as I analytically and scientifically reflected upon the
commonalities among experiencers, I began to see important patterns in the
I noticed that a number of changes were manifesting in these experiencers.
We had a group of them meeting monthly for years, and cross conversations
within these meetings further flushed out the data, as people reported
what was happening to them.
Paula: In all your studies and interactions with the experiencers, what
were the changes that most commonly manifested in their lives?
Richard: One of the dominant patterns that began to emerge was a strong
increase in ESP and the development of psychic gifts of various kinds. In
fact, I would say in general that experiencers are transformed by their
contacts physically, psychologically, mentally, para-psychologcically, and
Paula: There is still much confusion, disbelief even fear among the
general public regarding contact with Star Visitors. Can you comment on
Richard: In that regard, I just came back from a trip to Rome, where I
had a very productive dialogue with Monsignor Bald-cci of the Vatican
regarding Star Visitors.
It's interesting that we have this Italian monsignor in his seventies
definitely old school in every other way who is the most progressive guy
in the Vatican on the subject of visitors from other worlds. He has given
national television interviews and written articles, as well as educating
his fellow priests on the subject, using bibl-cal references as support
for UFO and Star Visitor reality.
As Monsignor Ba-ducci confirms, a careful and open-minded reading of
Ch-rch documents actually shows that the Ancients were well aware of these
visitors. And he clearly states that the Star Visitors are good guys and
nothing to be afraid of.
Ufology and Theological Clarifications, the entire text of a
groundbreaking document given to Dr. Boylan by Monsignor Bal-ucci regarding
the c-urch's position about the existence of the Star Visitors.)
Paula: Along those lines, there seems to be a huge amount of reference
material that indicates that humans have not only been contacted all
along but also genetically altered by Star Visitors.
Richard: I will put it into a brief historical summary.
Approximately 350,000 years ago, Star Visitors genetically engineered
primates in order to create homo sapiens, a species which is not related
to Neanderthal man or to any of the more primitive species that have been
dug up.
So we are a hybrid r-ce. And the large braincase and high intelligence is
due to cross-splicing of a higher order of extraterrestrial genetic
Paula: Does that have anything to do with the missing link? the leap
from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon?
Richard: Yes. There is a missing link because there is an absolute
discontinuity between primitive species and homo sapiens. Traditional
archeologists keep trying to find a fairly upright individual who is a
little more advanced than Neanderthal man but not quite as advanced as
homo sapiens, but they cannot find this missing link because there is
none. There was no evol-tionary curve.
Instead, around 350,000 years ago, there was a sudden emergence in
Africa of a whole rac- of homo sapiens. And that is where the footprints
stop. There is no preceding species to connect us.
But as we all know and what has become all too obvious to the Star
Visitors after more than three hundred millennia of having a go with these
brains, and even though we've done some impressive creations of
civilization, we still retain rather unfortunate tendencies toward jealousy,
competitiveness, and resolving matters by grabbing a club and beating the
other person over the head. In that way, we're not much better than our
primitive ancestors and other predators in the Serengeti.
Paula: Are the Star Kids different from the "experiencers"? Please tell
us more about them.
Richard: The kids being born in the last eight to ten years are way ahead
of the average human, and even way ahead of the average experiencer. They
have striking abilities, and their average developmental curve in many
cases is rapid: they are lifting their heads up, talking, walking, reading,
and writing a year or two earlier, or more, than their age-mates.
They demonstrate tele-athy at a very young age, and in some cases, they
are influencing their environment mentally, along with showing other
abilities that normal humans don't have (for characteristics of Star Kids,
see the sidebar,
Star Seeds and Star Kids.
Paula: How do they come to be born this way?
Richard: After compiling all the information from many experiencers,
it seems that reproductive material sperm or ovum is borrowed from
humans, altered by the Star Visitors, and then put back. The inference
is that they've done a further upgrade in human genetics so that the
kids born later to these parents are way advanced.
Let's say hypothetically that if the evolu-ionary scale of homo sapiens
is rated at 1.0, these kids are at 7.0.
Upgrading the human condition in this manner appears to be one of the
ways in which Star Visitors are helping to create a more advanced version
of humanity that will have the virtues and strengths that tend to be absent
in the average human at this time. As marriage, interbreeding even blood
donations carry forth advanced DNA and ripple out into the general human
genome for the next few generations, eventually all of humankind will be
functioning at a more advanced level.
