A+ for Todd


New member
why not? I think this would give better protection than the proarmor skid i had to modifiy. Now i just need to find a sprocket guard and i'll be golden!


Active Members
I guess this set up is my next buy.. hope it holds the Baja 500.
You don't run a full skid plate mamito, my buddy has broken two chains so far with that style sproket/chain guard. They haven't seemed to hold up well to the rocks around here. Then again a full skid plate might last two seasons here. Lots or rock


El Mamito USMC

Active Members
You don't run a full skid plate mamito, my buddy has broken two chains so far with that style sproket/chain guard. They haven't seemed to hold up well to the rocks around here. Then again a full skid plate might last two seasons here. Lots or rock
i do but i had to cut it to fit my chain guide.. but the rear part when hit by rocks it bend into the sprocket and i have to get a rock and unbend it.. maybe ill just take out the chain guide and run again the skid plate. or get the skidplate that comes with the integraded chain guide..

maybe we'll just run this set up and have an extra skid, sprocket and chain on hand just in case it brakes..



New member
IT's better to have protection than not. I dont see how a sprocket guard paring up with this texieria skid i just got, would be a problem. If anything.... yeah i'd keep extra parts at my disposal in case something happens. The odds of that is fairly slim i'd say.

To answer baileygunns's question. Well it's actually complete but it feels like i need to replace right wheel hubs. It wobbles some when i took the bike for a spin. or maybe it could be the tires lol. Other things i need are headlight, tail light, and install the ccp stabilizer. That will come in spring after i get a job again.

edit: oh and a tachmeter. my trailtech vapor broke when the bike rolled lol.

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