a Christian missionary, was hired ,schedule included Bible reading,hymn singing, and inspection of b



WHITE Christians are the most EVIL of all animals ever created

Judge them not by what they say , but by what they do , they have a
very long history

If you believe what they say , your children will be killed , and
every thing you own will be stolen or destroyed

Aboriginal people who resisted were called terrorists

Brave soldiers who hunted them down were called heroes and honerable
and patriotic

One day christians will discover the truth , is it any wonder Islam
grows so fast

One day a Tasmanian Aboriginal will grind the christian religions
"bones" into dust

There is a GOD and he demands JUSTICE , the christians crimes can no
longer go unpunished

The fight back has begun, GOD willing


"The Black War of Van Diemen's Land" was the name of the official
campaign of terror directed against the Black people of Tasmania.
Between 1803 and 1830 the Black aborigines of Tasmania were reduced
from an estimated five-thousand people to less than seventy-five. An
article published December 1, 1826 in the Tasmanian Colonial Times
declared that:

"We make no pompous display of Philanthropy. The Government must
remove the natives--if not, they will be hunted down like wild beasts
and destroyed!"

With the declaration of martial law in November 1828, Whites were
authorized to kill Blacks on sight. Although the Blacks offered a
heroic resistance, the wooden clubs and sharpened sticks of the
Aborigines were no match against the firepower, ruthlessness, and
savagery exercised by the Europeans against them. In time, a bounty
was declared on Blacks, and "Black catching," as it was called, soon
became a big business; five pounds for each adult Aborigine, two
pounds for each child. After considering proposals to capture them
for sale as slaves, poison or trap them, or hunt them with dogs, the
government settled on continued bounties and the use of mounted

After the Black War, for political expediency, the status of the
Blacks, who were no longer regarded as a physical threat, was reduced
to that of a nuisance and a bother, and with loud and pious
exclamations that it was for the benefit of the Blacks themselves, the
remainder of the Aborigines were rounded up and placed in
concentration camps.

In 1830 George Augustus Robinson, a Christian missionary, was hired to
round up the remaining Tasmanian Blacks and take them to Flinders
Island, thirty miles away. Many of Robinson's captives died along the
way. By 1843 only fifty survived. Jared Diamond recorded that:

"On Flinders Island Robinson was determined to civilize and
Christianize the survivors. His settlement--at a windy site with
little fresh water--was run like a jail. Children were separated from
parents to facilitate the work of civilizing them. The regimental
daily schedule included Bible reading, hymn singing, and inspection of
beds and dishes for cleanness and neatness. However, the jail diet
caused malnutrition, which combined with illness to make the natives
die. Few infants survived more than a few weeks. The government
reduced expenditures in the hope that the native would die out. By
1869 only Truganini, one other woman, and one man remained alive."

According to so cial historian Clive Turnbull, the activities of these
criminals would soon include the "shooting, bashing out brains,
burning alive, and slaughter of Aborigines for dogs' meat."

Tactics for hunting down Tasmanians included riding out on horseback
to shoot them, setting out steel traps to catch them, and putting out
poison flour where they might find and eat it. Sheperds cut off the
penis and testicles of aboriginal men, to watch the men run a few
yards before dying. At a hill christened Mount Victory, settlers
slaughtered 30 Tasmanians and threw their bodies over a cliff. One
party of police killed 70 Tasmanians and dashed out the children's

Europeans convicted of tying aboriginal "Tasmanian women to logs and
burning them with firebrands, or forcing a woman to wear the head of
her freshly murdered husband on a string around her neck."

"We hear of children kidnapped as pets or servants, of a woman chained
up like an animal in a sheperd's hut, of men castrated to keep them
off their own women.

In one foray seventy aborigines were killed, the men shot, the
women and children dragged from crevices in the rocks to have their
brains dashed out. A man called Carrotts, desiring a native woman,
decapitated her husband, hung his head around her neck and drove her
home to his shack."

After considering proposals to capture them for sale as slaves, poison
or trap them, or hunt them with dogs, the government settled on
continued bounties and the use of mounted police.

On May 7, 1876, Truganini, the last full-blood Black person in
Tasmania, died at seventy-three years of age. Her mother had been
stabbed to death by a European. Her sister was kidnapped by
Europeans. Her intended husband was drowned by two Europeans in her
presence, while his murderers raped her. her 2 sisters were sols as
slaves and lived on Kangaroo Island , Sukey outlived Truganini by
several years

It might be accurately said that Truganini's numerous personal
sufferings typify the tragedy of the Black people of Tasmania as a
whole. She was thought to be the very last [not correct ]. "Don't
let them cut me up," she begged the doctor as she lay dying. After
her burial, Truganini's body was exhumed, and her skeleton, strung
upon wires and placed upright in a box, became for many years the most
popular exhibit in the Tasmanian Museum and remained on display until
1947. Finally, in 1976--the centenary years of Truganini's death--
despite the museum's objections, her skeleton was cremated and her
ashes scattered at sea.

Truganinis "body parts" were still held in Museums until very

"kangarooistan" <peramangk@gmail.com> wrote in message
> WHITE Christians are the most EVIL of all animals ever created
> Judge them not by what they say , but by what they do , they have a
> very long history
> If you believe what they say , your children will be killed , and
> every thing you own will be stolen or destroyed
> Aboriginal people who resisted were called terrorists
> Brave soldiers who hunted them down were called heroes and honerable
> and patriotic
> One day christians will discover the truth , is it any wonder Islam
> grows so fast
> One day a Tasmanian Aboriginal will grind the christian religions
> "bones" into dust
> There is a GOD and he demands JUSTICE , the christians crimes can no
> longer go unpunished
> The fight back has begun, GOD willing

Since when are Tasmanian Aboriginals humans?
On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 09:16:58 -0500, "Patriot Games"
<Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>"kangarooistan" <peramangk@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> WHITE Christians are the most EVIL of all animals ever created
>> Judge them not by what they say , but by what they do , they have a
>> very long history
>> If you believe what they say , your children will be killed , and
>> every thing you own will be stolen or destroyed
>> Aboriginal people who resisted were called terrorists
>> Brave soldiers who hunted them down were called heroes and honerable
>> and patriotic
>> One day christians will discover the truth , is it any wonder Islam
>> grows so fast
>> One day a Tasmanian Aboriginal will grind the christian religions
>> "bones" into dust
>> There is a GOD and he demands JUSTICE , the christians crimes can no
>> longer go unpunished
>> The fight back has begun, GOD willing

>Since when are Tasmanian Aboriginals humans?

ummm...... about the last hundred thousand years or so jerkwad!

WB Yeats