Paula: Do the parents typically remember the intervention of Star Visitors
prior to their children's being born?
Richard: In many cases, the parents remember these events clearly. In
other circumstances, they have only a hazy awareness of strange things
going on in the house, or a UFO flying over their car, followed by a loss
of time. If there is a missing chunk of time, then we can go back using
hypnosis and retrieve the missing parts. When pieces fall into place,
people have a much more comprehensive sense of what is going on.
Paula: Are some of these hybrid offspring being born off-planet because
they cannot live here on Earth?
Richard: Generally, there are two versions of genetic work being done.
One version involves upgrading humans to the hypothetical 7.0. In the
other version, human genes are spliced to a basically extraterrestrial
genome that is usually grown in vitro in a test tube-like environment.
The test-tube children tend to look much more extraterrestrial than human.
They would never pass for human in the way Star Kids do. They have more
of the extraterrestrial attributes, but enough of the human qualities to
restore some of the emotional range and heart consciousness that some
star civilizations lost when they manipulated their own genetic
In the case of extraterrestrial children developed in vitro, those
kids are often raised off world or onboard the large ships that are
semi-permanent homes for various colonies. Many experiencers have been
taken aboard such ships to interact with one or more of these children,
and in many cases they are given the tele-athic message that this is
their own child. These experiencers treasure the short time they have
onboard to nurture and love them.

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: New Star Kids On The Block. Part 2. Nov. 25, 2006.

This shows how a person can point out Star Kids, just be looking at them.


Paula: Do parents often have much greater challenges in raising Star Kids
than in raising other children? The Star Kids I've encountered are often
quite energetic and seem to be quite a handful in some cases.
Richard: My grandson is a case in point. He is going to a school in
central California that specializes only in gifted children. Even there, he
is bored. Star Kids and this also holds true for highly intelligent humans
in general are restless because they are processing information so fast
that the pace most humans plod along at is painfully slow for them. They
just get bored, restless, fidgety, agitated, and want to move on quickly to
other things.
Unfortunately, they often get slapped with labels like Attention Deficit
Disorder and Hyperactivity. That really isn't fair, because they are not
loaded with neurological anomalies, as are true ADHD kids. In truth,
they're just a square peg in a round hole, and they often have a rough time
of it.
Also, that sense of being different makes it tough. Kids always want to
blend in with other kids and be accepted. However, because of the way they
think and behave and the different way they see things, they get labeled by
the other kids, and this can make it harder for them to make friends.
You can imagine that when Star Kids reach puberty and adolescence, unless
they have help, it can be an extremely challenging time for them. Without
this help, they can become isolated and feel like misfits in society, even
though they are extraordinarily gifted.
Paula: Since these special kids are increasing in numbers, there must be
some kind of help that will be available for them although I don't know
what to call it.
Richard: I'll tell you what to call it: It's called the Star Kids
Project. It's quite ambitious, and I've developed a ten-year plan that
includes multiple Star Kids Workshops across the Un-ted States and in
strategic regions of Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Turkey. Workshops in
the Uni-ed States are already underway.
This plan also includes establishing a Star Kids residential school, a
mentor program, and a graduate curriculum, as well as training for
Paula: Wow it sounds wonderful!
What will the Star Kids Project offer?
Richard: In the workshops, we create a special place for grade school
kids, adolescents, young adults, and those who are basically grown-up
Star Kids. Of course, parents and family are welcome, since it's
important that family members understand these special kids so that they
can assist in their development rather than be at loose ends.
The curriculum will include revisionist history of which I gave you
just a tiny slice a moment ago along with a different kind of physics
electro-gravitic, magnetic-gravitic, antigravity, and so forth that
transcends the speed of light.
In nearly every one of the subjects that are traditionally taught to
young people, a revising, upgrading, and cosmic overlay will take place.
These kids need a foundation where they don't have to unlearn what they
were previously taught and then relearn it at a later time. If these
kids can get it right from the beginning and then build on that knowledge,
with that kind of foundation they are really going to soar as they mature.
Paula: What do the Star Kids learn in your workshop weekends?
Richard: We cover why they are the way they are, where they come from,
who the Star Visitors are, and so forth. We spend a lot of time on the
various abilities and differences of Star Kids and Star Seeds like
different body temperatures, and what that means. Or why they have
cross-species communication, telep-thy, other sensitivities, and so on.
