9/11 Timeline: January 18, 2001; Oval Office farewells, but Tomoye needs some favors before they go


George Orwell

Able Danger agents hacked the Total-Power Corporation and told Hamish they had found a decades-old weapons, sex, drugs and snuff-film network run by Al Gore, the Montreal mafia and top officials in the U.S. Department of Transportation. David Hunter begins to track ALPA decoy-and-drone pilots moving narcotics through Roger Clinton and the FAA Contract Towers program. Bill's Adam and Hillary's Eve watch CNN closed circuit TV to find the Tomoyeserpent wants favors before they go ..


The Board of Directors of the TOTAL S.A. and the POWER Corporation of Canada ('TOTAL-POWER') had motive, opportunity and weapons to execute the 9/11 attack .. 2001 .. Bertrand Collomb .. Chairman .. Lafarge Hillary Clinton boss 1990-1992 in alleged Iraqgate cluster-bomb weapons smuggling to Saddam with Power Corp's Canada Steamship Lines in Great Lakes.. Paul Desmarais Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada .. Chairman Pargesa Holding S.A (Switzerland) UN Oil-for-Food money laundering through Satan's [Saddam's] Bank with Bill Clinton's pardonee Marc Rich and Carlyle Group's Yeslam bin Laden where Canada Steamship Lines 86 kilos cocaine for Rizutto crime family, Montreal .. Michel Francois-Poncet .. Vice-Chairman .. BNP Paribas .. Member Supervisory Board of AXA 9/11 Dead-peasant life insurance scam on CO2e, Aon Corporation and FDNY Firefighters and the Order of the Solar Temple massacre in Quebec, Switzerland and France .. .. Robert Studer .. Former Chairman Union des Banques Suisses UBS - Long Term Capital hedge fund fraud and UNEP Signatory to Al Gore and Maurice Strong's carbon credit racket .. Serge Tchuruk Director Vivendi Universal snuff films with Naudet brothers, Luc Courchesne, Power Corp and in 2004 Al Gore and Current TV Thales QRS11 gyroscope, SMACSONIC designed as trilaminar Unabomb. Thales partnered Raytheon and Clinton pardonee John Deutch for Boeing Category IIIa landing with Maverick missile optronics on 9/11, Societe Generale Sponsor of Hillary, George Soros's insider trading conviction .. Lord Alexander of Weedon Q.C. .. Chairman House of Lords Delegated Powers and Deregulation Committee the UK Privy Council privatized MI6 special-weapons development to Serco - Laser guided bomb and alleged DOT/FAA Contract Towers drug trafficking services - and Qinetiq controlled by Carlyle Canada in turn controlled by Power Corp's Desmarais

Roger Clinton appears to run the drug trafficking network through Arkansas as a cut out for his White House brother (1993-2001) he develops a four-gram a day cocaine habit, getting his stuff from New York and Medellin suppliers worldwide control by Rizutto crime family of Montreal .. Arkansas becomes a major center of gun-running, drugs and money laundering .. flies cocaine from to a pickup point in Texas. Other drugs .. stuffed into chickens for shipping [DoT] around the country .. According to Wilson, "I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, O.K.? And I worked at a club called Le Bistro's, and I met Roger Clinton there, Governor Bill Clinton, a couple of his state troopers that went with him wherever he went. Roger Clinton had come up to me and he had asked me could I give him some coke, you know .. And I watched Roger hand what I had given him to Governor Clinton, and he just kind of turned around and walked off." .. "Sally Perdue .. who said she had an affair with then-Gov. Clinton in 1983, told the London Sunday Telegraph that he once came over to her house with a bag full of cocaine .. "He smoked marijuana in my presence and offered me the opportunity to snort cocaine if I wanted to .. He did tell me that when he would use a substantial amount of cocaine that his head would itch so badly that he would become self conscious at parties where he was doing this .. A drug pilot brings a Cessna 210 full of cocaine into eastern Arkansas where he is met by his pick-up: a state trooper in a marked police car. "Arkansas .. was a very good place to load and unload."



He was having a sweet dream and had almost achieved his goal when the sound of a telephone ringing terminated his pursuit.

"David Hunter."

"David, Hamish here, I don't want to disturb you.."

