9/11 Timeline: Abel Danger 9/11 - Vice President 2008; Rebuilding U.S. Department of Justice and Int


George Orwell

The last chapter of the eBook "Hunters' Wingmen" serves as an open message to all candidates running in the U.S. presidential elections of 2008. At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, David Hunter established a secure teleconferencing call with Captain Gerald DeConto, Duty Officer of the Pentagon's U.S. Naval Command Center, and Gordon England, Secretary of the Navy. He asked Captain DeConto and Secretary England to link the call directly to U.S. President George W. Bush and requested the immediate cancellation of the "Global Guardian" training exercise which began at 3 p.m. the day before. Hunter warned them that his 'Abel Danger' successors to the 'Able Danger' counter-intelligence group had acquired a copy of a plan for a "Live Fire Terrorist Hijacking Scenario" sponsored by KPMG and its apparently treasonous or terrified clients in the US Departments of Transportation, Justice and State and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The plan showed that KPMG sub-contractors, including AMEC, Bombardier and Canada Steamship Line, had developed decoy-and-drone maneuvers for a bogus war game through Monday September 10 to Tuesday September 11. Hunter had realized that the war game could be manipulated in such a way as to camouflage an attempted coup d'etat. He wanted to warn the President that the 'Global Guardians' intended to destroy a number of US command centers and assassinate thousands of top officials (TOPOFF) and ordinary American citizens. He now knew that a contrived panic was to be amplified by false claims broadcast over virtual news networks in order to justify a declaration of martial law enforced by United States National Guard sworn in as NATO paramilitaries.

Hunter told DeConto and England, that KPMG had planned the 9/11 attacks to disrupt the U.S. presidential chain of command, intimidate "climate deniers", eliminate business rivals and extort industry and citizens into the payment of carbon taxes to self-appointed trustees in the Global Commons. Abel Danger identified the Global Guardian principals as members of the Desmarais family in Montreal together with Maurice Strong and Al Gore, all trading as insiders through the U.N. Environmental Programme (UNEP) bankers and the soon to be created Chicago Climate Exchange.

Captain DeConto and Secretary England were unable to link Hunter's call to President Bush that morning; the rest is history which must never be forgotten and never be relived.

Having completed this book, the Hunters are launching a virtual vice-presidential election campaign. They will help the next President of the United States to select a vice-president from a virtual talent pool capable of dismantling KPMG and rebuilding the U.S. Justice System and a broken chain of command and intelligence service.

By the time of the November election, Hunters' Wingmen will also have made sure that all candidates have satisfactory answers to issues raised by the words "My Daddy is not Garbage" and the actions of New York City officials at the Fresh Kills land fill as outlined below.

Remains of 9-11 victims were used to fill potholes, contractor says By Thomas Zambito, New York Daily News March 25, 2007 NEW YORK - The pulverized remains of bodies from the World Trade Center disaster site were used by city workers to fill ruts and potholes, a city contractor says in a sworn affidavit filed Friday in Manhattan Federal Court. Eric Beck says debris powders - known as fines - were put in a pothole-fill mixture by crews at the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, N.Y., where more than 1.65 million tons of World Trade Center debris were deposited after the Sept. 11 attacks. "I observed the New York City Department of Sanitation taking these fines from the conveyor belts of our machines, loading it onto tractors and using it to pave roads and fill in potholes, dips and ruts," . The city recently asked Manhattan Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein to dismiss the lawsuit, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has said he would like to turn the garbage dump into a "beautiful park." In his first few months on the job, Beck said Taylor's mechanical sifters found 2,000 bones per day. He recalled finding "bones, fingers, skulls, feet and hands" as well as a man's chest and "the full body of a man dressed in a suit." .. "From my experience at Fresh Kills, I am absolutely convinced that if the City of New York unearthed, resifted and washed the debris at Fresh Kills . . . it would find hundreds of human body parts and human remains," said Feaser, a 20-year veteran who supervised the recovery effort at Fresh Kills for the Sanitation Department. Diane Horning, the president of WTC Families for Proper Burial, urged Hellerstein to allow the sifting to continue so that loved ones' remains will be found. "There is no place to leave flowers," said Horning, whose son Matthew, an employee of Marsh and McLennan, was killed on Sept. 11, 2001. "There is no feeling of solace or closeness to your loved one."

While candidates explain to the public why they should become POTUS 44, they may want to remember the common history of what Churchill called the 'English Speaking Peoples';

These are people they may one day be privileged to govern, so here are some sounds from dancing fighting friends and occasional enemies who became the lovers and defenders of common law freedoms stretching back to a 10th century King of England who conceived of a principle which leaders must be ready to protect with their lives.

