5 questions : Using TERROR to push an agenda.


New member
The thesis of fear itself.

1. Why are scare tactics used to push an agenda?

2. Why aren't rational reasons given for pushing a preconceived notion?

3. Why do some people latch onto fear, and use it to rationalise thoughtless actions?

4. Are the real issues often clouded, or deliberately disguised by a reaction to this fear?

5. Or is fear a manufactured set of impulsive actions to a stimulus?

I would appreciate your feedback on this.



New member
As far as I can tell, the answer to your main question (why) is pretty simple: people use fear to get what they want. It's the easiest, most effective way. Why don't people try using reason? Because no one else does. The country--and maybe the whole **** world--is populated with idiots who just don't give a ****.


For example, a recent thread by Asmodai about gas prices. Gas, an obviously precious resource, becomes a little more expensive--the prices finally changes to reflect its worth, and all anyone can think about is how much of a bother it is to them. For one thing, they couldn't give a flying **** about the fact that we're squandering ALL the resources on this planet and sooner than they could possibly imagine, there won't be anything left but buildings and people and pollution. And then, no, we aren't all rich and powerful. We ******* DIE, and we've taken down thousands of other life forms with us. Victory! Success! ********. Not only that small, insignificant fact, but there's also the very stupidity of the fact that everyone's up in arms over this ****. Gas SHOULD be ridiculously expensive--it keeps people from wasting it.


And then there's the fear. We all hover on the news waiting for the next price update, we fear that the 'sand ******s' are going to keep it from us, that we might--sweet ***--have to walk somewhere, or ride a bike. Jesus Christ on a crutch! But maybe if we bring democracy to the Middle East, they'll be our friends and give us more gas. Yeah, that'll solve things. So how do we do that? Elect a MORON who'll do it for us.


And how does he accomplish this? FEAR. The boogymen are after us, we're all gonna die and they'll steal our SUVs and corrupt our children and by *** we'd better get them before they get us! And everyone's terrified and stocking up on duct tape and photographing suspicious people with long beards. And that makes them feel better.


Anyway, the point is that fear motivates people. Rational thought does not. When you're afraid of something, you move your ***. If you could sit down and have a rational discussion with that man trying to rob you, you could probably do a lot of good for each other--you know, like that Jesus guy was always saying. Helping people? Practice what you preach, hypocrits
;) At any rate, you don't try to find out what made him do this and how you can help him or at least talk him out of it--you just grab a bat or a gun or a knife and react. Fear lights a fire under your ***.



New member
The thesis of fear itself.

1. Why are scare tactics used to push an agenda?

2. Why aren't rational reasons given for pushing a preconceived notion?

3. Why do some people latch onto fear, and use it to rationalise thoughtless actions?

4. Are the real issues often clouded, or deliberately disguised by a reaction to this fear?

5. Or is fear a manufactured set of impulsive actions to a stimulus?

I would appreciate your feedback on this.

Terror is used in the absense of any other means of pushing an agenda. Terror is really and honestly the main weapon of the weak.

The trailor trash, ****-eating scumbags, also known as mainstream media, only compound the issue. If we did not have to look at Abdul and Jiliililiaahhaad's face every night on the news then they would not even get their message across. I ******* HATE the media and their hidden agendas, lies, propaganda, and commercialism. If the rag-heads would have flown a plane into CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC I would not have shed a tear. These people are, in essence, working for the extremests by airing their filth.


New member
You guys ever heard of Leo Strauss?

IMHO he was a teacher of political fear mongering, creation of atrocities to invoke war and mass mind manipulation. No surprises that he taught some of the Bush admin. Ane excellent article about him is here..


Then of course there's this chilllingly accurate quote..

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials



New member
Interesting post. I've heard of "Straussians". Thanks for the info.

I found this on another site. Interesting that your link makes the claim that the current US heirarchy are made up of Strauss-taught individuals.

The underlying theoretical question is rather, "What is the power of thought?" or "What is political philosophy?" The editors and contributors are engaging in a risky enterprise, for failure to present a true account exposes Strauss and his students to charges of sophistry or nihilism.
Indeed, "Straussians" (a term often said in derision) have had such charges hurled against them, from both the left and the right.

This volume responds to, among others, smart-alecky critics such as The New Republic, which dubbed Straussians one of the "top ten gangs of the Millenium." And in doing so the contributors confute both the politically motivated leftist critics of Strauss such as Shadia Drury and the New York Times editorialist Brent Staples, and the arch fulminations of some on the paleo-conservative right, who detect a cabal of effete atheists, often esoterically promoting immorality. Such critics miss the soul of Strauss's teaching. The Strauss contribution to government practice cannot be reduced to ideological spear


New member
You assume correctly builder. As for those labeled as 'terrorists', personally I believe that false flag operations are far more common than is known.

Ive gathered a lot of info about Israel and 9/11 which can be viewed here..


It's important to note the dates of the articles and the events that followed. Talk about deflection.

Then there's this short thread about 7/7.


Also, if you haven't seen it, I highly reccomend the following three part documentary. It's ALL about using fear to push an agenda.


Part 1 Baby It



New member
**** PJ Tori is REALLY rubbing off on you LOL Next you will be sucked into the world of Einstien LOL
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