"Well then get off the phone and let me get back to D7, can't your bundle of creative energy wait until the intercept is completed? And another thing, it is 4 in the morning and I need my beauty rest so when I get to the Lengthy Portion I will be presentable to the Fish and the minnows."

"Sorry mate, this cannot wait."

"Please don't say sorry and mate in the same sentence, it gives me performance anxiety."

"TMI David, go to the pharmacy and regain your Mojo but I have some very significant progress to report."

"OK Hamish, D7 has faded, call me on the "company clipper."

As he found his way thru room 1967 of the Detroit Westin Airport he wondered why they only leave 2 portions of coffee in a $200 per night hotel room. At the coffee machine he saw the matchbook which again turned his mind back to the Foggy Dew. His mind was in a foggy dew also, perhaps from the early wakeup, perhaps from the recently vacated liter of BS that sat idle in the garbage can, next to the sandwich bag which had the olives in it, and toothpicks.

"Eagle, ID plus 2."

"Hawk, Foggy Dew, Tin Pan Alley."

"OK professor, bore me with the details."

"If this bores you David you are indeed callous. Alpha Delta has hacked Total-Power Corp and I believe we are on the Eve of Destruction."

"Are you referring to the 1965 hit by Barry McGuire or the Biblical prophesy regarding end times?"

"If we don't work fast and get a little help from our friends I believe you can't forget ever listening to oldies again."

"What's the deal?"

"We are inside the outgoing -2's "circle" and it looks like he and his Canadians buddies are in custody of a dynamic that includes weapons, sex, drugs and snuff-films".[ A]

"Is it the AT network?"

"More accurately the AG network, think the intersection of Tipper and Clipper."

"What can I do to assist in the defense O learned one?"

"See if Amelia can be with you and the Fish when you meet at the Lengthy Portion at 7 tonight in Crystal City."

"Sorry mate, that was last time in Chapter 2, turn the page update and think 1789 Club, 6 pm, the Ratskeller near Georgetown."

"I cannot keep up with your layover permutations, and even if I could you'd change it anyway for 'security purposes' wouldn't you?"

"Please refrain from using wooden and ewe in the same sentence professor".

"I simply meant it's a waste of time trying to keep pace with your layover plans."


"Hawk out."

"Eagle out."

As he turned on the coffee maker he looked at his WalMart and saw it was 0422. Fish would not appreciate an early wake up call so he turned on his Walkman and was going to listen to some quiet music and wait for his own alarm to go off at 6. He couldn't remember the last song he heard last night so he had no idea what the next song on the CD would be. He thought about selecting "Over You" by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, but that would be cheating, which is actually the theme of "Woman, Woman", perhaps their biggest hit. No, the next song was "First We Take Manhattan" by Joe ****er who he believes was really Leonard Cohen. The coffee light indicated "done". Right as JC was starting to sing.

David could not believe Joe ****er's words, JC was singing David's life:

"They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom" [ ALPA will get me retired early 2007]

"For trying to change the system from within" [ "McConnell v ALPA & Boeing" lawsuit]

"I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them" [ CV49, this book, and the April surprise]

"First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin" [ GG disinfo to suggest target 3 is Berlin ]

As he took his first sip of coffee he thought that the Global Guardians were a little sloppy not only in their planning; but also the broad network to which they trusted those Plans. It appear to "the committee" that the Montreal mafia migrated north from Manhattan to Montreal to exist outside the "reach of RICO". While we can't slow the book down to put a link the "Manhattan Transfer" a vocal group, we can address the "broad network". The Global Guardians enlisted some lesbians to be plants in the US Depart of Justice, the Pentagon and perhaps the White House. While the Global Guardians may think it's cute to put lesbians in position of power the Higher Power does not and according to Van Morrison, the Higher Power will resolve this issue. The Global Guardians committed another "fatal error"; when planning "Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, 2001" it appears they failed to "run it by a pilot". However, David Hawkins would be "laying in the weeds" on 9/11/01 if the Global Guardians were foolish enough to try and fly Darleen Druyen's Drones [ DDD, not DDE or DDT, also lethal ] into the recently reinsured Twin Towers for great financial gain. As "Joe ****er" sang the last line of the song "First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin" it occurred to David that after they try, for the second time, to strike terror in the hearts of Americans and the world by having Muslim patsies appear to destroy iconic buildings which needed to come down anyway due to "asbestos" issues, they would try to broaden the terror outside of North America, but David knew they would not. David and the Professor had a human behavior expert in their "committee", code named COIN, and he taught David, The Professor and the committee how to tell when politicians were lying. Their lips move. Exactly.

