9 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Sunni Strongholds; McCain says we'll be in Iraq for 100 years



January 10, 2008
9 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Sunni Strongholds
ARAB HAMADAH, Iraq - In one of the deadliest stretches for American troops
in months, militants killed nine soldiers in the volatile Sunni Arab
heartlands north of Baghdad on Tuesday and Wednesday as the military began
its third offensive in a year to dislodge Sunni guerrillas from sanctuaries
deep within the lush farmlands and palm groves of Diyala Province.

Six of the American soldiers were killed Wednesday at an unspecified
location in Diyala in part of the offensive when insurgents detonated a
large bomb hidden in a house. Four other soldiers were wounded, and an
interpreter of unknown nationality was killed.

A military spokesman later confirmed that the explosion had occurred while
the soldiers were clearing a building.

The military did not release further information, but in Diyala, northeast
of Baghdad, house bombs have long been a staple weapon for Sunni fighters
who try to lure soldiers inside booby-trapped buildings. Another house
rigged to explode was discovered in the Diyala village of Khan Bani Saad on
Sunday. Warplanes destroyed it with bombs.

Three American soldiers were killed Tuesday in neighboring Salahuddin
Province, where fighting has been fierce recently between Sunni extremists
and Sunni militiamen who have allied with American forces.

The attacks were another sign that insurgents remained very strong in the
Sunni-dominated cities and countryside north of Baghdad.

Sixteen Americans have died already this year, mostly north of Baghdad, and
Sunni militants have carried out devastating attacks in Diyala against Sunni
militiamen who recently joined forces with American troops.

Five severed heads were found on a road near the provincial capital, Baquba,
on Monday. The killers used blood to scrawl a gruesome warning in Arabic
across the foreheads: Join the American-backed militias "and you will end up
like this."

While the Diyala insurgents have been striking at American soldiers and
their Sunni militia allies, the commander of American ground troops in
northern Iraq acknowledged on Wednesday that many of the militants who were
the focus of the new offensive had fled in advance, possibly after being
tipped off.

"I'm sure there's active leaking of communication," said the northern
commander, Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling.

Encountering insurgent booby traps but few evident insurgents, troops in
armored Stryker units advanced through the Diyala River Valley on Wednesday
during the second day of the offensive. Soldiers passed through deserted
streets on patrols aimed at driving extremist Islamist factions from their
strongholds north of Baquba.

Speaking to reporters in Baghdad, General Hertling identified unsecured
Iraqi Army communications as a possible reason the insurgents targets had
managed to slip through the net, as may have happened before an offensive in
Baquba last June. He noted that the Iraqi forces relied on unsecured
cellphones and radios.

However, General Hertling said forces would continue to hunt Al Qaeda in
Mesopotamia, the homegrown Sunni insurgent group that the American military
says is led by foreigners.

He described the Diyala offensive as part of a wider operation to kill or
capture the group's fighters across the country. General Hertling said that
in his northern command, 24,000 American troops, 50,000 Iraq soldiers and
80,000 Iraqi police officers were now involved in the hunt. He said that in
Diyala Province, 20 to 30 of the group's fighters had been killed since the
start of the current operation.

Planners said before the operation that the Diyala Valley was a stronghold
for extremist groups, including Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the Islamic State
of Iraq and Ansar al-Sunna.

But as soldiers of Company I, Third Squadron, Second Stryker Cavalry
Regiment moved in from the north on the second day of the offensive, they
found little sign of the 200 or so insurgents thought to be operating there.

In villages near the insurgents' supposed nerve center, residents confirmed
that carloads of armed and masked men operated freely until recently. Some
residents said the gunmen left after being alerted to the operation by
increased helicopter traffic.

The American troops say they believe that some insurgents remained, in part
because residents reported that one car bomb was planted on the morning the
offensive began. They say they also suspect that some residents know more
than they disclose but are too intimidated to speak, at least until American
and Iraqi forces show they are going to remain in the area.

