400ex site


New member
well im sure some of you guys recognize me from the org..

some of you also know that i have a 400 and not a 450

anyways i wish they had 400 sites like this one..i am a member of trx400ex.org and atvriders but they just dont seem the same as this one =[

a few of my buddys got me on the org and now everyone migrated here and i stick around because most of you guys know a lot of info that helps and i enjoy it

so if any of you guys know another site i can look at would be great but i would also like to stick around here if thats okay with you guys!



New member
exriders.com has a plethora of 400ex information. If you have any 400 questions i'm sure most guys here still have some knowledge on that machine. I personally worked on the 400's for 4 years before i moved up to the 450.

Phantom Z

450r is just in the name, yes the founders here are 450r enthusiasts but we want ALL makes/models/sizes to come and enjoy and contribute!! If you find good information on other sites for your 400 please do NOT hesitate to copy it over and bring your 400 buddies with you. ATV riders have to work together the more riders we have the more information we'll gather :thumb:


Owned a 400ex for a long time as did I think many on here. Many still own them and can help you get your question answered.


Active Members
I am actually working on a 400ex 440 build for someone now.... i am very familiar with the 400ex and still have alot of parts around for them... so if you need any info, or parts... hit me up!


New member
I'm going to be rebuilding mine here before long. I let a friend ride it out at the dunes a little while ago and it ran all day on pump gas sounding like a rattle can :twak: So it blew the head gasket and needs to be decked to flatten the head surface and may I'll do some port work to it as well. It's been a great bike but little too much compression for pump gas.


New member
what comp are you running in it nuckin? I've got a complete head, head cover w/ rockers, cam sprocket, cam tensioner and some other parts sitting around if you need anything.


New member
11.5:1 wiseco, WB cam. Years ago it was resurfaced by a local shop that appears to be done with a d-a sander of some sort back in '03. I put a new gasket on it for this last weekend trip and it didn't even attepmt to seal. I need to find out the safe limits for decking the head. If I need anything I'll let ya know! It'll be a while before I get around to working on it as it's being stored in Ut. But I sure do appreciate it!


New member
Only during the summer months but our premium pump is 91. During winter months it'll run pump gas all day but in 80°+ it'll start knockin so it usually gets a 60:40 mix, 50-50 max.
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