Noticing it was 5 am David reached for his "company line" and dialed the Fish's Clipper line ending in 1979. Had it been 5 pm he would have taken the time to insert a url for Jimmy Buffet's song "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere", except it hadn't been recorded yet.

"Fish authenticate 2."

"Chips, Ratskellar, 1789 club/6P."

"What's up David"?

"We need to change the location and perhaps the time. In as much as "the eastern world, it is exploding" is going to have their meeting with GW in Annapolis in November 2007, let's make them nervous by meeting at Annapolis this evening. I've got to call Amelia and get her in the loop, then I will call on your Navy phone and leave a message. When you see a call coming in from my farm phone, let it go to a recording, Chips out."

"Fish out". click, click

Looking as his Wal-Mart he realized Amelia would not be up as she was taking the week off and she and Bruce would be on the sailboat tied up in Annapolis. He meant the sailboat would be tied up, not his sister Amelia, she and her husband Eric Bruce were not into kinky things like most Washington insiders. That why they were Outsiders, like the Group who did the 60's song "Time Won't Let Me" a good one to cut the rug on. How lovely he thought to himself, Fish, Chips, Amelia and Bruce all in one spot for a "meeting of the bored". As he strolled across room 1967 he grabbed the second cup of coffee and his mind went back to 1967 and he thought of how he felt as a high school senior nominated to attend the US Naval Academy by General Hunter H. Harris IV, PacAF commander.

General Harris had signed an inaccurate but powerful endorsement of young David Hunter that would enable him to get into the Class of 1971 at USNA, a class that would have red team and blue team players in "Global Guardian" some 30 years later. Captain "Chic" Burlingame was, sadly, the Captain of AA 77 which was taken out over the Atlantic and vaporized while the Happy Hooligan flight of 3 that scrambled off Langley AFB at 0932 on 9/11 and then were intentionally sent on a "rabbit trail", 090/60, thereby preventing them from a VID of the Raytheon modified A3 Skywarrior that followed an AGM through a 16 foot hole in the wall; which promised to be the "chink" in their armor. When Gen Shalikashvili would later open the books of the US DOD to the Chinese while slick willy was closing military bases, sending jets to Davis-Monthan and parking ships into mothball storage "chink" and "armor" would raise their ugly synergistic heads and lay the planning of 9/11 squarely on the GGs who among their other handicaps included a man with a "gadget bent". Even Don Quixote kept his spear straight, getting to seek and find the target, then engage and penetrate. One cannot do much good with a bent gadget, just ask Gennifer Flowers. Can't push a rope. Exactly.

David sipped slowly as he listened to the special song Anastasia had sent him during the night. That special song by the Raspberries reminded him of Keith Whitley "Don't Close you Eyes" and he googled youTube and found it and listened to it. If Shotzi were on this trip he would probably pound on the wall and suggest to David that the google YouTube hookup hadn't been invented yet. Shotzi was such a slave to convention, and a real drag to the story line, just like the woman in Bob Dylan's song "Postively 4th Street" [ .you'd know what a drag it is to see you.]. As Keith Whitley finished scripting David's vision of Anastasia with her "eyes wide open" he thought how the "the god of this age" had blinded the Global Guardians and much of dumbed down America, according to their plan in 1892 "Banker's Manifesto" to enslave America. When the elitist bankers from Europe sat around the table in Omaha in 1892 they did not have in their minds the predictive father of a Minnesota aviator [ Charles Lindberg's dad ] or of the second aviator from Minnesota with Eagle like vision, who also possessed "negative dynamic stability". Just like an F-16. Exactly.

The clipper line rang and David was withdrawn from his musical mystery tour and planted back into real time, 0666, and David thought, my WalMart has been "possessed" or else I should put my reading glasses on. As he slipped on his cheaters so he could see who was calling so early he thought, shouldn't be Amelia, she's on vacation, djG was. In the id portion of his clipper phone, djG indicated it was Ellie Grabl in Geneva whereas DJA would have suggested Anastasia in Athens.

