A Message From Turkey!


New member
This message is written by the number 1 LP FAN from http://www.lpturkey.com site brought to you by myself and a whole group of dedicated and loyal fans.... this site was created in order to show love, importance loyalty and dedication we have for the greatest group in the world LP! The site is eagerly waiting for LP to do a tour in Turkey as they can be sure that every member of the site will show without any hesistation, going to a LP concert is like living an impossible dream. The site includes lyrics which are I translate into Turkish myself, sometimes it's difficult but i manage it LINKIN PARK ARE WORTH IT!!

If there are any fans located in Turkey they are more then welcome to become a member of our site as we invite you all to unite with us. The site enanbles all loyal and commited fans to reunite, we hope that LINKIN will add beauty to our country with a concert that thousands of fans will remember for a LIFETIME!

P.S Anyone reading this post don't forget to visit our site http://www.lpturkey.com and join LP's circle of loyality!




New member
Yeah but if we did that wouldn't we

be breaking rules o_O

IDK but if they do we would have to wait and see what the admin thinks



Active Members
Yeah but if we did that wouldn't we be breaking rules o_O

IDK but if they do we would have to wait and see what the admin thinks
Yeah...I think it's deffinately against the rules...like this "ever been to LPU ?" thread yesterday



New member
Yeah and I think the thread is even in the wrong forums O.O

AAAhhh well just have to wait now it might get locked and the link removed o_O



New member
Lp Forever And Always!

People need to realise that LP FANS are everywhere no matter where you look we're there forever and always!! http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/903/pl1ts.jpg



New member
IDK really mind the ads me it's just

like let's say my forums I don't allow ads

cause you never know spam bots/dummies

they could make their own accounts and post up ads about something

with a dangerous virus

so I don't really click on links in forums anymore

IDK if it's the same reason as here -_-



New member
Why are so many people against ads? i dont get it what's wrong with sharing the our site with other people in this forum?


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