We practice remote viewing and other skills that use the mind, using
tools like dowsing rods, pendulums, and a variety of other strategies to
amplify the power of the mind and practice with it. And we discuss using
these abilities for doing social good and not as a way to show off.
Paula: Do you find that these children are more sensitive?
Richard: Yes, they are very sensitive, and transparent meaning that
what they are thinking and feeling on the inside shows on the outside. They
do not abide by social pretense. They "tell it like it is."
These attributes make sense in a mental-tel-pathic world, and are
obviously of cultural value among Star Visitors, since there is not much
to hide in an empathic, shared world.
All of the E-P gifts, for example, represent either sending out energy or
receiving energy, and being highly attuned to that.
For a Star Kid or Star Seed, it's not easy to set up barriers to such
sensitivity or to tune it down. It's basically part of how they are made.
As a result, many of these kids are overwhelmed in noisy and violent
environments. They just run away and hide in a closet. Or if someone is
being petty or cruel in a social setting, these sensitive people just
want to melt away, because they can feel it on an energy level and it
just grates on them. They don't seem to have the thick skin that many
1.0 humans cultivate and seem to take pride in. But neither do they
seem particularly interested in having it.
I am optimistic that things will get better on Earth so Star Kids
don't have to deal with such harsh vibes. Actually, many of them
dedicate themselves to careers that involve making the world a better
place for all.
Paula: Would we notice anything different about being in the presence
of a Star Kid, even without knowing about these other abilities?
Richard: Yes. I like to say that I can spot a Star Kid or a Star Seed
from across a crowded room by the energy that emanates from them, the
way their eyes look, the way they talk, the way they carry themselves,
and the way they relate.
What's fascinating is that the latest batch of Star Kids coming in
now the very little kids still in baby strollers are cranked up even
higher than the older ones. It will be amazing to see what they're
going to be like when they grow up, because they will blow the current
Star Seeds right out of the water.
Star Kids are really remarkable young people. And as our society
becomes more and more populated with them, it's going to be a wonderful
place to live. Many of the problems that have plagued our societies in
the past will melt away as this new
crop of children grows up to achieve positions of influence and become the
new leaders in our world.
Paula: Is that what inspires you
the most about working with these kids, that they represent a better
future for all of us?
Boylan: Oh, yes. They are the
future. If I can help as many as possible get properly launched, it will
greatly benefit the societies that they're going to help shape as they
come of age.
Many of these special kids are now only a couple of
years away from adult lives and careers that will include positions of
great responsibility and increasing influence. Even some of the adult Star
Seeds that I have worked with are moving into positions of leadership and
initiative. The work that I'm doing is about building a better future with
the kind of people who are going to be making a lot of that future come
Paula: In what ways can we be of help if we want to get involved?
Richard: Good wishes and enthusiasm are always appreciated. However, you
have to know what you're dealing with if you want to get involved. So most
importantly, the first step is for people to get educated about the topic.
Secondly, in my opinion, it really takes a Star Seed adult with an
insider perspective, awareness, and experience to help a Star Kid.
People can certainly help with contributions, too. And they can help to
get the word out so that more parents are aware and will start looking to
see if they happen to have a Star Kid. For parents who are struggling
with clearly extraordinary kids and don't have the faintest idea how they
got to be that way, the need for understanding is imperative.
I want to decode the puzzle, take away the mystery, and have them
achieve acceptance as well as an understanding of why their children are
so different. Once they realize that it's all okay, then they can become
the best possible parents they can be.
Getting their kids connected with other kids and adults who have the
same background and who can help them find their way is the goal of the
Star Kid Project. It serves in creating an environment that helps these
kids move ahead fast instead of thrashing about in trying to make sense
of a world that isn't built for them.
I wish your readers could be at one of these weekend workshops. There
is a loving, wise, and aware energy that emanates from so many people
in a room where people are sharing in this way. It's a heart
consciousness experience and a whole new world.

Part 2.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: New Star Kids On The Block. Part 3 of 3. Nov. 27,

In the past I've found from certain sources that we have about one and one
half million children who are Star Kids. The following information that
we have many more that that number.


Paula: What are you seeing for the near future?