"Fish authenticate usual 2."

"KGB, N, O."

"Good morning Dancer, what's up?"

"Chips, I have Fox on the line and we have some news for the committee."

"Good morning Fox, I am in Detroit and will be leaving for a meeting of the bored in DC around 1 pm, what do you ladies from Europe have in the way of Good News."

"Fox asked me to talk to the bankers and see if we had the assets to thwart the global guardians. They will be cross talking and get back to us later but for now it looks like 50/50, sorry I can't be the barer of better news."

And yet another country heard from to wit:

"And Chips, I have talked to Aristotle in Athens regarding CSL and he knows what they hauled to NYC for the big deception and he suggested we should be aware that some of the stuff found in Iraq after DS appeared to be enroute to, coded, 'Split Crow'. Does that coded portion make sense to you; it's all Greek to me."

"Wait a minute, get back in character Anastasia, you are Greek."

"Sorry David, it sounds like Navajo to me."

"I'm picking up what you're laying down and I know where Aristotle's head's at. He thinks the explosives taken on board by CSL from Syria are headed to the NATO logistics base in Halifax, Nova Scotia."

"Chips, Dancer here, why do you believe it to be, not 2B, but to be Halifax?"

"Best pub in Canada, the Split Crow, it is behind the Delta hotel in Halifax, near the museum of nautical history. Remember the big explosion in Halifax Bay in WWI? Those who do not learn from history are likely to wish they could read more and see more."

"David, Dancer here did you say 'Seymour' like Seymour-Johnson, the AFB in NC?"

"Negative Dancer, I said SEE MORE, remember I am the "eye in sky", not Hawaiian Eye, or the Illuminati eye at the pyramid on the US Federal Reserve notes."

"Chips, Fox here, do you suggest that you know more about the GGs than they know about you?"


"David, pardon my kosher view, but you are getting predictable."

"I'm sorry Ellie, let me rephrase. When you opined that perhaps I was suggesting verbally to the Greek Fox and the Kosher Banker in Geneva that I have the big picture to a greater degree they any of the limp-wads in the Global Guardian tent you opined essentially the essence of my previously vague opinion."

"It sounds all Greek to me David but you can lay it out for me in a pub someday."


"Chips out."

David presumed Dancer and the Fox carried on their conversation for a while you know how ladies love to talk. David was more laconic and a great listener. He had learned to "listen" at a young age. He "listened" to General Hunter Harris talk sadly about his involvement in the transfer of narcotics from the "golden triangle" to the streets of America through Hickam, Dover and Travis. While Hickam doesn't evoke a song, and Travis evokes a singer named Randy, "golden triangle" evoked thoughts of Dover, and Dover Soul. Not the fish but rather "eternity". After the Dover Deal David realized that the Eve of Destruction could be the beginning or the end. It would not be up to David [ Ben Dover ? ] or the agent [ Eileen Dover ] or the elusive Hamish [ I grew up near Dover and my lineage goes back to John Hawkins, privateer with Sir Francis Drake ]

"Hamish, step our of character for one line. TMI, brevity please, become more laconic."

"Actually Eagle you were suggesting something in the story, I wasn't even Clipper hooked with you in that line".

As David had these things running circles through his mind he considered how it was all related: DDE, DDD, DDT and brevity.

Dwight D Eisenhower had been a fearless man from a plains state who would lead men it to battle, and win the war. He then went on to lead his nation. He then went on to warn his nation. Sort of like Chips was doing. DDE was USMA, Chips was USNA. As academy grads and men paid to engage, they knew the military-industrial complex was no complex at all; the cowards made money killing the brave military guys. DDE tried to fix it, David Hunter was obligated to try.

DDD was Darlene Druyan's Drones. She was an associate of the treasonous and cowardly Global Guardians. On page 405 of David R-feller's book he admits he is working to bring down America, although he doesn't work fast. If you checked his DNA against the DNA of a sitting chief exec one might find a family relationship that runs on a rabbit trail through Hope. The DDDs of 9/11 were laser guided for specific corporate targets in towers 1 and 2. Apparently the "bad banker's" thought America was so blind they would really believe that jet fuel burning at 1200 degrees max could melt steel and then by hitting two towers they could cause the third leg of the 3 legged stool to go down, 20 minutes early. The Global Guardians perhaps need some Viagra so the "tower" doesn't go down 20 minutes early. Just because BBC reports WTC 7 'has been destroyed' with the VNN BBC female reporter 20 minutes prior to its actual "controlled demolition" that Larry Silverstein alluded to doesn't mean it is true. All these three legged agencies should listen to "Big Daddy" and seek the truth.