"Accuse no Innocent - Shelter no Guilty"
Be warned.

US Marines

New Zealand Maoris Hakka Dance

Zulu Warriors, Rorke's Drift, Diehards

Flower of Scotland

Waltzing Mathilda

Royal Marine Commandos



First, a stirring message from Elvis who won 3 Grammys, two for this song.

Yes Elvis is right I assure you. There is no power on earth that can stand up to the Creator and if the United States of America does not honor God, we cannot expect God to honor America.

The PFers at KPMG and their lapdogs at USDOJ need to respect their enemies or fall victim. The repugnant assemblage of misfits, criminals and anti-American Presidential candidates rolled out by these truth-challenged GG-PFers are being brokered by the klepto-fascist as the Bilderberg, the Global Guardians, the FAF, CFR, Carlyle Canada PEG and the Octopus, in my opinion, KPMG.

The intentional destruction of America which became unmistakable in period 1993 to 2001 was intended to be the final weakening of our sovereignty that started well before 1892 but became transparent in 1892 in Omaha as the baby Octopus created the Banker's Manifesto of 1892. Google that. Then Google ARKANCIDE and rethink Election 2008. In the '60s the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayers in school started down the slippery slope; in 1973 the reproduction rate of indigenous Americans started down. In the 1980s the financials started down and though ups and downs have occurred in cycles since, the financial carnage coming will make the Great Depression seem like a walk in the park. In the period 1993 until today our military has been shrinking at a rate faster then the paid campaigners working for Rudy, and while the military is intentionally shrunk to accommodate the PFer's takeover of America, what is left of our military is overcommitted and under led. In that I mean the leaders since 1993 have not discharged their leadership obligations as it pertains to the United States fighting force. Our SNIPH testers have concluded that the Presidential candidates in the photos at the top of this - the final chapter of our e:Book - all lack the basics of leadership: Integrity, Purity, Patriotism and Loyalty to the United States of America, One Nation under God.

Therefore, at 1800 central time on 1-24-08 the bipedal and quadrupedal assets of HawksCAFE and USDOJ.GR, announced a "Virtual Campaign for Vice President of the United States of America, One Nation under God"; the name of the campaign is "Rescue '08'. We look forward to working with all Americans regardless their status legal or illegal, red, white, yellow, brown or black, all ages, all faiths and all lifestyles. Regardless who you are, how you are wired, or where you came from it matters not. If the Global Guardians [code PFer] are not stopped in this election cycle, in my opinion, one world government and martial law is soon to come.

On 10 December, 2006, I, David Hunter, expressed in writing that illegally modified Boeing jets were 'in the system' and they needed to be converted back to their intended design configuration. The Global Guardians used Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilots on 9-11, when laser-guided drones replaced UA175, AA11 and AA77 then struck WT1 and 2 and Wedge 1 of the Pentagon.

These technologies are deployed still and though my warning was read and understood by the Air Line Pilots Association, an airline company, the FBI and a 4 star admiral in Northern Command [think NORAD], nothing has been done to remove devices which can turn a passenger plane into a remotely hijacked flying bomb, guided electronically, and flown in 5 target dimensions; latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.

Friday, 1-25-2008 the Attorney General of the US, the Director of the FBI, the Secretary of DHS, and the US Attorney of a specific state will receive the 3 part set entitled 911 Resolution Trilogy. And they will have to sign for the videos, and the delivery time and signature will be made available to the world on one or more of our websites. A man in NYC, Patrick McGillicuddy, no relation to the whisky, has advised me that when all members of Congress and all the Senators have signed for the 635 DVDs heading to them, then if the DOJ, FBI, DHS and both houses don't pursue the truth, they will be in apparent violation of 'misprision of felony'.

I grew up in America where Ozzie and Harriet and Ward and June had nice family lives, one income provided a middle class lifestyle for a family, and Americans and those depending on America felt a great sense of 'wellness'. Now the illnesses intentionally foisted upon America can be tracked to the architects of those many illness and the people who intended to TOPOFF America in the cowardly and bungled attacks of 9/11 will be brought to Justice, either by those in office who have sworn oaths to do so, or those who, "we the people" replace them with.

As Hawks CAFE and USDOJ.gr retire this case and this story, we now move to the sequel and herewith volunteer to help the successful presidential candidate select his or her Vice-President and break the shackles of debt and addictions the PFers have foisted upon us and recreate in America some magic moments such as we had in days gone by.

God Bless America

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