Richard: Star Visitors have said that this evo-utionary stage of humanity
is much like that of a gangly, awkward adolescent. We're leaving childhood
behind, but we haven't arrived at full adulthood yet. I'm convinced that
these Star Kids are here to help with this transformational process and move
us all forward faster.
So I operate from a sense of severe time urgency. And practically every
Star Kid and Star Seed I work with, to a greater or lesser degree, operates
in the same manner.
Personally, I am persuaded by the Native American and other indigenous
people's oral traditions which say that all their prophecies have come true
regarding the signs that have appeared right before there is a mass return
of the Star Nations.
The Mayan Calendar states that by the end of the year 2012, the old
ways will have ended and a whole new culture and society will have
clearly emerged.
We are now speaking as a materialistic civilization and presently
immersed in what Native Americans call the Fourth World. By 2012, the
Fifth World will be coming in.
So we don't have that much more time before the Fourth World will be
rapidly phasing out and the Fifth World will be obviously manifesting.
But there also will be a lot of bl-od, sweat, and tears before that
happens. Prophecy states that there will likely be upheavals in the
very near future, beginning as early as May. It will be a time of great
shaking up literally and figuratively in and of society and our culture.
It will be a time of great testing but also a time of great opportunity.
Paula: How can people best face these coming times?
Richard: Those who can accept the Star Visitors and can attune to these
matters, as well as those who have some ps-chic gifts and are open minded,
will be in a much better place than those who think this is all a bunch
of hogwash and ignore the advice and the warnings.
It is also increasingly important for people to practice greater
discernment: to be able to separate the truth from the dis-information.
As people practice that kind of discernment, they will move more toward
being the kind of folks who are in tune with real reality that includes
the Star Visitors and Star Seeds that are among us.
You never know when you're going to stumble across a closet Star Kid
or Star Seed. There are a lot more out there than you think: an estimated
two-million in the United States, and proportionately as many in the
rest of the world. Even those who seem to be buried in some of the
most hide-bound traditional cultural settings are really quite "with it."
So, I encourage people to have an open mind.
Once this thing stops being ridiculed and denied by the gov-rnment,
and once people feel safe and more free to speak openly about their truth,
people everywhere are going to be astounded by the number of folks who
step forward and say, "I'm one of them."
Paula: This has been a wonderful and uplifting discussion. We're really
grateful for the pioneering work that you are doing with these kids and
with the adults as well.
Richard: It's heart-centered work with a heart-centered community. So
it's work I'm glad to do. Working with these special people is like having
a family, so it's really like helping out a cousin. That's the beauty of
this work.
In the same way, the Fifth World society that we're building will be
much like a large extended family. That's the feeling we get in the Star
Kid weekend workshops.
Everyone feels like family at the end. And you can imagine what a lovely
society it's going to be when we all learn to live this way with each
Star Seeds and Star Kids According to Dr. Boylan, "A Star Seed is an
adult; a Star Kid is a child. A Star Seed/Star Kid may be defined as an
adult/child with both human and extraterrestrial origin. The
extraterrestrial contribution may come from reproductive material, from
genetic engineering, from biomedical technology, and from tele-athic
consciousness linking, as well as from directed inca-nation of a Star
Visitor into a human body."
Some of the signs of a Star Kid, as extrapolated from
Dr. Boylan's website, are as follows:
Paranormal abilities. This includes telekineses (ability to move objects
with the mind), teleportation (moving one's body in space), levitation,
precognition, telep-thy, clairvoyance, invisibility, ability to expand or
dilate time, and so on. They also are able to influence and to heal others,
mentally or through the use of pranic energy.
Striking appearance. They tend to have an appealing, dynamic appearance,
a knowing gaze, and a mature look, and in adulthood may appear much younger
than their years.
Biophysical changes. These include increased cranial size, lower body
temperature, and immunity to common childhood diseases, including colds and
Shared consciousness. This includes spir-tual insight, the ability to
link with other Star Kids and with Source Consciousness, and the ability
to download information from off-planet.
Also, Dr. Boylan says, "They most often are imbued with a missionary zeal
to make people wake up to their highest and best potential. These Star
Kids also want to change the world for the better, be it by working for
peace, spreading compassion and kind deeds, working to heal the Earth's
pollution injuries, or telling people about a larger family we have out
among the stars."
Richard Boylan, PhD, MSW, MSEd, is an author and a noted researcher of
the Star Visitor and Star Children phenomena, and is director of the Star
Kids Project