DDT? That's an issue for googling, we don't want to slow up the script discussing the true history of DDT and agent orange and other lovely things seeking to destroy us useless eaters, we need to keep this book, originally titled Sweet Talking Woman rolling along like a Thud; fast and low. And another thing, I need to find that Sweet Talking Woman and visit the Golden Triangle. Not the one from which Hunter Harris' assets hauled drug, but rather another asset. Isn't English a lovely language, it is possible to put ass and set into a 5 letter word thereby laconic communication.

As he relaxed in a hot bubble bath his mind wandered back to Fox and Dancer. He smiled when he thought of Dancer's contributions and also her being the special one. She lived at the corner of Israel and Banker in Geneva, hence KGB, 'Kosher Geneva Banker' and because of her thick accent she was never required to give two code words, simply N O which was encryption for 'no'. She picked the name Dancer as she felt certain that the three stooges planning GG would probably try to suggest that some Dancing Jews had celebrated 9/11. Of course those stooges were not clever enough to understand that Fish and Chips, Hawk and Eagle would hack them the moment they started planning. Fish and Chips had been with Danny Casolaro drinking beer when he anticipated his own tub murder. Fortunately DC Danny had given DC Fish the DC key to Octopus. The DC key got Hamish into the VPN, their plan, and their heads. Frankly, David didn't give a rip about all the three legged stools that proliferate, infiltrate and denigrate WDC, he had his mind on his mission and his mission was to follow the VPLs to the GT. He hoped his timing was good which reminded him that it about time to do the elevator deal down to lobby and stroll through the lobby, across the traffic lanes, and into the brand new terminal and see what gate his Thales guided Airbus might be parked at. As he tried unsuccessfully to get D7 out of his head he realized he was getting late, L-A-T-E, and needed to "get it on done the road", or in this case, an elevator. As he hurriedly rushed out of 1967, to which the slave to convention Shotzi would have pointed out was redundant he gave thanks that Shotzi was on a golf course or a bar stool and he was flying this trip with David T. Smith, a former B-52 AC/IP who may or may not have been the guy who did this fly by of the USS Neverdock. Loose lips sink ships. Exactly.

Looking up at the monitor he was that 815 to Memphis leaving from A25. On his way to Gate A25 he passed Karen Birmingham near a little English Pub style restaurant so he couldn't fight this feeling, he had to check the Juke box and see what song was A25 on the Wurlitzer. Another employee in street clothes came up as said, "pilots are not supposed to be in bars with their uniforms on".

"Are you suggesting I remove my uniform and stand here in my Boxer Shorts signed by Barbara?"

"Which Barbara?"

"I don't have time to educate the world; I need to save the world. You figure which Barbara had access to my BS, the schrub, the lawmaker from Gay Bay, or the one in the song by Bobby Vee, to summarize please don't ask about Barbara."

Dropping his 2 quarters in the slot he heard the first few lines flyin me down to Memphis, gotta find my Daisy Jane by America and he thought no, actually David T. Smith would be flying me down to Memphis cause I gotta find my Sweet Talking Woman and visit the Golden Triangle. Exactly.

Looking at his WalMart he saw he needed a battery for his WalMart. At least DTS had done the "captain upgrade" routine and signed the release and taken the papers to brief the girls. David had his mind on another mission, finding some lead for his pencil then debriefing the Sweet Talking Woman while David T. Smith was flying me down to Memphis. If Shotzi was here he'd probably ask David Memphis, Egypt or Memphis, Tennesse. Of course the unpredictable whistleblower-to-be would say, you're doing the flying if it's Egypt we will have couscous with Mosni H and if it's Tennessee we'll have bar-b-que with Elvis, surprise me. But Shotzi was somewhere else, thank whoever.

"David, this isn't going to work if we use our names, the girls will think they are living the 1980 movie Airplane while the 3 crewmembers are saying "huh" doing down the runway. Therefor I will be Fox and you will be Bravo."

