A moment of silence for Saddam

Come on, man, Saddam was our guy, our bad guy. Now who do we have? Castro? No, Saddam's been our faithful nemesis for over a decade. A sad day it is.
http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-8530694302018532382&q=saddam+hanging <--Saddam Execution Video

You know, MTK has a point, now that Saddam is gone, who is the enemy now ??

If you look around the net, some say that if Saddam was returned to power, that, Iraq, along with the U.S. could come together to topple Iran.

I guess I never really saw Saddam as an enemy of America, I mean, yeah, sure, he hated America, but I didn't really see him as the type to want to destroy America.

I do think he ran Iraq with an iron fist, and I do think he was very guilty of violating MANY human rights of the people of Iraq, but, I really don't think it was any of our damn business in the first place.

I must say, I REALLY admire Mack The Knife and all the other troops like him who are just doing an assignment. Mack, your a funny S.O.B. and you god damn well better look me up when you get home, I'm sure as hell gonna get you ****ing trashed as hell, even stoned out of your mind if you want.

I met your brother BTW, he's kind of a heavy set kid, but pretty cool.

I've had more laughs from the **** you post on the local boards, and the fun we have messing around on it pissing off Jim Dean then I ever get from GF.

I hope with the death of Saddam, a new objective can be found to bring you and the rest of the guys home.

It is my hope, that the death of Saddam will be a bit of a reality check to some of these damn "INSURGENTS" as they shall be referred.

Personally, I think the objective should have ALWAYS been Osama Bin Laden.

I believe people were TRICKED into going to war with Iraq.

But I guess if anything is to come out of the deception by the Bush administration to our troops, it would be, that they were AT LEAST part of a new world for the middle east, and the spread of democracy to a country that was being ruled by a tyrant.

It REALLY wasn't our business, but in the end, if a new way of thinking can be started in one country, then perhaps it can spread, and as an after effect, topple the Taliban and other Extremist lines of thinking in all the other countries.

I think once that happens, Osama, and any other wanna be Osama, will be forever eradicated from this earth.

Only then, will the REAL war, be won.
phreakwars said:
You know, MTK has a point, now that Saddam is gone, who is the enemy now ??

Kim Jung Ill?

Personally, I think we should go after Robin Williams. Crime? Not ever, ever being funny and called himself a ****ing "comedian".

phreakwars said:
If you look around the net, some say that if Saddam was returned to power, that, Iraq, along with the U.S. could come together to topple Iran.

We can call that war "Operation: Force Everyone To Live Like We Live".

phreakwars said:
I hope with the death of Saddam, a new objective can be found to bring you and the rest of the guys home.

I love and support the troops, but they will get no sympathy from me. They enlisted in the Armed Service and it is time for them to do their jobs. Make an adult decision, live with the consequences.

phreakwars said:
It is my hope, that the death of Saddam will be a bit of a reality check to some of these damn "INSURGENTS" as they shall be referred.

The insurgency will stop when America pulls out of Iraq, or at least hearing so much about it. The media will turn their focus to Bush's shitty domestic policies and exploit the next American Idol finalist.

phreakwars said:
Personally, I think the objective should have ALWAYS been Osama Bin Laden.

Alive or dead... you can never underestimate a man's will to survive. Osama is hidden and will remain hidden until his body is unearthed twenty years from now.

phreakwars said:
I believe people were TRICKED into going to war with Iraq.

Halliburton's stock was falling.

phreakwars said:
But I guess if anything is to come out of the deception by the Bush administration to our troops, it would be, that they were AT LEAST part of a new world for the middle east, and the spread of democracy to a country that was being ruled by a tyrant.

That is, if Iraq can stand the test of time.

phreakwars said:
It REALLY wasn't our business, but in the end, if a new way of thinking can be started in one country, then perhaps it can spread, and as an after effect, topple the Taliban and other Extremist lines of thinking in all the other countries.

The people allow for the Taliban, et. al. exist and use the tired old claim that they can not do anything about it. Same **** applies here in the U.S. Folk bitch and moan about the government's policies, Bush, the price of oil, etc and do not vote. With poor excuses; I had to work late, I had a bunch of errands... bull-****ing-****... find time! Voting is a ****ing right three-quarters of the world do not have.

phreakwars said:
I think once that happens, Osama, and any other wanna be Osama, will be forever eradicated from this earth.

All those ****ers look alike... Hell... Osama could be working in the nearest Blimpie.
I dunno phreak, we dont always have to have a bad guy.....after all look around. There are enough influential people right here at home for us to hate. Unfortunately that is our own problem. we bitch and belittle untill some foreign enemy comes into sight and we all rally round...perhaps its time to rally around our local enemies and weed them out before we go outside our boarders...Granted we get picked on because of that attitude but until we can fix ourselves we cant really justify fixing anyone else...

but thats me...

our countries age is starting to become respectable, not that we are acting that way, but its time we fix matters at home in all aspects.......