Near the village of Arab Hamadah, the Stryker unit discovered an Islamist
leaflet bearing a photograph of an attack on an Iraqi government checkpoint
and threatening to "kill anyone working with the Iraqi Army, the police and
the American forces."

It also warned residents not to become part of the Awakening, the Sunni
tribal movement that has turned against Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia and begun
cooperating with the Americans, providing neighborhood watch patrols that
are increasingly the targets of insurgents.

As the Americans moved through vineyards and canals, First Lt. David Moore
said the dense vegetation posed the greatest threat.

"None of us is afraid of the firefights, the guns and all that," he said.
"It is the deep-buried stuff that you can't see.

"I don't think we have lost anybody from our company in a firefight; we have
only lost people from explosions."

But even before news emerged of Wednesday's deadly attack, officers voiced
fears that as they penetrated deeper into insurgent strongholds, the threat
of house bombs would increase.
On Jan 10, 9:00 am, "Sid9" <s...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> January 10, 2008
> 9 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Sunni Strongholds
> ARAB HAMADAH, Iraq - In one of the deadliest stretches for American troops
> in months, militants killed nine soldiers in the volatile Sunni Arab
> heartlands north of Baghdad on Tuesday and Wednesday as the military began
> its third offensive in a year to dislodge Sunni guerrillas from sanctuaries
> deep within the lush farmlands and palm groves of Diyala Province.
> Six of the American soldiers were killed Wednesday at an unspecified
> location in Diyala in part of the offensive when insurgents detonated a
> large bomb hidden in a house. Four other soldiers were wounded, and an
> interpreter of unknown nationality was killed.
> A military spokesman later confirmed that the explosion had occurred while
> the soldiers were clearing a building.
> The military did not release further information, but in Diyala, northeast
> of Baghdad, house bombs have long been a staple weapon for Sunni fighters
> who try to lure soldiers inside booby-trapped buildings. Another house
> rigged to explode was discovered in the Diyala village of Khan Bani Saad on
> Sunday. Warplanes destroyed it with bombs.
> Three American soldiers were killed Tuesday in neighboring Salahuddin
> Province, where fighting has been fierce recently between Sunni extremists
> and Sunni militiamen who have allied with American forces.
> The attacks were another sign that insurgents remained very strong in the
> Sunni-dominated cities and countryside north of Baghdad.
> Sixteen Americans have died already this year, mostly north of Baghdad, and
> Sunni militants have carried out devastating attacks in Diyala against Sunni
> militiamen who recently joined forces with American troops.
> Five severed heads were found on a road near the provincial capital, Baquba,
> on Monday. The killers used blood to scrawl a gruesome warning in Arabic
> across the foreheads: Join the American-backed militias "and you will end up
> like this."
> While the Diyala insurgents have been striking at American soldiers and
> their Sunni militia allies, the commander of American ground troops in
> northern Iraq acknowledged on Wednesday that many of the militants who were
> the focus of the new offensive had fled in advance, possibly after being
> tipped off.
> "I'm sure there's active leaking of communication," said the northern
> commander, Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling.
> Encountering insurgent booby traps but few evident insurgents, troops in
> armored Stryker units advanced through the Diyala River Valley on Wednesday
> during the second day of the offensive. Soldiers passed through deserted
> streets on patrols aimed at driving extremist Islamist factions from their
> strongholds north of Baquba.
> Speaking to reporters in Baghdad, General Hertling identified unsecured
> Iraqi Army communications as a possible reason the insurgents targets had
> managed to slip through the net, as may have happened before an offensive in
> Baquba last June. He noted that the Iraqi forces relied on unsecured
> cellphones and radios.
> However, General Hertling said forces would continue to hunt Al Qaeda in
> Mesopotamia, the homegrown Sunni insurgent group that the American military
> says is led by foreigners.
> He described the Diyala offensive as part of a wider operation to kill or
> capture the group's fighters across the country. General Hertling said that
> in his northern command, 24,000 American troops, 50,000 Iraq soldiers and
> 80,000 Iraqi police officers were now involved in the hunt. He said that in
> Diyala Province, 20 to 30 of the group's fighters had been killed since the
> start of the current operation.
> Planners said before the operation that the Diyala Valley was a stronghold
> for extremist groups, including Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the Islamic State
> of Iraq and Ansar al-Sunna.
> But as soldiers of Company I, Third Squadron, Second Stryker Cavalry
> Regiment moved in from the north on the second day of the offensive, they
> found little sign of the 200 or so insurgents thought to be operating there.
> In villages near the insurgents' supposed nerve center, residents confirmed
> that carloads of armed and masked men operated freely until recently. Some
> residents said the gunmen left after being alerted to the operation by
> increased helicopter traffic.
> The American troops say they believe that some insurgents remained, in part
> because residents reported that one car bomb was planted on the morning the
> offensive began. They say they also suspect that some residents know more
> than they disclose but are too intimidated to speak, at least until American
> and Iraqi forces show they are going to remain in the area.
> Near the village of Arab Hamadah, the Stryker unit discovered an Islamist
> leaflet bearing a photograph of an attack on an Iraqi government checkpoint
> and threatening to "kill anyone working with the Iraqi Army, the police and
> the American forces."
> It also warned residents not to become part of the Awakening, the Sunni
> tribal movement that has turned against Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia and begun
> cooperating with the Americans, providing neighborhood watch patrols that
> are increasingly the targets of insurgents.
> As the Americans moved through vineyards and canals, First Lt. David Moore
> said the dense vegetation posed the greatest threat.
> "None of us is afraid of the firefights, the guns and all that," he said.
> "It is the deep-buried stuff that you can't see.
> "I don't think we have lost anybody from our company in a firefight; we have
> only lost people from explosions."
> But even before news emerged of Wednesday's deadly attack, officers voiced
> fears that as they penetrated deeper into insurgent strongholds, the threat
> of house bombs would increase.