"Too predictable Alpha, so I'll be Bravo and you'll be Alpha and you can be Fox next time. Besides, it's 1258 and we have two minutes to push."

"If you're waiting on me you're backing up, MSD" said Alpha as he hit the beacon and released the parking brake". Bravo smiled, flying with Alpha was always stimulating. It would not be inaccurate to suggest he rested up for the layovers.

"I'm picking up what you're laying down Bravo and you are right, it's in a Gordon Lightfoot song, but we don't have for this now, my mind's on my mission. We can discuss Gordon Lightfoot and his song "If You Could Read My Mind" later at the pub."

"The Lengthy Portion?"

"Not exactly. Brakes released, cleared to push". Push it good, push it real good was in the lyrics to a song, but he couldn't remember where or when. Actually, he could remember "Where or When" a hit from around 1960 by Dion and the Belmonts, but it was "rodeo" time and they needed to "get it on down the road, to Memphis, and Bar-b-Q.

"Blue Skies 815, Tower, cleared to go 22R turn right to 240, climb to 5 and out of 2 contact departure on 123.77."

"BS 815 cleared to go" and then to Bravo Alpha suggested "let 'er rip, potato chip."

Which was really unnecessary as Bravo was at TOGA power and thru eighty-knots. However, it's very important for the CVR to record the proper verbals in case of an unfortunate incident during the flight. As Bravo was concentrating on his mission, flying the A320 and doing all the PNF duties, Alpha was thinking 6 years and 10 months out into the future and a Toga party of another type that may take place in Crawley or Dover. He just simply couldn't get it out of his mind. Speaking of 6-10 Alpha's father had been a POW at Ofuna, Japan in WWII and had a good friend, Bill Harris, a 6 foot 10 Marine. During their prisonerhood in Ofuna the two young friends, Glenn, the 4-engine fighter pilot and Bill, the 6-10 Marine, spoke of family. Both were bachelors. Bill mentioned his father was a 3 star Marine general, Field Harris. That gave Glenn an idea, if I ever get out this place, and I get married and I have a kid I am going to name him Field. Field Harris was a USNA 1917 graduate rising to Lt General. Glenn wondered if perhaps it would be possible that his son would graduate in 1971 and rise to 3 stars also. Not exactly. His son would graduate from Annapolis in 1971 but be forced to retire and go undercover to "watch Arkansas" as General Hunter Harris had suggested in 1967 on the 31st of January. HH had stopped by 105 Beard Avenue, Hickam AFB, to say goodbye to David's father. To young David he said, "If those letters Jim Jones wrote do the trick and you get in and out of Annapolis don't compromise your integrity like I have done. When history is written no one will remember me for being a bomber pilot or a general but rather as the PacAF commander who was extorted into facilitating the transfer of narcotics from the Golden Triangle thru Hickam, Dover and Travis to the streets of America." David saw his eyes start to tear a little, and smelled a hint of juniper. [FM]

"General Harris, I promise not to compromise my integrity but don't be hard on yourself, the world is hard on all of us. I will try very hard to graduate from Navy and if I do and someone tries to "compromise" me I PROMISe not to let them do it. And also General Harris I promise not to write the details of this conversation down until 20 years after your death, which I hope doesn't come for a long, long time."

"Alpha, mind it I turn 'em loose?"

"Do whatever you think appropriate, I'm trying to remember the lyrics to Fabian's 1958 hit "Turn me loose". Whatever you do with the seat belt sign is between you and the passengers. Please do the PA when you're ready I am going to lean back and plan a mission."

"Does this mission reside at the intersection of IT and GR?'


As Bravo briefed the passengers Alpha was debriefing Fox, the readers of this revelation of the truth of 911 were trying to figure out if IT and GR was a coded reference to GRIT, half of True Grit, both a movie done by John Wayne and what would be needed to save America and the world from the global guardians in the election of 2008. Election with an L. David also wondered if the sloppy dummies who planned Amalgam Virgo knew what you get when you combine Pappy Boyington, Joe Foss, John Wayne and Joe McConnell. Before he could think up the answer he nodded off to D7 land after a little Wynken, Blynken and Nod, not a Dutch law firm but rather a poem by Eugene Field, who also penned "Little Boy Blue". In his dream he was getting ready to "pen" something also when Bravo said in a calm fashion "Bravo, not to disturb your slumber but we just lost the Blue System, do you want the ECAM or COM?"