I wasnt elected ambasador to the world....crap...my bad
Vortex said:
I dunno phreak, we dont always have to have a bad guy.....after all look around. There are enough influential people right here at home for us to hate. Unfortunately that is our own problem. we bitch and belittle untill some foreign enemy comes into sight and we all rally round...perhaps its time to rally around our local enemies and weed them out before we go outside our boarders...Granted we get picked on because of that attitude but until we can fix ourselves we cant really justify fixing anyone else...

Sadly, I don't believe America is quite ready to elect an ex drag queen as President.
Woot woot..we got another 200 pounds of rotting human flesh...a minority supressed in virtually all other areas of the region got a martyr.

Not only that, but in at a time when most executions are carried out with lethal injection, they got a martyr whose death will be all the more memorable because he was hung. Go go revenge and brutality, who cares if it spawns another 10 years of violence in an area with no shortage of it.

Maybe after all the celebrating dies down a little we can ask who really won?
I find it funny despite Saddam's warcrimes, people are bitching and complaining about how he was executed. If I am not mistaken, hanging is one of the most humane methods of execution. And these idiots are bitching about it. The mother****er got off easy. Someone could have gassed him to death, or put him in a ballsitic missile testing area or hell...even cut off his head like the insurgents cut off soldiers and civilians heads.

Shut the **** up and get over it you snivelling assclowns (to whom it may concern). The ****er is dead. Don't bitch about how he died. Be glad that he is.
Outlaw2747 said:
I find it funny despite Saddam's warcrimes, people are bitching and complaining about how he was executed. If I am not mistaken, hanging is one of the most humane methods of execution. And these idiots are bitching about it. The mother****er got off easy. Someone could have gassed him to death, or put him in a ballsitic missile testing area or hell...even cut off his head like the insurgents cut off soldiers and civilians heads.

Shut the **** up and get over it you snivelling assclowns (to whom it may concern). The ****er is dead. Don't bitch about how he died. Be glad that he is.

yeah damn lucky. Think of the thousands that went out a lot worse ways in the same prison.
And it was the way the Iraqis wanted it.
Vortex said:
we dont always have to have a bad guy.

Actually, as americans...we always need a bad guy. The American public, due to it's long standing relationship with the Classical Hero myth; the Travails of the Cowboy, and the modern Super-man obsession, always needs a bad guy.

It's a pity that our nation sees things in such crisp and clear "good guy" and "bad guy" stereotypes. At the end of the day, most of us feel that Saddam deserved death because he was a "bad guy". Great, aren't we a mature bunch of individuals.

Hail! Ceasar has been killed, our Hitler is gone! The american media is obsessed with taking any political individual and painting either a halo or horns on their head. And we, the american people, swallow it...sorry to have to turn to vulgar references...but like a whore who got a large tip for the blow job.

Saddam was bad, Bush is good, Taliban is bad, Kurds are good. How disgusting that we throw massive generalizations over such complex political, ethnic, and social scenarios. That's why people everywhere are disgusted by us.

And now that we don't have that villain crawling in the corner about to attack us...we have to find a new one. Because at the end of the day, if we don't have a villain, then we cease to be heroes.
Nicely said, have some REP.

Getting back on track a bit, if you think the leaked clip of the execution was something.. check out the ****ing funeral: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2960356b1e

They actually open the casket and you see Saddam's corpse for THE LAST TIME EVER !!

I guess at first you might think you see a bunch of crazed Muslims screaming "GOD IS GREAT" in Arabic, but, if you think about it, you are seeing screams of grief from people devoted to this man.

You can't say he was a COMPLETE villain now could you ??

Your not gonna tell me all those people in the video mourning for the guy are insurgents.
They actually open the casket and you see Saddam's corpse for THE LAST TIME EVER !!

Even I didnt like the guy but I think all this celebration is really retarded. Whats there to celebrate? I mean he was gonna die someday anyway and who knows phreak, we might die in a worse way than he did. e.g getting mauled by a dog. The fact of the matter is why celebrate when we will all go after him someday and we'll all end up the same way, DEAD!!! Hooray!!!:rolleyes:
if it's the same movie i saw (shows full hanging) pause at frame 2:31 it's gotta be exactly 2:31, funny ****, shows him VERY! clearly hanging looking up and behind him like his neck is 3 feet long, all the color in the frame changes and everything, it's cool