40% of World of Warcraft Players Addicted?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
Dr. Orzack: I think there needs to be warning labels on MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, similar to warning labels on cigarettes. People should know that these games are potentially harmful. I'm sure the game industry will be up in arms over it, but that's what I'd like to see happen. I don't think we have a right to make Blizzard or other game companies change their products, but that may be what this comes to, down the road.

When I was in graduate school, there was an undergraduate in my building that almost flunked out of school because he played these kinds of games all day long. He missed a final, convinced the teacher to give him a make up exam, and then missed THAT - all because he was up all night playing WoW style video games.

Anyway, 40% seems pretty bloody high.
Kids play those games way too much and need a job or something. One kid on my XFIRE, on average plays 57 hours of Wow a Week, and hes been doing it for months!! Imagine if he was working during those hours... Playing those games in moderation is fun, sure! But it just gets out of control...

**** WoW!

Maybe I shouldn't have said that... Someone may attack me with their Level 4573457862 Mage!! ****!!
As horrible as that is, it's not the gane companies' fault. The consumer is a mindless cow because it so chooses, and will play its MMORPG/FPS/BLAHBLAHBLAH for hours. This is generally due to a defect in the consumer's programming, like perhaps they missed a line of code that specifies to "LEAVE YOUR HOUSE, MORON."
Requiring the companies to put the equivalent of a Surgeon General's warning on their packaging is pointless, and a complete misdirection of efforts to solve the problem. There are warnings on cigarettes and people are still smoking. I know people who don't buckle their seatbelts. I propose that rather than blame the game companies, we instead take the addicted 40% and kill them.