"Do whatever you think appropriate, I will be right back."

Bravo decided there was no hurry to solve the B system as they still had the Green and the yellow and Memphis was coming into view as he started down out of 310.

"Welcome back Alpha, we're out of 310 on the arrival and there's Memphis, we better do the ECAM then COM."

After parking at gate B24 in MEM as Bravo was doing the checklist Alpha said, "gotta run, see you in 30 minutes". Seeing that he still had 33 minutes before Fish Earhardt and ****erel time maybe some BBQ would do. Corky's or Interstate? He did a mental coin flip and 5 minutes later was having pulled pork at the interstate. That reminded him of the taffy-pulling global guardians.

At 3 pm straight up his uniform trousers went straight down as his company phone rang.

"Chips Lengthy Portion 7P."

"****erel, QRS 11."

"Standby ****erel, bringing Amelia on board."

"Earhart, DOJ-3."

With the horrid sound of CEOs being sent swimming in the stall next to him, David covered his phone and said "courtesy flush please" uncovering the phone during the courtesy flush Chips said "Amelia, ****erel has some stuff for you and I will be "in town" tonight so I will bring Fish and we three can meet you at your choice of place and time based on "your world". I am bowing out but ****erel can brief you presently and then Fish and I will meet you at the soon to be texted U2, not the Irish band nor the Lockheed spy jet but the real U2. Chips out. Click

As he stood to go he thought of standing tall in the forthcoming fight. If the GGs knew what Fish and Chips knew they probably cancel Global Guardian 01. Standing tall is something John Wayne always did, Burton Cummings sang about and we are led to do. Those of us who know how to play "follow the leader". His vibrating instrument went off and he read the text "Ramarundel 8P" He texted and CCed Ramshead Annapolis 8p to Fish, ****erel and back to Earhart so they would all be on the same page. As he left the men's room he realized that he still needed batteries for his Wal-Mart and he picked up the pace, not Peter Pace the CJCS taken out before Global Thunder 08, but his pace of moving quickly to B24, walking through the open door and wondering what Earhart and ****erel were going to lay bare to Fish and Chips at the Ramshead Bar in Annapolis, Md which happens to be in Anne Arundel County, Md. David knew that Hamish and Amelia were the best of the best at what they did. He was no slouch either, when it came to D7 and VPLs he was the "right man for the job". A good man is hard to find, and vice versa.


His instrument vibrated near B24 and he was in a hurry but the woman on the line was communicating another panic situation. "Chips, Ramshead 8P"

"Cut the c/s little brother, I just found out through listeners that Bill and Hillary are in a panic; appears they saw a CNN/VNN closed circuit TV show in the Oval Office before leaving with the FBI records and China service. Tomoye's paramilitaries ambushed them in a virtual war room. They were forced to watch a private showing of a snuff film from the TOTAL-POWER Radio Canada archives - a gory Haitian voodoo ceremony attended by cocaine-snorting Bill back in 1995. They were texted with a list of painful consequences if a list of sinners, including John Deutch, Roger Clinton and Marc Rich didn't get pardoned in 48 hours. Tomoye's leaders told them to extort the enemy with stolen FBI files. They had to make sure Norman Mineta, Secretary of Commerce after the Arkancided Ron Brown and William Daley, Gore's presidential campaign chairman in the Clinton administration, got a U.S. Department of Transportation gig with the incoming Bushies.

"Yes big sister, I picked up what you laid down the first time and we can fill in Fish and ****erel at the Ramshead. One favor please, no more sentences including Eve and ****erel in the same breath."

"Granted, little brother but why?"

"Eve, ****erel and Hillary in one sentence are more than I can bear."

"Wow, you are correct, never again."

"Actually that was Ashcroft former AG. He penned a book "9/11 never again" and then he showed his cards by never riding on Boeing airliners again."

"DOJ3 out" click

David thought to himself, what do Nancy Pelosi and Robert Ashcroft know that the traveling public should know? Boeing's were illegally modified and exported, like Adam Air 574, Kenya Airways 507 and other accidents waiting to happen. Exactly.

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