45 Killed in Baghdad Despite Crackdown ( t r u t h o u t )



William Fisher reports on the Iraqi refugee crisis; another potential
challenge arises to the credibility of Gonzales's story about US
attorney firings; World Bank says it will adhere to the high standards
of international governance when considering consequences of
Wolfowitz's recent erroneous actions; Rove and other White House
employees were told to save emails, but didn't; violence soars in Iraq
as Iraqi support for security plan plummets; US Marines kill 10 and
wound 33 Afghan civilians in spree of violence; Women's International
Democratic Federation condemns the US war in Iraq; and more ... Browse
our continually updating front page at http://www.truthout.org

t r u t h o u t | 04.16

William Fisher | US Wrestles With Iraq Refugee Issue
The number of Iraqi refugees continues to grow exponentially. More
than two million Iraqi refugees have fled from persecution and
sectarian violence, mostly traveling to Jordan and Syria. In addition,
at least 1.8 million are displaced within Iraq. According to Human
Rights First, tens of thousands of these refugees have been targeted
because of their work for the US government, non-governmental
organizations or the media. Since April 2003, the Bush administration
has admitted exactly 692 Iraqi refugees into the US, and the number of
those in need is growing by an estimated 50,000 a month.

Ex-DOJ Official's Statements Contradict Gonzales
The former Justice Department official who carried out the firings of
eight US attorneys last year told Congress that several of the
prosecutors had no performance problems and that a memo on the firings
was distributed at a November 27 meeting attended by Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales has said that he never saw any documents
about the firings and that he had "lost confidence" in the prosecutors
because of performance problems.

Bank Concerned as Wolfowitz Says He Won't Resign
The furor over Wolfowitz appeared to overshadow the agenda of the
World Bank's annual spring meeting of finance and development
ministers this weekend as Wolfowitz said yesterday that he intends to
continue in his job despite the controversy over his role in arranging
pay raises and promotions for his girlfriend.

Rove, Others Were Warned to Save Emails
Karl Rove and other White House employees were cautioned in employee
manuals, memos and briefings to carefully save any emails that might
discuss official matters, even if those messages came from private
email accounts, the White House disclosed Friday. Despite these
cautions, emails from Rove and others discussing official business may
have been deleted and are now missing.

45 Killed in Baghdad Despite Crackdown
Cars, minibuses and roadside bombs exploded in Shiite Muslim enclaves
across Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 45 people in sectarian
violence that defied the city's security crackdown. Meanwhile, a
radical anti-US cleric raised a new threat to Iraq's government....

Report: Marine Killing Spree Unjustified
A preliminary investigation by the military says US Marines killed or
wounded more than 40 Afghan civilians after a suicide attack on a
convoy last month. Although Marines said they saw people with weapons,
the investigation found no evidence of small-arms fire. The Marines
drove for miles shooting at vehicles after the convoy attack occurred,
killing at least 10 people and wounding 33.

Global Women Activists Speak Out Against War, Imperialism
Condemnation of the United States' war in Iraq was rife at the 14th
Congress of the Women's International Democratic Federation which
concludes this Friday in Caracas. Over 1,000 delegates representing
165 organizations from 80 countries participated.

VIDEO | Willie Nelson Speaks to Truthout
Willie Nelson was among those honored at the first annual Camp Casey
Peace Awards. Truthout's Geoffrey Millard had an opportunity to sit
down with the country music legend. Willie spoke about his opposition
to the war, his biodiesel-fueled bus and his commitment to working
with farmers.

VIDEO | Pelosi: "The President Is Not King"
On the "Today Show," Nancy Pelosi sat down with Campbell Brown to
discuss her trip to Syria as well as the stand-off between the White
House and Congress over war-funding. Pelosi said: "The president is
not king, the president is the president of the United States. America
is a democracy. We have to make decisions based on our judgment. Thus
far, the president's judgment hasn't been good in terms of, say, for
example, the war on Iraq. So with all due respect to the president and
the role he has, we want respect for the role we have. And members of
Congress have gone on fact-finding trips since our country began.
We're not going to stop because the president wants to avoid the facts
and doesn't want to engage in dialogue."

VIDEO | Leahy: 'I Do Not Believe the White House'
President Bush's aides are lying about White House emails sent on a
Republican account that might have been lost, Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy suggested Thursday, vowing to
subpoena those documents if the administration fails to cough them up.