>100 years huh?!! Well I advise those troops in Korea to ask for an extension there too..

And I expect a lot more Iraqis won't be seeing the next generation of
their families..
They are going to need canes and hearing aids before this whole
occupation is over.
"Sid9" <sid9@bellsouth.net> wrote in alt.politics.bush:

> January 10, 2008

> 9 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Sunni Strongholds

It's a number.

--- Contemptible Bush Apologist Tony Snow

Nobody is happy about losing lives but remember these are not draftees,
these are full-time professional soldiers.

--- Chickenhawk-in-Chief of Senate Mitch McConnell
from babeejm:

"> Five severed heads were found on a road near the provincial capital,
> on Monday. The killers used blood to scrawl a gruesome warning in Arabic
> across the foreheads: Join the American-backed militias "and you will end
> up
> like this."..."

They must have awfully small writing.

Of course, the American-backed militia dudes will have something equally as
threatening to write on the decapitated terrorist's foreheads, so it all
evens out in the end.
McCain will be dead in 3 years, so he doesn't give a **** how long
America will be there.
goatman wrote:
> McCain will be dead in 3 years, so he doesn't give a **** how long
> America will be there.

AmeriKKKa's dollar is now valued at 60 cents and heading for 10 cents.

Oil is 100 bucks a barrel heading for $300.00.
(in AmeriKKKa, alternative energy is a dirty thought)

And whatever every AmeriKKKunt paid for their house in the last 10
years, is 3 times what it's actually worth (and it's actual worth is
about to pop like a bubble).

Perhaps McCain knows AmeriKKKa won't be around that much longer than

On Jan 11, 9:53 am, goatman <gene...@gmail.com> wrote:
> McCain will be dead in 3 years, so he doesn't give a **** how long
> America will be there.

McCain comes from good genes. He'll be around longer than you will
and either him or Obama will be our next President. Either one is
better than that master manipulator Hillary.