4 Charged In New York Airport Terror Plot


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4 Charged In New York Airport Terror Plot
CBS News: 3 Suspects In U.S. Custody; Allegedly Planning To Attack JFK

(CBS) CBS News has learned that four people have been charged in a thwarted
terror plot to blow up critical infrastructure in New York City. Three
suspects are currently in U.S. custody. Two suspects are being held in New
York and one overseas, reports CBS News producer Phil Hirschkorn.

A law enforcement source tells CBS News producer Rob Hendin that one man in
custody is a former worker at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New
York. The plot was allegedly targeting a fuel-pipeline at JFK, the source
said. The men did not have any known ties to al Qaeda.

They were under surveillance for some time and did not have a target date
selected. The law enforcement source said the men were not that close to
pulling off the attack.

The men had been doing surveillance on the airport target in the past, the
source said.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Joint Terrorist Task Force will
hold a news conference to announce the charges in Lower Manhattan at 1 p.m.